• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. sam500

    Polymorph and Shapechange Question

    I know what you're thinking, not another question about polymorph/shapechange. Well, I've got players shapechanging all over the place. Do they get a golem's immunity to spells, death effects, everything? Do they get a solar's super abilities? Cheers, Sam
  2. sam500

    Spells Centered on You

    I'm a collosal dragon. I cast antimagic field. Does it extend 10 feet from me or does it only cause 10 feet of the space I take up to be antimagic? Thanks guys, Sam
  3. sam500

    Astral Projection

    Can one cast this spell on any plane or just the material? If one casts the spell while on the material plane can they create a second body on the material plane (like they normally could on any other) and move around in that? This would effectively give them a backup body in stasis. Cheers, Sam
  4. sam500

    Player Enablement

    What makes a game fun for me has changed alot in the last year. I used to be what is called a "killer GM". Now however, I'm changing my tune. That's not to say that I don't still kill characters (I killed 3 last week), but I'm not gunning for them anymore. The focus of my games has changed. My...
  5. sam500

    Improved Buckler Defense

    Does this allow you to use a buckler with a 2handed weapon as well? Or does it only work with 2 diferent weapons, one in each hand while 2 weapon fighting? Can one use a buckler with a 2handed weapon normally? Cheers, Sam
  6. sam500

    Waves of Exhaustion

    Does this spell cause a barbarian or FB to come out of frenzy or rage or are the exhausted and raging/frenzying at the same time? What happens if they then come out of their rage normally? Cheers, Sam
  7. sam500

    Mass Battle Rules

    Hey, MY friend wants to hold a mass battle the likes that has never been seen with my mammoth DDM collection. What mass battle rules would work best for this (are the easiest to handle) for large numbers of minis? CHeers, Sam
  8. sam500

    Savage Species

    Are the feats in the savage species rulebook limited to non-core PC races only? I know some of them are overpowered, but is there something i the rules against taking them? My DM said the following "Those feats, even the ones classified as "general" and "background" in that book should only...
  9. sam500

    Help me find the feat

    Is there a feat that allows one to provoke their opponents into charging them? Cheers guys, Sam
  10. sam500

    Casting Touch Spells

    A party member in a game today cast light on an assassin's armour so he could not get away and hide after mudering someone we were supposed to protect. She provoked an AoO since it's a touch spell and took damage. Should the spell have been allowed to go off? It allows no saving throw and no...
  11. sam500

    Power attack multilpliers

    I misposted this in house rules before... whoops. Do Power Attack Multilpliers Stack and how so? For example, say I have 2WF with 2 elf lightblades (CW) and I have uncanny blow trick from exotic weapon master) as well as superior power attack from frenzied berserker as well as leap attack (CA)...
  12. sam500

    Power Attack Multipliers Stack?

    Do Power Attack Multilpliers Stack and how so? For example, say I have 2WF with 2 elf lightblades (CW) and I have uncanny blow trick from exotic weapon master) as well as superior power attack from frenzied berserker as well as leap attack (CA). Or say I'm just using a large elf thinblade in 2...
  13. sam500

    How much to tip the pizza delivery guy?

    I just ordered a pizza from domino's that cost me $10. With delivery charge $2 and tax of $1 that comes to $13 Do I tip the delivery guy on top of that or does the delivery charge go to him? Paying 50% on top of a pizza seems to be crazy. Your thoughts?
  14. sam500

    TPK Your Entire Party

    Question: Does this trick work for TPKing an entire party? I am 11th level evil wizard. There are 3 other characters in the party. I have watch and my mates are asleep. I Coup de Gras them all using a full round action to cast sudden maximized empowered scorching ray (3 rays, 3 targets). They...
  15. sam500

    AoO QUestion

    If you have a 15' reach and combat reflexes and a medium creature charges you, do you get 2 AoO on him or just one? Also, if you have reach and a medium creature runs around you figure without tumbling in a circle moving through your threatened squares the whole time, do you get a buttload of...
  16. sam500

    Chargin and AOO's

    When you charge a creature with reach, does it get an AOO on you? I think yes, my players say no. Who is correct? Cheers, Sam
  17. sam500

    Horizon Walker Shifting Ability Question

    Does a horizon walker maintain it's dimension door ability from the shifter sspell-like ability while on the prime material plane? Cheers guys, Sam
  18. sam500

    Druids Animal Companion

    As a druid's animal companion advances in hitdice does it's size increase as a normal wolf in the monster manual? One player says yes, one player says no. Can anyone site a reference in the rules? Thanks guys. Sam
  19. sam500

    Tomb of Horrors 3.5

    I ran the Tomb of Horrors as a one shot last night for Halloween as for a group of 10. There was a prize to see who could last the longest. I killed 4 PC's relatively quickly, but than the wizard of the group completely through me off. She successfully mind jarred, the mutant four armed...
  20. sam500

    Help! I need some pregen PCs!

    Hey guys, I'm running the Tome of Horrors 3.5 update for Halloween night tomorrow and I need to pre-gen some 9th level PC's for the game. About 12 of them (preferrably 2 of each core class so 16 total). Does anyone know a link or website or have some they could email me. I'd prefer core only...