• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by KenSeg

  1. K

    Judges Guild Founder died today.

    As a player from the 1970s, I am saddened to hear of his passing. Fair horizons on your next adventure. -KenSeg gaming since 1978
  2. K

    D&D 4E Should 4e convert to metric?

    Metric is the devil's plaything and must have been created in France! :]
  3. K

    alternative "minis" for DnD

    I recommend using metal mini's and painting them yourself. We have a collection of about two hundred that we gathered over the years and continue to get good use out of them. Reaper is the best of the current lines out there.
  4. K

    D&D 4E Going/Not Going to 4E which edition did you start with?

    Started with Homes blue box set and have played in 1E, 2E, 3E, 3.5E. I will probably buy the 4E handbook to read but I doubt we will be moving to 4E. Actually my DM is trying to write a set of rules that will do what he wants, mixture of stuff from 1E to 3.5E I guess.
  5. K

    DM Burnout - Any Remedies?

    A couple of replies. In our group we have one main GM that has run our group for over 20 years now. Every so often he needs a break and either his wife or I run a game for four to six months and he plays. Seems to be a good break and a chance to recharge the batteries. As to your own...
  6. K

    Zombie Outbreak - where to hide?

    Ok, take the zombie quiz. The link below goes to a zombie survival quiz that is fun. http://www.justsayhi.com/bb/zombie -KenSeg
  7. K

    Zombie Outbreak - where to hide?

    One of the advantages of living in Florida are the steel accordian shutters I have on all my windows. Lock them up, grab my 12 guage shotgun and I am ready to rock and roll baby! -KenSeg No ones zombie butt-monkey!
  8. K

    Zombie Outbreak - where to hide?

    I have to agree with the Super Wal-Mart as the perfect place. Now you can go into details about it having food supplies, camp stoves for cooking, bottled water by the ton, guns and ammo, tools, etc. But there is only one thing that makes it a superior location. Toilet paper, lots and lots of...
  9. K

    Wilderlands Roll Call!

    I once owned a lot of the old JG stuff and used it in the late 1970s and early 1980s. I bought the boxed wilderness set for reading and found it a wonderful read. While we use our own 20 year old homebrew for playing, I am sure that we will plunder some ideas out of it for our use. -KenSeg...
  10. K

    Linking character backgrounds together

    A few campaigns ago the DM's wife and I played a pair of adventurers who were brother and sister of a very minor noble family. A minor character background item of a disgraced grandfather became a major part of our game as these two PCs attempted to find out just what exactly happened in that...
  11. K

    Frisian (Frisii)

    Well, being of frisian decent, I can tell you that we are all chaotic in nature but good hearted. Just don't get us mad at you, you will not survive the incident. :] -KenSeg gaming since 1978
  12. K

    Ry's guide to being an Evil Overlord

    I will post on Ebay that the pebble of power that is my one weakness is for sale, under an assumed name of course. I will collect the top bid and then send my assasins of doom to kill not only the top bidder but all other bidders as well. -KenSeg gaming since 1978
  13. K

    OD&D - What do I need and where do I get it?

    And just where are the comments from the Prophet of the One True Game? :p -KenSeg gaming since 1978
  14. K

    How do you keep your group together?

    Your story is very common in our hobby. I have been blessed to be gaming with the same people for 20 years now. Of course our group consists of the DM, his wife and myself and my wife. We have had the occasional other player for a year or two but it has generally just been the two married...
  15. K

    What Edition of D&D was your First (with fixed Poll)

    Started with the Holmes boxed set in 1978 and then moved on to 1E, 2E, 3E, 3.5E. Of course, during the later part of 1E and all of 2E we were actually using a heavily modified houserule set. We changed over to 3E and 3.5E and played core books only for the last 8 years. We recently decided to...