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stare trek 3 news


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I always though a series focused on the lower decks - a security team, perhaps - would make an awesome series. Keep the captain remote.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Plus, it wasn't "a" CEO- the ST version was to send out a majority of the ship's senior staff on a fairly regular basis. How many times did we have Captain, senior science officer, senior medical and senior engineering away on a mission?

After TOS? Not too often. Ryker mentions, I think in the first episode, that he feels it inappropriate for the captain to leave the ship on away missions most of the time, and they largely stick to it. Once LaForge becomes head of engineering, his place is usually in engineering, not on away missions, and so on. A great deal of the action of NextGen is, in fact, on board the ship.

Oh and let us note that Starfleet *is* a paramilitary organization. Most major corporations are not likely to see their home offices under fire from major artillery, right? But it happens to the Enterprise *all the time*. So, the analogy kind of breaks down, given the already-present levels of risk.


Staff member
True, but again, you really wouldn't send out the four top-ranking officers from the most protected position in the area- the starship- on an away mission. Which is one of the major improvements TNG introduced and sorta followed.


I always though a series focused on the lower decks - a security team, perhaps - would make an awesome series. Keep the captain remote.

One of the novels (can't remember which) was based on a security officer and it made for an interesting change.


Staff member
I always thought a series set in the Trek universe done without any or very few recurring major characters could be fantastic. One story arc of 3 episodes set in the Academy; another one-shot on a scouting vessel on the frontier; something on Romula; Q messing with the Klingons or Tholians for an episode or 2...
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Once A Fool
I always thought the only reason senior officers went on away missions in TOS was that Kirk was a megalomaniac. Who was very good at it.


I always thought the only reason senior officers went on away missions in TOS was that Kirk was a megalomaniac. Who was very good at it.

I don't know about megalomaniac, but "man of action" seems to fit.

A "man of action" doesn't sit on the bridge, waiting for the away team to call in and tell him what's happening. he goes there and does it himself.

Sure, for diplomatic missions, but in Star Trek the senior officers would transport down to the equivalent of an unexplored Polynesian island with an erupting volcano, to the raucous sounds of predatory animals, during World War II. They tried getting away from that a little during the ST:TNG years, explicitly, but that really didn't last.
Well, DUH, how do you think they got those shiny ranks? XP - lol

I always thought a series set in the Trek universe done without any or very few recurring major characters could be fantastic. One story arc of 3 episodes set in the Academy; another one-shot on a scouting vessel on the frontier; something on Romula; Q messing with the Klingons or Tholians for an episode or 2...
You should read the comics. While they stayed close to the originals, one of my favorites had to do when Kirk gets his ass saved by a rookie "red shirt" and dies in the process. Kirk tries to find out more about him and comes to find out that he was just a new nameless slob on the Enterprise. I think the reason it struck a cord with me is he later says he's from DeSoto, Illinois - which is about 20 miles from here; but also because Kirk realizes that the 439 members of the crew that aren't mentioned (list include, Chapel, Rand and Dr. Mbinga) are people too.


Random Star Trek-y thoughts...

I'm okay with Justin Lin directing nuTrek 3. I'm only familiar with his Fast 6, but it was a charming, thoroughly entertaining film in a series I previously had no interest in nor affection for.

A part of me is happy an Asian-American will be directing the Trek film coming out in a 50th anniversary year. Because I'm an Asian/Pacific Islander-American who has loved Star Trek since early childhood.

I'd really like to see a new TV series. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd kinda like a prestige nuTNG, for Netflix or HBO. I'd love to see what a good creative team working in that context would do with something like the Klingon Civil War plot line. I've been watching the TNG Blu-rays -- with my wife, who's been a good sport, since SF isn't her thing -- and while I enjoy them, they're... a bit schlocky compared to more contemporary serial TV drama.

Give me 10 episodes a season like GoT with the freedom to be daring w/the material and I'd be very happy.

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