• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    So, how about them Hexblades?

    Has anyone here played a Hexblade? (One of the new classes in Complete Warrior.) Maybe someone in your gaming group has? Or are you DMing for one? I'm considering allowing Hexblades into my campaign, per a player's request, and now am considering playing one myself, in another game. But they...
  2. M

    Arcane Slayer...? (or something?!)

    Just putting together a character for a friend's campaign... we're at about 11th lvl (I'm a late entry) and as I was looking to put my character together, I came across the idea of... for lack of a better term, a mage assassin. Now, I know what you're saying 'hey, assassin has arcane spells...
  3. M

    Sorcerer Spells with a Theme

    I was trying to build a sorcerer, and I came to the idea... shouldn't they have some sort of theme for spells? I mean, maybe you focus all on elemental magic, or you use only shadowy things... stuff like that. Anyone else do this? Any groups you've put together? Reading through spell lists in...
  4. M

    Need Help Building a Fighter/Mage

    Alright, so the concept going into the game is one of a fighter/mage... sorceror, to be precise, whom wields a spear to wicked effect. Going to slap him in some leather or something (see below) and pick up Arcane Strike at first opportunity. Here's what I've got for the build so far, would...
  5. M

    Building a Spellthief

    Has anyone played one of these at any length and had some fun with it? The class seems great to portray a lot of different ideas, and the one I'm leaning towards is magekiller. It almost seems like one of the few classes out there that could be taken straight through, with no prestige class or...
  6. M

    So, You Think You've Got A Cool House Rule?

    I don't know about everyone else, but I'm terribly, terribly, terribly bad for coming on here, and plucking pieces of cool ideas everyone else throws to the table. And I was just thinking... wouldn't it be cool to have everyone showcase a few examples of their favourite creations, or things...
  7. M

    Tiefling Paladin/Rogue

    I just had this idea hit me like a ton of bricks, though it isn't even that revolutionary... it just sounds so cool to me. I picture this slender tiefling, in half-heavy armor, with this cloak half-wrapped about him, the hilt of a big sword peeking out, hand resting on it... But how to actually...
  8. M

    Please Help with a Build Swash/Rogue!

    Once again, I come to you all, the gaming gurus. A friend of mine has a game going on Saturday night, that I am joining. I'm making an 8th lvl character, and because his world is so full of spellcasters (the main Empire is ruled by them, on a floating continent!) I've been thinking of making...
  9. M

    Mutant/Superhero Gaming

    I know there are lots of titles available to simulate mutant/superhero gaming... and my group is really interested in a campaign playing such! So, what's the concensus out there? Have you played such a game? What system(s) have you used? What did you think of them? I'm looking for d20 as well...
  10. M

    Fighting With Spears

    A friend of mine is starting up a new campaign, and suddenly, it occurs to me; never, not once, since the old days of playing 2nd edition, have I seen anyone in our gaming group play a fighter that focused more on spears (both the long and short versions). Everybody uses a sword, or an axe, or a...
  11. M

    Help! Have you used the Basic Three Classes?

    I need your help! I want to run a game that will be using the three basic classes, Warrior, Expert and Spellcaster, in lieu of the traditional D&D classes. These are described in Unearthed Arcana. Have /you/ been in or run a game using these classes? Have you ever pondered using them in a...
  12. M

    Basic Classes - Warrior, Expert and Spellcaster

    So, as I've noted in threads previous, I'm gearing up for a game I will be running using the basic classes as presented in Unearthed Arcana. Has anyone else ran/played in a game using the three basic classes? How has it gone? Positive/negative impressions? Did you use prestige classes? If so...
  13. M

    Spellcaster base class - divine or arcane?

    Alright, so I was just reading the section in Unearthed Arcana about the three basic classes. And it says that a spellcaster's choice of being divine or arcane does /not/ affect their spell selection, rather, it only affects the sort of scrolls they can use. Now, to me, this sounds like it...
  14. M

    Anyone taking Cartography Requests?

    Right, probably a silly question; 'Hey, anybody out there want to draw me (and possibly color in) a nice looking map for free!' But, you know, there are lots of weirdoes out there (this is the internet after all, believe you me, Jenny Jones told my Mama there was plenty of weirdoes!) and also...
  15. M

    Trying to make a game harsh, care to input?

    So, I'm about to start my first d20 game in some time, and I've been really working hard on the 'feel' of the setting. See, I spend most of my online time trapped in these MUX and MUSHES that are all about RP, without dice or anything. It's all really freeform, and minimalist when it comes to...