
Queen of Everything
"Thank you Nana. It's comforting to know he is himself, though it does not tell us what his intentions are. He still may be completely at odds with our companies goals."

Ruby held out the dagger for the grandmother to look over. "Lawrence found this hidden in the cough. I do not yet want to show it to Maurice. It's magical and I think it has something to do with making other magical items. Can you tell what this Atlantian writing says?"

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Silver Moon

" Can you tell what this Atlantian writing says?"
Mina spends a minute looking it over and says, "Yes, it is the instructions for making the potion that Lawrence and I discovered Chevreul working on several days ago. It is a very advanced version of a self-transformation elixir.

Some human transformation potions allow you to become anybody you wish and you just need to think of whom. Others require a physical object from the person, often a lock of hair. This one is much, much more complex than that, requiring a more substantial component from the individual, usually a finger or toe, although other body parts of equal size could be used. The item can't be taken from a corpse either, in fact, for the magic to work the person needs to remain alive while the other person is transformed into them.

The main advantages of this potion over a standard transformation item or potion, is that this transformation in undetectable and cannot be dispelled unless the person they resemble dies. It also transfers not only the physical resemblance but also the short-term memories from the person. The other main disadvantage is that the potion has a very short shelf-life before use, typically ten to twelve hours maximum."
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Silver Moon

"So... General Orabi? Seems logical to me."
Mina says, "Well, he was badly wounded in battle and the French had their physician operate on him immediately afterwards. The could have obtained enough muscle and tissue then from his body to fulfill the material component needed for the elixier."

Steve Jung

If not for the combination of a clumsy janitor spilling a large bucket of wash water on the President and his party, simultaneous to the passing by of a wagon filled with linens that the two American spies jumped from the 3rd floor window into, all would have been lost." Turning to Lawrence he says, "Mr. Cantrell, I was that janitor, and another member of my team was driving that wagon."
Lawrence squints at the man, staring intently at his face. Then Lawrence brightens and says, "I knew there was something familiar about you. Let me shake your hand." Lawrence pumps Beaujoulais' hand. "You and your team kept us out of Andersonville or worse. Hah, I wish I could have seen the face on the Spanish ambassador's face when Seward showed him those papers."


Queen of Everything
Ruby shook her head and sighed. "I just have a feeling it wasn't truly him that did such a bad thing. At any rate, let's get back inside all together and we can decide for real where we are going. It seems we can trust Maurice." She took the dagger, re-wrapped it and hid it inside her robes. One side of her lip turned into a smile, "Well, I don't trust anyone so let's keep this to ourselves for the moment." She waved a hand for her grandmother to go back into the room first, then followed her in.

"What it is that we are waiting until we are all together to discuss?"

Silver Moon

Lawrence pumps Beaujoulais' hand. "You and your team kept us out of Andersonville or worse. Hah, I wish I could have seen the face on the Spanish ambassador's face when Seward showed him those papers."
Beaujoulais says, "It was my pleasure Mr. Cantrell, and I'll have you know that your team returned the favor with interest a few months later. The only communication between our teams was with the two team leaders, who made sure that we stayed out of each other's way while overlapping when it was necessary."
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Silver Moon

"What it is that we are waiting until we are all together to discuss?"
Seeing them enter Beaujoulais says, "In an effort to protect some identities I chose to gloss over a few facts earlier, and have been called out on it. Given the stakes involved it is imperative that we trust one another.

Your team was aware of the identities of myself and my team members Henry Jekyll, Callum Stuart and young Henry Jones, so when I described our actions of the last half-day I implied that was my entire team. I purposely left out the identities and actions of two other team members that you were not aware of, as their lives would be in grave danger if their current associates knew they were working for the British Crown.

One is an Egyptian on the King's staff, and it was he who helped to quickly get us the magical carpet to extract the unconscious Jekyll and then transport him to Heliopolis. The sixth team member then took on the disguise that Jekyll had used earlier, and we went to Gizah.

We watched what transpired there from a distance. Our only direct involvement occurred after we saw the Frenchmen Rene Belloq and Henri Moissan blocking off the ventilation shafts of the pyramid that you were trapped inside. We forced them to stop and flee, and were trying to reverse their damage when you managed to escape the trap. We withdrew then, where our fifth team member then retrieved us from Gizah using the magical carpet."


George had been staring at the bomb and thinking as he listened to the vetting of Maurice and the discovery of the dagger and the potion instructions. He turns, "Ok, so we have a suspected manner of impersonating Orabi, one that is fairly extensive. It does also mean that Orabi is more than likely alive, or was a few hours ago. If I were the French I would want to keep him alive so that the body does not suddenly revert to that of the assassin. So we will need to find him. The fact that they had to use Berhardt for the princess says that they had not abducted her in time to acquire the needed body parts before they had to leave to the pyramids. That or they did not wish or fear to remove that much tissue from the princess. They good news is that if Orabi is alive it completely refutes what people saw at the pyramid, clearing his name and hopefully averting the war. We have two issues remaining: this bomb and to which destination do we travel. To make matters worse, Orabi and the princess may be in separate locations. Nerferka is our primary objective now though. Despite what Maurice has said I think we should follow the other airship as that is the most likely location of the princess. Orabi may very well be out on the French gunship. I realize it will be sunk, my hope is to get there quickly. So we need to decide quickly, to where do we set off? I say the dirigible, but what do you all say?" asks George

Silver Moon

Despite what Maurice has said I think we should follow the other airship as that is the most likely location of the princess. Orabi may very well be out on the French gunship. I realize it will be sunk, my hope is to get there quickly. So we need to decide quickly, to where do we set off? I say the dirigible, but what do you all say?" asks George
Maurice says, "Mr. Eastman, I currently have operatives at all three possible locations. As I had stated earlier, Henry Jekyll and Callum Stuart are at in Heraklieon watching the French ship Armide. My biggest concern now is that they have orders to sink the Armide if it attempts to leave Egyptian waters, and they are unaware that the Princess or General Orabi may be on board."

He then says, "My other two operatives are in Tel-el Kabir, awaiting the start of the battle, now a mere two hours away. The Egyptian operative remains in the Egyptian boy disguise and is at the camp of the Egyptian rebel troops. The other is currently with the British forces, which also has a team of Frenchmen and small dirigible behind the lines. Young Henry here has been using the magical carpet to coordinate messages between those two operatives and myself."

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