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Recent content by Alexander123

  1. A

    D&D 3E/3.5 Damaging swarms (3.5)

    When you attack a swarm with an improvised weapon such as a torch for instance, do you add strength when calculating damage?
  2. A

    D&D: mostly a boys game?

    I'm not sure what you're saying.
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    D&D: mostly a boys game?

    'Tis the season for what? I'm not sure what how my sig says it all. What does CM stand for? and what does ****s mean?
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    D&D: mostly a boys game?

    I certainly do think that men and women are different from one another, equal but different and that may come off as sexist to you because the culture has been feeding men and women on a steady diet of feminism which makes them deny their differences and it makes women try to imitate men (I'm...
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    D&D: mostly a boys game?

    I don't know what womanly virtues are but since men and women have traditionally had different roles in society it would make sense for society to come up with two sets of virtues, one for men and one for women. Take courage for example, courage is a virtue that is praised in men because...
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    D&D: mostly a boys game?

    Yes, it probably was posted in the wrong forum. I have just gotten in the habit of posting in this forum and not participating in the general discussion forum, my mistake. Why may I ask though do you say that I am being sexist?
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Bard's power?

    The things that people nerf are very strange. This kind of things came up alot in the What do you ban thread that was being discussed a while ago.
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    D&D: mostly a boys game?

    To what extent do you all think that D&D is a boys game? I say this because traditionally in our society the role of women has been as wives and mothers and the role of men has been one of protector and provider for the family. It has traditionally been the man's job to protect his family...
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    Playing Like Celebrim - The Fighter

    Good effort Celebrim, I'm not sure if this will fix the fighter class though. The reason being that the fighter becomes less capable of comparing with the higher tier classes due to the disparity between casters and non-casters. I think that the fix to some extent for non-caster classes came...
  10. A

    Reactions to D&D.

    I suppose you could think of it that way, although I don't think of recreation as a waste of time. For a proper enjoyment of one's life, a person needs of balance of various things, one of those being recreation.
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    Reactions to D&D.

    How did I insult your religion? Edit: Saying that you were rude to me because I insulted your characters religion makes it a little hard to take what you say seriously. And I don't consider saying that miracles don't exist an insult to anyone's religion. That is a simple, scientific...
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    Reactions to D&D.

    I obviously take this to mean that they think it is a waste of time and not you, otherwise that wouldn't make sense.
  13. A

    Reactions to D&D.

    Your statements seem pretty impolite to me, both from this thread and the one about alignments and fixing paladins.
  14. A

    Reactions to D&D.

    Aside from narrow-mindedness among some Christians I am surprised that D&D would be lead some people to call it "satanic" partly because D&D is based on the tradional fantasy myths of "knights who rescue captive princesses, awake sleeping beauties, vanquish dragons, and fight giants and ogres"...
  15. A

    Reactions to D&D.

    What do you all think is the reason for people's negative reactions to D&D? D&D is a valid form of recreation and in fact it is a much healthier form of recreation than going out and getting drunk or doing drugs and yet people's reaction would not be as negative were I to be doing drugs. I...