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Recent content by Dav

  1. D

    So which non- D&D based games have you played?

    The Dark Heresy (WH40K) demo at a con. A one-shot of "Dead Inside," a PDQ game.
  2. D

    One Dark Night in Weeping Briar?

    I'm not sure I'd agree about having the players make their own characters. If they get there just for the game day, that's just adding more time to the adventure, even if your other suggestion shorten the time. Especially since you're introducing Player's Handbook 2, people aren't going to know...
  3. D

    One Dark Night in Weeping Briar?

    The group I was in (I was the drow avenger) took SEVEN hours to finish this thing. 7 PM to 2 AM. We even failed the skill challenge! The first encounter took the longest, and the second one--well, the mill caught on fire. We got out there. The only good thing about the last encounter was that...
  4. D

    PHB 2 street date broken, let the hunting begin.

    According to Google Language Tools, it's "Hello. To view the recommended products, please sign-in. For the first time." So yes. Totally about your mom. She's their recommended product!
  5. D

    List of all RPG magazines

    What, no one mentioned SJG's Pyramid? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_(magazine) I don't subscribe to it (unfortunately!) so I don't have the details for this one.
  6. D

    Who Started Playing D&D Indirectly?

    I think my first exposure to the D&D party system was some scifi (or fantasy) novel as a kid which introduced me to the concept of the cleric character. I also read Niven's Dream Park series which had like a professional LARPing system. I saw the first Dungeons & Dragons movie sometime after...
  7. D

    OotS #623 Is Up....

    Isn't Conjuration one of her banned schools? That's why they had to use an Azure City wizard NPC to teleport them to Cliffport, right? If so, plane shift is a Conjuration spell--no can do. :(
  8. D

    OotS #621 Is Up....

    Class feature--Power of Attorney
  9. D

    Oots 606

    You sure? :)
  10. D

    "I'm roleplaying!!!"

    Ab3 (Al Bruno) has posted a list of all of his stories (all of which were posted on RPGnet): http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=8382908
  11. D

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder #4 - I have it!

    No, #4 is 10-11, #5 is 12-13, and #6 is 14-15.
  12. D

    RPG Superstar Countries: Go vote!

    Vic Wertz posted a clarification on what use the items and countries and other entries will be put to: None at all!
  13. D

    RPG Superstar Countries: Go vote!

    I don't know what Paizo Publishing plans to do with these countries, but I didn't get the impression that they would be putting these countries next to each other, even if they were to publish them all (which I doubt). Has anyone seen anything to the contrary?
  14. D

    Any Irregular Webcomic fans?

    http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/archive.html Not true. He isn't regular until the 7th strip onwards. The first six were indeed irregular. :)
  15. D

    OotS #497 is up/The Grand Fighter [Merge Powers Activate!]

    All OOTS characters have that. It's how Burlew shows perspective in stick figures.