Recent content by Agamemnon

  1. Agamemnon

    is this GM bad or am i just a wuss?

    Assuming a standard D&D world, this seems like uncharacteristically hardcore for dwarven culture. Duergar would maybe go with that kind of totalitarian stuff, but the baseline dwarf, not really. So yeah, I do not think springing that kind of surprise on you is fair*. * Provided there was no...
  2. Agamemnon

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Announces More Details about Minis Line

    I too wonder how they'd look after a repaint or dipping. The sculpts themselves are a bit hard to appreciate on this kind of paintjobs, but it does seem the fur on the wererat looks... weird. It's a bit sad if Warhammer minis are the better deal, since the #1 complaint of WH players is the cost...
  3. Agamemnon

    What MM monsters DON'T you use?

    Yugoloths and Eladrin, at least, can work fine. There's no intrinsinc reason why, say, an Arcanoloth or a Ghaele should be silly. They might not be necessary, but they don't evoke the same feeling of instant lol as the tojanida. The arrowhawk isn't bad concept, I think their mistake was making...
  4. Agamemnon

    What MM monsters DON'T you use?

    I struggle to imagine why the Tojanida even exists. To have non-Elemental Water creatures in the core rules?
  5. Agamemnon

    removing/suppressing orc weakness

    Daylight Adaptation was errataed. It's no longer a regional feat, and as it lacks a prerequisite, orcs are perfectly free to take it.
  6. Agamemnon

    How do fans of OTHER RPGs handle new editions?

    The question is a good one. For my part, there is one game that always deserves my unbridled contempt, and that is Cyberpunk V3, the sequel to R.Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk 2020, a game I grew up with and learned to love. V3 was more than an update or a new system, it took both the gameworld and...
  7. Agamemnon

    D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

    I'm out. I reckon as of next week, I'll start planning offloading all my current stock of 3.5 stuff while they still have value.
  8. Agamemnon

    Wild Empathy: won't animals get to attack you for 10 rounds free?

    Isn't that more than a little metagame-ish? The way I prefer to see it is that the fact that the rules don't make intuitive sense regarding some aspects of the world is a lamentable state of affairs, but one that shouldn't warp the entire scope of the game world so that it better conforms to the...
  9. Agamemnon

    Magic Item Compendium

    The more I read the forums, the less I like the book. When I first got the MIC, I quite enjoyed it, right now it feels like a colossal waste of money. Thanks a bundle.
  10. Agamemnon

    Loremaster's Greater Lore Ability - How Does It Work?

    Hm. I've never paid much attention to it, but that's a terribly vague description of the ability. If it was a (Sp), there would be a lot less amibiguity.
  11. Agamemnon

    A way to balance the greataxe with the greatsword

    The average damage is the same, but 2d6 has a probability curve, the 1d12 does not.
  12. Agamemnon

    Andy Collins: "Most Magic Items in D&D Are Awful"

    Well, the Cape of the Mounteback wasn't the best possible example, I think, since its resale value is rather high. the Compendium is full of many interesting items that I could see a character wanting to retain the benefits of even if doing so costed more than going the BigSix route. For...
  13. Agamemnon

    Andy Collins: "Most Magic Items in D&D Are Awful"

    I think the idea the designers had for it was that you find a Cape, and instead of selling it for a Cloak, you imbue the Cloak's properties to the Cape, thus having your cake and eating it, too. The bonuses are also presented incrementally, so making the Capecloak a +4 now won't stop you from...
  14. Agamemnon

    Andy Collins: "Most Magic Items in D&D Are Awful"

    Hm. It seems the suggested additional properties cost exactly the same as the items do separately. So Cape of the Mountebank and Cloak of Charisma +4 together cost as much as the new Capecloak of the +4 Charismatic Mountebank.
  15. Agamemnon

    Getting Monster Manual II added to the SRD

    Presumably because it's 3.0, which probably means its sales are lower than of the up-to-date later chapters in the series.