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Recent content by Azzemmell

  1. Azzemmell

    Re-examining the 5' step

    Hmmm, I've been trying to resolve the same sort of nagging problems in the game I run; when I ran 2ed combat seemed to move much faster and more fluidly, and now that I run 3ed I'm trying to figure out how to regain that dynamic and still keep much of this ed's combat options. So far I've done...
  2. Azzemmell


    Starts reading from the beginning, chuckles many times, gets about two pages into the TWO YEAR OLD THREAD and realizes that, mother of gods, he'd be bleeding from the eyes if he read the entire thing and decides that he'll skip ahead to the last page and post some blathering statements that have...
  3. Azzemmell

    Recent TPK... would you have?

    I'm sure they have at some point... I know I've seen it at least once but its been a long time (I prefer the first conan movie). What part are you referring to?...
  4. Azzemmell

    Recent TPK... would you have?

    Heh, ya I've made several jokes at their expense in the sessions we've had since then - nothing mean, they laughed too. And as far as them learning any kind of lesson (to be fair, one guy has played D&D for I guess about fifty sessions, and for the other at that time it was about his tenth or...
  5. Azzemmell

    Recent TPK... would you have?

    Yes, that's what eventually swayed me into letting them live; it's a game. Of course these two guys would never undertake such a thing in real life, so in a game... they figure, hey if its there... and the DM has never put such an obvious death trap in front of us before, there's always been...
  6. Azzemmell

    Is 4e do-able w/o minis?

    I've looked at 4e a little bit and I'm hesitant to switch from 3e. One of the main reasons (aside from wizards not having spells anymore) is that it seems even more entrenched in the mini and combat mat than 3e is. I've never liked having to rely on minis, I'd prefer being able to just...
  7. Azzemmell

    How Might D&D Religions Differ From Real Life Religions?

    Ah yes, the afterlife. :) This seems like a whole 'nuther aspect that that will determine the role of religion/gods in a setting. I mean that primarily in this regard: do the gods control what the afterlife will be? In our real world each religion is in control of what it's afterlife is...
  8. Azzemmell

    Recent TPK... would you have?

    As it turned out I did let them live. However... Lost all but one or two of their possessions, gave a powerful water-breathing potion to the NPC and had him catch up with them several months later and many of thousands of feet underground - he helped them escape from an underground city of...
  9. Azzemmell

    How Might D&D Religions Differ From Real Life Religions?

    Excellent point, and I guess this is sorta how I've resolved this conflict in several of the most recent campaigns I've run. Lower the power of deities or make them less directly involved. I like the idea of all the gods sleeping. Seem to remember lots of insane gods from a David Farland book...
  10. Azzemmell

    Recent TPK... would you have?

    So I've been a DM for about twenty years. I started DM'ing with the basic/expert set, though most of my experience is with 2ed and 3ed. In all that time I've only had two TPK's (that I can remember). The most recent occurred a few weeks ago (heavily house-ruled 3ed campaign). The two players...
  11. Azzemmell

    How Might D&D Religions Differ From Real Life Religions?

    Great thread. I love conversations like this; as a DM who likes creating his own worlds this thread is a great starting point for designing the foundations of a cosmology (which should be, in my opinion, the first place to start in the nitty gritty of setting design). What this thread has...
  12. Azzemmell

    An Awesome Moment

    Ha ha h- ... oh wait, were you serious? ...
  13. Azzemmell

    4e A different type of disconnect??

    I agree completely. I examined the 4e books with a good degree of attention... and quickly started flipping pages past all the lists of abilities. Yeesh. More of what turns me off about 3e, just a different side to the same coin. I started playing D&D in 1e and started DM'ing in 2e (and...
  14. Azzemmell

    thrwn wpns w/ 2wpn fighting... ??

    Hello all, K', I've got a player who wants to use 2 wpn fighting to be able to throw 2 spears or javelins in one round (low level). At the moment, I'm ruling that 2 wpn fighting is for MELEE and rapid shot is for RANGED. The PHB is vague, from all that I can see, and does not clarify this...
  15. Azzemmell

    Good screensavers?

    Hey, Does anybody have some suggestions for a good fantasy screensaver. I'm getting tired of this Matrix one I've been using for some time now. Thanks Azz