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Recent content by Mitchbones

  1. M

    What Free RPG Day swag did you get?

    When you say Song of Fire and Ice, you got a copy of a book?
  2. M

    4e Core Rulebooks now in my hot little hands

    I like how that is his first post.
  3. M

    Running a large group with an unfamilar system (Castles and Crusades)

    Well the game went fairily great. I doubt the one of the players will stay as she let her boyfriend do everything and was just texting the entire game despite my efforts to get her into it. Is making a "No Cellphone use unless emergency" too outlandish of a rule? It just ruins the mood.
  4. M

    Running a large group with an unfamilar system (Castles and Crusades)

    I feel lame asking this (again thanks for the help!) but I run a weekly D&D game on top of this one and I am really thinking that I should run a C&C module. Are there any you guys have tried and liked?
  5. M

    Running a large group with an unfamilar system (Castles and Crusades)

    Thanks a lot guys, I wouldnt' have thought of a lot of those ideas. I don't think i'll roll up characters for them (but have a few handy) as making your character is half the fun! Someone suggested to me that I split the party into two groups, I haven't done this before....how do you guys...
  6. M

    Running a large group with an unfamilar system (Castles and Crusades)

    In about three weeks I will be running the largest game I have ever ran of 8 players, 4 of which are completely new to gaming. I don't even have the required C&C books yet! I was wondering if you guys had any advice about teaching this many new people how to play a game you are unfamilar with.
  7. M

    Hows your Campaign going?

    My campaign is starting this wednesday, the players will find come in contact with a missing girls lover, and unravel the mystery behind her disappearance. Hopefully It goes a lot better than my past camapaigns, which have all been flops.
  8. M

    Thinking about using a CS

    Thanks for all the help guys! It helped a lot in deciding what setting to go with (I didn't know there was that many). I have decided to go with FR as I prefer traditonal fantasy, and from what I have heard it is a good buy. As far as the players not feeling important mid-high level, I am sure...
  9. M

    Thinking about using a CS

    I'm starting a new campaign in September, and not too keen on homebrew worldbuilding. I thought using a Campaign Setting would give me inspiration for my new campaign but I have a few questions. What CS do you use? Do you recommend it for a new-ish DM? Should I loan out the CS before the...
  10. M

    Adventure Paths - tell me about them

    I have tried running WotBS and Savage Tide, both expertly written and really cool campaigns. Yet they aren't for everyone (myself included) I always kind of felt "meh" as the DM. With pretty much pre-game done for me besides fixing the encounters or minor adjustments left me feeling like I...
  11. M

    Subscribing to D&D Insider

    Lurk more please. 10$/month isn't so bad and thats coming from a guy who makes $5.50/hr
  12. M

    Hate for new look for Green Dragon

    I am sure there will be some hack to change model's skin, and someone will surly make a new green dragon skin. problem solved
  13. M

    D&D 4E Lord Of The Rings - Setting for 4E?

    Oh lord please don't make a CS for lotr. What would your campaigns be like? 2/3 of the sessions just walking?
  14. M

    D&D 4E The Realms being the first 4e setting

    I know little to nothing about The Realms, and it was always a turn off cause it had _tons of books for it_. I will defiantly be picking it up for 4e.
  15. M

    Anyone else think 4th Ed is to combat WoW?

    Honestly the only real way WoW is cutting into Wizard's profits is WoW vs D&D Online.