Recent content by Draxx

  1. D

    " we tossed the jerk out...."

    I can sympathize with your situation. As a fellow christian I try to be tolerant of others, but I do not tolerate slamming my religous beliefs. Especially by someone who is a guest in my home. As a new parent to a beautful 1 year old girl, you were far more tolerant than I would have been of...
  2. D

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    Fantastic pics and setup! I am truly jealous. Has anyone considered a tutorial or idea of how to use just a TV or extra computer montitor instead of the projector setup. This is still out of a lot of gamers pocket books (mine included). I have an extra monitor and would love to be able to...
  3. D

    How often do you game/How much is too much?

    Run one game bi-weekly and play ina once a month and another bi-weekly game. So on average about once a week. I don't think I could handle anymore with finishing my masters degree and job searching; not to mention time with my wife. Like the other poster said, if you are giving up on family ...
  4. D

    Help Et Helper

    Worked out fine! Thanks again, Draxx
  5. D

    Help Et Helper

    Eric, I found it!!! I had the "class can cast its own" box checked. Big no no. Once I unchecked that box I saw what you were talking about. Thanks for the help. Your a real credit to the community! Best regards, Draxx
  6. D

    Help Et Helper

    Eric, I have it on Prestige, the requirements magical tab has everything grayed out (don't know why) The spellcaster tab shows the levels 1 -20 and spell level 1-9 on the spells per day box. No "check" box. I put a "0" in the "0 level" spell slot for 1, 3, 5, 7,and 9 is this right? So...
  7. D

    Help Et Helper

    Eric, Do you mean click in the first "o"level slot and turn it to 0? i did not see any "check" to toggle. Help! thanks, Draxx
  8. D

    Help Et Helper

    new problem... I am trying to enter a prestige class (Graven One from BoEM) in to the class editor and I don't know how to account for advancing spell caster levels as the character gains new levels in Graven One. I see some features that are "grayed out" in the editor that maybe have something...
  9. D

    Help Et Helper

    Thanks Eric and Davin, I found the problem. The install of the patch is creating a new directory of "wizards of the coast" my directory is just under "wizards" so while I thought it was patching the etools it really wasn't. All I had to do was repatach with the correct pathway. Thanks again...
  10. D

    Help Et Helper

    I did a complete unistall of my pld etools, and then applied the beta-patch 1.01 and then tried to use Et Helper to add prestige classes. ET Helper says my Database has not been patched. I have run the patch 4 times and still get the message. Installing the new 1.2 official patch doesn't help...
  11. D

    The New DR and third Party Monster Books ( a 3.5 topic)

    Wizards has said that they will be doing web enhancements that will update both FF and MM2. However, they also said that the changes needed would be minor. Meaning you can still use them as is and not unbalance your game. I have to assume that the other d20 publishers will do something...
  12. D

    I Don't Get it?

    I agree completely! It's what makes your game fun for you and your group that matters, not any one rule or rules. Take what you like and change the rest to fit your desires! Thats what I always have done. Some people here, IMHO, sometimes forget that it is a GAME not the bible! It is ok to...
  13. D

    Gamers who want to date gamers

    This has been interesting to read. For my own 2 cents (coppers, electrum..) I met my wife online (gasp!..) Yes it does work! The ironic part is I went to the world wide web to find a woman who lived only 3 miles away from me! The thing is I was up front about my gaming interests, sports...
  14. D

    Is your group multiclassing?

    There hasn't been a need or desire for most of my group to multi-class. I chose to because I wanted to have a rogue/ranger/wizard/arcane archer. So far its been fun! Best regards, Draxx
  15. D

    3E Mortality Rate

    I agree with the posts I've read here. 3e can be very deadly for PCs therfeore I have offset potential TPK situations by adding a couple of house rules. These have helped a great deal and the players like them. 1) characters build on 28 pts. 2) I allow extra pts for disadvantages taken (ala...