• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by KingThorvar

  1. KingThorvar

    Where can I find old Dragon/Dungeon issues?

    I've recently purchased a few from ebay with great success.
  2. KingThorvar

    [OT] First time eBay seller needs advice

    Selling separately is probably better but will cost more to list. I always start at $1.00 if you think it will sell well (put a reserve if you don't want it to sell cheaply) because more people will look at it. Keep an eye on other items like yours to see how they're selling. Sometimes it's...
  3. KingThorvar

    Drybrushing miniatures

    I would advise learning how to "blend" as opposed to drybrushing... drybrushing tends to leave a "chalky" appearance and the blending is a more smooth transition from color to color. Drybrushing works best on smaller parts of a miniature.. like on the hair or beard.
  4. KingThorvar


    My plan is to have a plump leprechaun posing as a halfling rogue who runs a tavern by using his illusions to trick people out of money and property.. like a gangsta Bilbo.. stealing horses by changing them into dogs and cats then reselling them later, changing their dice rolls and cards so...
  5. KingThorvar


    Where can I find third edition stats for a leprechaun?
  6. KingThorvar

    Nobody takes charge...what to do?

    Have bad things happen if they just sit around.. pick pockets, bar brawls, a large half-ogre picks on one of the pc's because he doesn't like his looks.... and I like the idea of gently forcing someone into the driver's seat.
  7. KingThorvar

    I just gotta know one thing

    That's when someone posts something just so they can start a heated thread.. trolling for posts.
  8. KingThorvar

    is there such thing as a good FR novel?

    I like Salvatore.. to each his own. *I* certainly couldn't write a novel much less a complete series.. Now "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil"... that novel really stunk! :D
  9. KingThorvar

    Allow an evil cleric and other evil characters??

    The main thing to remember when running an evil campaign is to have everyone on the same page. Have everyone in the party be evil or at least non-good. Then make sure you have backgrounds that will keep party strife from slowing down the game. Even if it's just a simple, "Your characters...
  10. KingThorvar

    Finding and new Game and Gamers

    How about any schools or colleges in the area? You may have to settle for younger players. I work in a Middle School (School Resource Officer) and have about a dozen kids that play.. in addition to my regular gaming group.. so I have more than I need really... :D
  11. KingThorvar

    Shotting into Melee

    So if the enemy is partially obscured by allies, they would have some kind of coverage percentage... so how do you determine if the PC's are hit if you roll low?
  12. KingThorvar

    Shotting into Melee

    I'm trying to update to 3rd edition... When shooting into melee, my gamers are telling me about some kind of system that includes percentages of shooting allies.. but the only rule I can find is "-4 to hit" since you are taking careful aim... is there anything else in the core rules that I'm...
  13. KingThorvar

    "Groundhog day"-like adventure?

    I like the idea.. just know your players.. Some of my players will "ooh" and "ahh" at anything I can come up with.. others may yawn at this particular idea.. Just because 50 other people have done it, doesn't mean your players will not like it (they may never have seen it done).
  14. KingThorvar

    Minatures, who uses them?

    I love miniatures... collecting, painting, conversions... I can never get enough. Mostly we use the miniatures for combat, but I make sure they show me marching order and how their characters will be arranged when camping and stuff. Bought some cool little carriages and horses for the...
  15. KingThorvar

    Looking for The Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas.

    have you tried ebay? what about NewWave.com... not sure if they still have it, but they have great prices.