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Recent content by CWD

  1. C

    [D20 Modern] Stargate SG-1 Conversion ideas

    Stargate RPG (drool). My apologies if anyone has already suggested this, but anyone interested in Stargate should consider reading the various crackpot writers that inspired it. I suggest starting with "Genesis Revisited" by Zecharia Sitchen, and "Chariots of the Gods" by Erich Von Daniken...
  2. C

    Native American Campaign Setting?

    No problem, though I accidentally said Tisambe was influenced by the Fulani and San when I meant Tuslan (like I was saying about screwing up your facts...) Anyhow, if you'd like more historical authenticity in your fantasy, great! I'm also a big Ars Magica fan. Obviously, trying to cover all...
  3. C

    Native American Campaign Setting?

    I hate to derail this topic, but I have to defend myself just a teeny bit. Nyambe is a fantasy world based on African mythology, history, and legends. It isn't real Africa and isn't supposed to be. However, I can't imagine how you can say I didn't bother to understand African history. To use...
  4. C

    Native American Campaign Setting?

    I've been toying with a fantasy-medieval-America setting for a while, and here's my humble opinion. The market for non-European fantasy is smaller than the already-tiny RPG market. On the other hand, unless people try stepping out of the traditional mold, it will never change. I know quite a...
  5. C

    [FLUMPH] Avatars of the Flumph PrC

    If not control flupmh, then at least a flumph companion ability so he has one around to emulate, or the ability to gain flumph henchmen.
  6. C

    Open e-mail to Johnny L wilson

    I work in market research, and we deal with Europe pretty regularly. If a company in the US can meet appropriate European privacy standards it can be declared a "safe harbor" so that they can obtain personal information from European consumers. I do not know exactly what the requirements are...
  7. C

    Update SRD - Critters

    My publisher's correspondence with WotC, actually.
  8. C

    Update SRD - Critters

    I've heard that Wizards is considering granting permission to use the "missing" monsters on a case-by-case basis, especially for reprints. This is quite a relief to me, since the Yuan-Ti are a major part of my Nyambe campaign setting...
  9. C

    how hard do you make the game for your players (for DMs)

    Re: Re: Re: Re: how hard do you make the game for your players (for DMs) Don't blame Battlenet. As a Detroiter, I can assure you that I often need a translation to understand Canadians.:p
  10. C

    [OT] Sad news, help me mourn...

    You have my deepest sympathies. My wife is pregnant and whenever I drive somewhere alone she tells me she worries that something will happen to me and that my son will never get to know me. I usually just shrug it off, but not anymore. Not anymore.
  11. C

    [OT] Sad news, help me mourn...

    You have my deepest sympathies. My wife is pregnant and whenever I drive somewhere alone she tells me she worries that something will happen to me and that my son will never get to know me. I usually just shrug it off, but not anymore. Not anymore.
  12. C

    Nyambe? Anyone

    Good Idea. I'll see what I can do....
  13. C

    Nyambe? Anyone

    I wrote the variant classes to be a little more powerful than the PHB classes, but I think they are balanced within the setting. That is, if you include things like limited resurrection magic, expensive protective items, costly material components for spells that provide AC bonuses, etc. I...
  14. C

    Nyambe - Curious

    There are things in the PDF version that aren't in the print version, and conversely, there is a lot of stuff in the print version that isn't in the PDF. For example, the PDF has a paladin variant called the kuitika. Well, in playtesting my players decided that the whole paladin concept didn't...
  15. C

    [OT, don't move] Go see Signs.

    While I don't dobut many are fake, I'm willing to consider the possibility that there may have been some strange natural process behind the less outrageous patterns. Here's a link I came across today: http://www.forteantimes.com/gallery/mowingdevil.shtml Now, I may be crazy, but I don't...