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Recent content by Gary N. Mengle

  1. G

    Is anybody else seeing C&C here?

    I am not getting this vibe, so much. I see where it's coming from, given the stat roll business that's about all we've heard so far that sounds concrete. I would be delighted should it prove to be the case, though, since C&C is not only a great game but a great version-neutral iteration of D&D...
  2. G

    Pace Yourselves

    It's my thought as well that this is the earliest credible release date. I wouldn't be shocked to see it pushed to 2014, though - I have the general sense that the project is very early in its development cycle.
  3. G

    Six Saving Throws - One for Each Ability Score?

    The old Bard Games Arcanum system did this very thing. It's certainly not a big selling point for me, but it's a nice improvement on the old system and I have no problem with it.
  4. G

    D&D3.x Noob Questions: Leveling Rate/How to Stock a Dungeon?

    Well, I figured CR was only useful as a rule of thumb anyway. Does Pathfinder use CR, and if so, do they work better? Thanks to everybody for the advice - I'm having a look at one of the early Dungeon Crawl Classics - Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho - for inspiration.
  5. G

    Columbus (OH) Gamers' Networking Group

    Bump again for those unaware.
  6. G

    D&D3.x Noob Questions: Leveling Rate/How to Stock a Dungeon?

    Long story, but the short of it is that I've a hankering to run D&D3.5 in a more-or-less traditional (i. e. Dungeoncrawly) way. But I have a couple of issues. First is that, after drawing up a rather nice dungeon map, I realized that I have no idea how to stock a dungeon and build encounters...
  7. G

    [Columbus, OH] Group Assembling!

    I'm trying to put together a group of compatible gamers in the Columbus, Ohio area. I don't have a game to pitch yet; as a player I'm interested in lots of different things, and would be prepared to run, among other things, Burning Wheel, Starblazer Adventures, Traveller (Mongoose version)...
  8. G

    Columbus (OH) Gamers' Networking Group

    A networking group for gamers, specifically roleplaying gamers (including LARPers,) in the Columbus and Central Ohio area. The idea is to give people in that area a forum for discussion about local games and events, and provide a vehicle for people with similar gaming interests to get together...
  9. G

    How do you wear a third magic ring?

    I could tell you, but family board, grandma, and all that.
  10. G

    D&D 3E/3.5 Help me Build a D&D3.5 Library!

    I have the issue with the first installment (#124). Beyond that, I have faith in my ability to trawl eBay and various local stores for the rest of the issues. If I can't run down at least a couple of these in the 2 weeks or so before we start playing, I may go with Savage Tide instead (but AoW...
  11. G

    D&D 3E/3.5 Help me Build a D&D3.5 Library!

    When D&D3.0 was released I bought the heck out of it, and amassed a big shelf full of stuff, a lot of which never got much looked at since I wasn't playing it at the time. Around the release of 3.5 I sold the lot of it off. Now I'm looking at running a weekly D&D campaign, so the time has come...
  12. G

    Question: Is it time for a new "A-Team"?

    You misspelled "crap." :D
  13. G

    BBC LOTR question

    I've got both the BBC and NPR radioplays, and have sat down to compare them side-by-side. On the one hand, the quality of voice acting in the BBC version is clearly superior. And more of the story from the books makes it in, as it's several hours longer. I think it's the better version...
  14. G

    Gazetteers - what to include?

    About 1200-1500 pages, to start with. You'll want to expand it as time goes on. Buy filing cabinets. [b] Well, you'll need detail on each city, town, village and hamlet in the game world, in case the party goes there. You'll need roleplaying notes for each inhabitant, in case the PCs meet...