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Recent content by Captain Howdy

  1. Captain Howdy

    Elder Scrolls IV - Any advice for a newbie

    My advice would be to make one character and create a custom class that will allow you to be useful in any situation. Incorporate the most useful skills from each section (one armor skill, one weapon skill, sneak, security, etc.) This will allow you to play the same character and complete all...
  2. Captain Howdy

    Your group's tributes to Gary

    We took a break from Shackled City and I ran Tomb of Horrors. None of the players had ever played that module before. Everyone died. It was great fun! :D
  3. Captain Howdy

    Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

    Godspeed, Gary. Thank you so much for everything.
  4. Captain Howdy

    How Long Can You DM ?

    My old campaign was about 4 hours per session, because that was at my parents house. Since we are playing at the apartment now, they are usually 10 hours. I start to get kind of loopy at around 7-8 hours, but we have gone as long as 12. They are blowing through Shackled City at one chapter...
  5. Captain Howdy

    The Best & Worst of 3rd Edition: FINAL FIVE: PHB II, UA, Eberon, Ptolus, Pathfinder

    I don't see how anything else on the list can come close to Ptolus as the best single product. I like everything on the list, but as far as best product goes... It's less a matter of opinion and more just a fact that Ptolus is a great product, and the best of 3.x.
  6. Captain Howdy

    Saddest Song Ever

    I came into this thread to suggest this song. You really do want to use it! :D
  7. Captain Howdy

    D&D is so METAL

    Killswitch Engage cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsiqtGnpU1w (Way awesome)
  8. Captain Howdy

    What's your FLGS?

    Pandemonium (734)-427-2451 1858 Middlebelt Garden City, MI http://www.pandemonium-online.com/
  9. Captain Howdy

    Need some classic (old) sci-fi/fantasy recommendations

    Yesterday I found an amazing used book shop. It is a gigantic shop filled with books and antiques, and a majority of the titles are old sci-fi and fantasy stories. I picked up Fritz Leiber's Swords and Deviltry, Swords Against Death, and Swords in the Mist. I want to get more, but I don't really...
  10. Captain Howdy

    Height ladies?

    I voted 5'3" for my girlfriend. She comes to ENworld, but not the OT board. I'm 6'8", we are quite the pair. The first time my grandma saw a picture of us together, she said, "That's the long and the short of it!" :lol:
  11. Captain Howdy

    Height Men!?

    6'8" here. Any taller and I wouldn't have been able to vote in the poll!
  12. Captain Howdy

    Where can I find the description for Iggwilv?

    I tend to agree with this theory. For some more info and references, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iggwilv
  13. Captain Howdy

    Final Issue of Dragon

    Was there ever a Demonomicon article on Orcus? If not, that should be in the final issue IMO.
  14. Captain Howdy

    What element would "radiation" be?

    If you think about it in relation to the elemental planes, the plane of earth would have the radioactive material in it. As substances like uranium, thorium, k40, etc go through their half lives, they are releasing the particles that cause damage to a persons tissue. However, the damage it would...