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TV show Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Starts Production in 2024


Picard Season 3 is also amazing and I love the cartoons, but that is a matter of taste, some folks hate cartoons period like ny dad.
I agree 100%. Picard season 3 has been a joy, I think even those who disliked the first two seasons might enjoy it. Lower Decks is SO funny, I look forward to every new season. Prodigy has also been good, and occasionally pretty intense and dark for a kids show.
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i've long lost count of how many NuTrek shows there are now.

Feels like "throw everything against the wall and see what sticks".


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I was hoping this would be set in the Picard (post TNG) time, not the Discovery time.

One thing which bugs me about Discovery is that it's not an optimistic future, and the Federation's days are numbered. It kinda
turns all the hopeful era I enjoy into a prequel to a dystopian era.

I'll still watch it of course.


I was hoping this would be set in the Picard (post TNG) time, not the Discovery time.

One thing which bugs me about Discovery is that it's not an optimistic future, and the Federation's days are numbered. It kinda
turns all the hopeful era I enjoy into a prequel to a dystopian era.

I'll still watch it of course.
The big issue with Discovery is that it's all about big issues. Every season is a galaxy-shattering level threat, so there's never room to just let the show, characters and setting breathe.

I find it promising that they've taken on one of the actors from Lower Decks as a writer. If they can go for a more light-hearted tone with this show, it could be a return to optimism for that time period.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I find it promising that they've taken on one of the actors from Lower Decks as a writer. If they can go for a more light-hearted tone with this show, it could be a return to optimism for that time period.
Thing is it's still a time period where the Federation failed. Even if they are trying to rebuild it, in the time period I know and love, the future I know and love is doomed. It makes the previous shows feel less optimisitc to me.

I was hoping it would end with them time travelling and retconing the Burn thing, so the future remains unwritten. I'm not saying I want a guarantee the Federation will succeed, I just don't want a guarantee that it won't.

The Federation never failed - it just had a bigger setback. The Federation stayed active and alive despite losing lots of member worlds. But many stayed true to its deals and they worked hard do fix what was broken and eventually they succeeded.
We're dealing with a lot of challenges and uncertainities in politics and our environment. The Burn and 32nd century story in Star Trek doesn't promise it that it won't be hard, but it promises there we can heal and recover and move forward, even if things look grim and we have to endure hardships until we get there.
But I can understand why not everyone would enjoy that.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The Federation never failed - it just had a bigger setback. The Federation stayed active and alive despite losing lots of member worlds.
Eh, that's all just a matter of perspective. From mine, it pretty much failed. I mean, this is all pretty subjective stuff about how we feel about things.


Annnnnd I'm out.

It's really sad, because Starfleet Academy as a series had been predicted since the late 1990s. A lot of people were convinced the show after VOY would be it. I personally absolutely laser-predicted ENT, right down to the visual design, so was insufferably smug for a bit when a couple of years later we got the rumours and then reveal on that. What I totally failed to predict was how bad ENT would be lol. Oh well.

Anyway, I digress, I'm just not interested in the 32nd century. Everything is too fancy tech-wise (even though it's more like what we'd expect for the 28th century than 32nd because of all the issues they've had), to the point where it looks ultra-bland and generic. The uniforms are absolutely godawful, easily the worst Trek has ever had, which is truly saying something. The conflicts are bland and annoying, and have like, less relevance or resonance than other Star Trek conflicts (rather surprisingly).

Like most people I love Tilly and would be happy to hear she's in this, but... ooof. 32nd century.
Yeah, this doesn't really sound like something for me, either. I think we got more than enough of the academy (ie ."not much") in TNG. Move it forward to the 32nd century and I'm not really jazzed for it. I'll give it a watch, in case it turns out to be better than I'm envisioning but, if Discovery taught me anything, it's that I don't have to slavishly watch everything that someone slapped a Star Trek label on.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I haven't watched Picard or Discovery so I can't offer an opinion on them. It's been over twenty years since I last looked forward to anything related to Trek. Oh, well. I hope people are enjoying what's currently in production. Hopefully they'll like this new show.
As others have done, I cannot recommend Strange New Worlds (SNW) highly enough. Watching Discovery season 2 is not exactly required, but it definitely will provide some context and background that is sometimes referred to in SNW.

And I also enjoy Lower Decks and Prodigy. Picard season 3 is a big improvement over the previous two season, but again, some plot points and characters may be confusing without the previous two seasons, which are not great.

Lastly, if you ever enjoyed any Star Trek, I recommend you watch The Orville. The first few episodes have an uneven feel to them, but by season 2 and 3 they are going like gangbusters and are very Trek.

As others have done, I cannot recommend Strange New Worlds (SNW) highly enough. Watching Discovery season 2 is not exactly required, but it definitely will provide some context and background that is sometimes referred to in SNW.

And I also enjoy Lower Decks and Prodigy. Picard season 3 is a big improvement over the previous two season, but again, some plot points and characters may be confusing without the previous two seasons, which are not great.

Lastly, if you ever enjoyed any Star Trek, I recommend you watch The Orville. The first few episodes have an uneven feel to them, but by season 2 and 3 they are going like gangbusters and are very Trek.
I'd second all of this though I was personally less impressed with Prodigy, I feel like it made a lot of unnecessary errors on various levels (and not because it's a child-oriented show). But Strange New Worlds is as good as 1990s Trek, and so is most of S3 of Picard, which is shocking because S1 and S2 definitely were not.

Orville's S1 is rough, and it has a lot of crude Gen-X-y humour and references that are positively Boomer-ish (how is MacFarlane only 49 with these kind of references lol?), but it improves to an incredible degree and as of S3 it's basically teaching Star Trek lessons - S3 Orville, is, and I am amazed to say this - about as good as the best of TNG and close to the best of DS9. The humour and weirdly old references (especially musical ones! To be fair TNG and even DS9 kind of shared this but it was the late 1980s through 1990s so there was an excuse! There were referencing like 30+ years back, not like 60+ years back) never go away, but the decrease severely in how often they come up. A lot of this I think comes simply from Orville S3 having incredibly long episodes but a similar format to TNG - usually around 70 minutes, whereas TNG was, 44 minutes, which allows them to really focus on stories, give characters time to breathe, ideas time to be discussed. That and the fact that weirdly, The Orville is somehow more committed to the ideals of its Federation-equivalent than even Picard was in TNG.

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