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Pathfinder 1E [OOC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


Elsbeth can use the wand of Magic Missile. If no one else wants it or can use it, she will take posession. You can subtract the value of it from her share of the treasure along with the value of the flasks of alchemist fire.

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Skyrocket (Fireworks II): 1 pound each

We will use this from Ultimate Equipment:
Price 2 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This leather or hemp harness allows a holder to restrain and control a domesticated animal. A harness is standard equipment for anyone trying to teach an animal tricks with the Handle Animal skill. Ready-made harnesses are available in most markets for common domesticated animals such as cats, dogs, horses, and oxen, but harnesses can be made for nearly any creature.

I am also ruling that any equipment the eidolon has on him stays with him as he travels back to his home plane. [Note: I could not find any official ruling for this. The internet kinda goes both ways. I chose how I would rule it.]
I think that is fair as well. :)

Fastus wants some of the fireworks (say 2? Depends on the price), and Sachiko as well I think. He'll probably get the small ones too, if he has the coins (for celebration more than anything else :)).
Fine by me.

Jariah can take whatever is left over since she is a ranged combatant/support character during combat.

Elsbeth can use the wand of Magic Missile. If no one else wants it or can use it, she will take posession. You can subtract the value of it from her share of the treasure along with the value of the flasks of alchemist fire.
Considering that Elsbeth buying the wand from her share, if she does not have enough gp, then Jariah will consider loaning gp from her share.

So let's raffle off the ring amongst those that want it? Put Fastus's name in the hat, of course.
The magic list is thus:
Potions of Cure Light Wounds 11 ->Fastusx2, Suldrelx2, Wirethx2, Jariahx2, Elsbethx2, Sachikox1
Wand of Cure Light Wounds -> Sachiko
Ring of Protection +1 -> Fastus, Jariah (For Jakira), Suldrel, or Wireth
2 Cloaks of Resistance +1 -> Sachiko & ??

The two cloaks are the big ticket items for now, and probably best given to those that need them. The ring should go to the front line character that has the lowest AC after we have finished our individual shopping (assuming we will get the chance).

The two cloaks; probably should go to the PCs that are most in danger of being targeted by a spell or something. At this level, I am not sure if we can tell right now. I would suggest Sachiko and Fastus take them since they are our healers. Elsbeth would be my 3rd choice since she provides magical support and might draw more attacks because of it.

After we have fought some battles, I notice we have a very melee combat focus and lack ranged capabilities. I would suggest some characters invest in ranged combat capabilities and/or reach weapons for when we are in close quarters. We have a rather large party and not everyone can reach the enemy most of the time.


Guest 11456

So the following are considered party magic items:
11 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Ring of Protection +1
2 Cloaks of Resistance +1

The following is NOT considered a party magic item but rather an individual magic item:
Wand of Magic Missile

Is this correct?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Those first two fights have been claustrophically closed-in though. I'm really hoping our battlefields will be more open in the future, allowing us to manoeuvre a bit.

Fastus technically has a sling and lead bullets if need be.


So the following are considered party magic items:
11 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Ring of Protection +1
2 Cloaks of Resistance +1

The following is NOT considered a party magic item but rather an individual magic item:
Wand of Magic Missile

Is this correct?


Guest 11456

With Fastus' connections you are able to find a buyer for all of the equipment that you wish to sell. He was even able to find a collector of odd items to actually pay for the formula book that the goblin bomber had. Also with Fastus' connections he was able to get an additional 10% for all sold items.

You turn in the ears and head. There is a bit of a discrepancy. Some members seemed to think it was 20gp per goblin because they each have two ears. But the ears merely make it easier to collect. At 10gp per goblin and 300gp for Gutwad's head that is a total of 590gp.

Also, upon hearing of your dealings with the goblins, Shalelu Andosana is genuinely impressed. From what you know of the elf she is normally hard to impress.

The totals are:
Elsbeth - 2 Flasks of Alchemist Fire, Small Silver Mirror (paid for by Fastus), 395gp, 2sp, 5cp
Fastus - Silver Mirror (given to Elsbeth), 2 Desnan Candles, 2 Skyrockets, Ornate Chest, 6 MW Shuriken, 259gp, 2sp, 9cp
Jariah - Flask of Acid, Tagglefoot Bag, Tindertwig, Grappling Hook, 3 Skyrockets, 317gp, 1sp, 5cp
Sachiko - Thieves' Tools, Long Hairpin w/ Red Pearl, Gold & Ivory Fan, 290gp, 7sp, 5cp
Suldrel - 433gp, 7sp, 5cp
Wireth - 433gp, 7sp, 5cp

Magic totals:
Elsbeth - Wand of Magic Missile, 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Fastus - 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Jariah - 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Sachiko - Cloak of Resistance +1, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Suldrel - 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Wireth - 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Other - Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of Resistance +1

Please role-play your shopping trips. Also you may attempt to improve your relationship with your chosen NPC. For the type of gift that could improve your relationship look at my copies of the character sheets in the Rogues Gallery. Role-play that as well. You will also notice that either your relationship with Shalelu has increased by one or you now have a relationship with her. This is due to your actions with the goblins. I have also added experience there. We are using the medium experience track.

Voidrunner's Codex

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