• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. N

    Looking for a reliable player

    For my play-by-post campaign "The Shackled City", I am looking for a reliable player that is able to post once per day under normal circumstances. The new PC would start at 3rd level. The party currently consists of a ranger, a monk, a transmuter, a bard, and a beguiler. For more information...
  2. N

    Diplomacy always an opposed check?

    Hey, I disagree with my DM on how to read the Diplomacy skill. He says that a Diplomacy check is always due to a negotiation and thus calls for an opposed check. As he understands the system, a character using Diplomacy has always to roll against the opposed Diplomacy check of the NPC + a DC...
  3. N

    Sudden Shift: What maneuverability when flying?

    My question is about the spell-like ability "Sudden Shift" that is described on page 70 in the PHB II. It says: "You temporarily change your form to grant yourself a climb, fly, or swim speed equal to your current land speed..." How can I discern which kind of maneuverability I get when using...
  4. N

    Is a readied Spring/Flyby Attack possible?

    The following question has come up in a game I am playing in: Is it possible for a character with a feat like Spring/Flyby/Swim-By Attack to ready an application of the feat, i.e. to ready a move in between of which an attack shall be executed? I'd say no because an application of this feat...
  5. N

    Vatic Gaze (from PHB II)

    Hey all, does any one of you know how the Vatic Gaze feat (from the PHB II) works? First of all, it gives a character Detect Magic at will. Then it says that using a Swift action, one can determine an oppenent's spellcasting ability. By succeeding on a Sense Motive check (DC 5+target's caster...
  6. N

    [BoED] The saint's protective aura

    The following question has been copied over from the WotC boards where it hasn't been answered yet. It says that it takes the Saint a free action to activate his protective aura. Can he also suppress this aura after it has been created? For how long is this aura active? Or indefinitely until...
  7. N

    Bardic music - detectable?

    Hi there! I have a question concerning the Bardic Music: When a bard uses suggestion on another person, can (and if how) notice this person that is being suggested. Or only on a failed attempt? What about uninvolved people standing around? Thank you, Nathan
  8. N

    Rogues with Crossbow

    Hi! In our group we have a human rogue which likes to specialise somewhat in the crossbow. Do you have any ideas what Feats/PrCs/Classes she can take? Is there any possibility to make the crossbow as good as an ordinary bow? Currently, she's a 10th level Rogue with the following feats: Quick...
  9. N

    City of the Spider Queen: Any tips?

    Hi! I'm going to run the City of the Spider Queen adventure. The adventure says that the game is for four PC. However, we will have six or seven PCs in the party. How would you adjust the encounters? Do you have any important tips on how to run this campaign? For example if you've already...
  10. N

    City of the Spider Queen in the FR timeline

    Hi there! Does anybody know when "City of the Spider Queen" should be placed in the Forgotten Timeline, i.e. when did Lolth fell silent? Thanks!
  11. N

    Drow Sleeping Poison

    Hello, does anybody know what a potion of Drow Sleeping Poison costs? What do you need to create the poison? Can only drow create this poison? Do they have to have any futher prerequisites besides the fact that they are drow? The only info on the poison that I've found was that in the...
  12. N

    Any D&D players in CAMBRIDGE?

    Hello People from England! I am in Cambridge, England from October on. I am looking for players there either to join a game as a player or to start a new one as the DM.
  13. N

    Drow Chainmail

    The PCGen program includes stats for "Drow Chainmail" which should be described in the FR material from WotC. Can you tell me where I can find the description of this type of armor?
  14. N

    Drow portraits

    Hello! I am looking for a nice portrait for my female drow bard I am currently playing. Do you know some sites where good portraits can be found. I know Elfwood, but it takes quite some time to browse through all pictures and to be honest, the quality of the images there is sometimes not very...
  15. N

    Blindsight, Blindness and Silence

    Next session our gaming group will probably have to deal with a black dragon (of large size). I have two simple questions: 1) Can the spell blindness/deafness negate a dragon's blindsight ability? 2) Is silence together with invisibility enough to foil the dragon's vision? Nathan
  16. N

    Psionic Attack Modes Supernatural Abilities???

    Hello, everyone! I have just browsed through the new Psionics Handbook Errata. According to it, the Psionic Attack and Defense Modes are supernatural abilities. Using an Attack Mode my trigger an attack of opportunity. This leaves me a little bit confused: 1) Isn't a supernatural ability one...
  17. N

    Prereqs of Sword Dancer

    Hi. As I have seen on the WotC boards, F&P must be out. As I have to make a cleric of Eilistraee in the next days, I am very interested in her Speciality Priest Prc, the Sword Dancer. Unfortunately, I don't expect F&P to arrive here before June, which is a little bit late for my character...
  18. N

    Armor and Spell-like abilities

    Does wearing armor interfere with using spell-like abilities?
  19. N

    2nd-level Bard spells

    What 2nd-level Bard spells would your Bard character take?
  20. N

    Review of Prestige Classes

    Can anyone tell me if there is a website/a document/etc. where the various D&D-prestige classes are reviewed (e.g. with respect to power balance or playability)?