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Search results

  1. D

    Fixing Tumble

    I'm sure this has been posted and discussed time and time again on these boards, but I don't have a supporter account so I can't search. But what I'm wondering is has anyone come up with a fair solution to the tumble skill. The DC 15 check to tumble past an opponent is just too easy (Assume a...
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    D&D 5E Help me design my next campaign - Low magic world

    So I'm starting to think up plans for my next homebrew. 3.5 rules. I probably won't run the game for at least a year plus. I plan on keeping the world relatively low-magic. Background wise, I'm thinking of using some type of war of attrition, reciprocating assassinations (possibly still...
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    Am I an unfair GM?

    Just curious how everyone else would rule on this one. First let me set up some brief intro to the situation: I'm running a homebrew campaign and the party happened upon a cult of the Elder Elemental Eye. So they're in the cult's fortress and they get ambushed. The cleric casts wall of stone...
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    Moving to Columbia, MO. Looking for group

    In August I'm going to be moving to Columbia, MO. I primarily play 3.5, however I'm also open to earlier editions (I have no interest in 4e). Also, if anyone can give me names of FLGS in that area I'd also appreciate it.
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    Help me pick a grad school

    So, here's the situation: I've decided to go back to grad school full-time at 27. So I did the whole applications for my program (only so many schools actually have agricultural economics programs) and got back a bunch of acceptances and a few assistantship offers. That part is totally...
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    Titan Fighting from RoS question

    OK, so I'm GMing a new game and one of my players wants to take the Titan Fighting feat from Races of Stone. Said player is convinced that Titan Fighting will effectively grant him a +8 bonus to AC against a specific giant that he has designated as the target of his dodge feat. I believe the...
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    Help me tweak my Barbarian

    So I'm playing a Minotaur (kind of Krynnish, but not quite) Barbarian in my current game. We're 9th level. I currently have the following feats: Power Attack Cleave Ex Weapon Prof: Mercurial Great Sword Monkey Grip Extend Rage Imp Critical I took 2 flaws: Shaky and Eye Patch (home-brewed...
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    Feat gorus, please help!

    Some time back I was looking through my books and saw a feat. The feat could only be taken by a wizard at 1st level. It allowed a wizard to learn 4 spells every level instead of the standard 2. Unfortunately I've been unable to locate which book this feat is in since. Did my brain just dream...
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    Casting Spells in Lycanthrope Alternate Form

    Ok, so here's the situation, due to some ultra chaos involving an artifact, my 13th level Enchanter just gained the weretiger (natural lycanthropy). The problem: hybrid form is extremely limiting (but so damn sexy for touch spells) for casting spells. Are there any feats or spells that will...
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    Tracking teleportation

    Is there a spell that allows the caster to trace where another person teleported to? I could've sworn I'd seen one but can't seem to find it in any of my books. If so which book does it appear in?
  11. D

    Attn Computer Savvy People, Please Help!

    Ok, so I got a new computer a few months back. When I first got it, it woulld sparingly spontaneously reset itself for no apparant reason. I didn't worry about it then because it was very rare. Now the computer is doing it multiple times a day. If I try to play any games I get about 3...
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    Servant of the Shard Question

    So I'm perusing the WOTC website today and I see that R.A. Salvatore has a new series on the way--The Sellswords. The first book is named Servant of the Shard. This was also the name of a book in the Paths of Darkness series. Are these two books one and the same, or are they different novels...
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    Pork Roll - have you heard of it?

    So at my work there's this new person from Tennesee. We were chatting today and the topic of food came up. I mentioned how I could have killed for a good pork roll sandwhich right then. And she gives me a look somewhere between confusion and fear. So I try to quickly smooth things over and...
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    Illiteracy and Manuals/Tomes of Uber-goodness

    Ok, I'll explain the situation fairly briefly, I play the party fighter, my friend the party barbarian. As part of a treasure we found a Manual of Gainful Exercise. The player for the barbarian instantly claims the book, to which I scoff and claim my ownership to. I cite the reason being that...
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    How to become a lich?

    I've got a question. How exactly does one become a lich. What spells are cast and what product would I find them in? What are the details of the ritual? What are the requirements? My pc's got trapped and captured by the henchmen of a nefarious wizard who has been a thorn in their side for...
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    Throwing a weapon with each hand?

    One of my players is questioning the possibility of having a character throw a throwing axe with each hand. Are there any rules specifically allowing this or is just not posssible? What would be the penalties and how would TWF factor into the equation? I see no real problems with this in...
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    Good military strategy books--what do you advise?

    I'm going to be starting up a campaign that will involve the pc's leading an army. Without going to much into details, what books would you advise my players to read to help give them a better idea of military tactics, logistics, etc. I'd like books that can show practical examples of various...
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    DM Forcing Characters on Players

    Have any of you guys and gals out there ever player in a campaign where the DM assigned characters to players? This can mean any number of things: 1) These following characters (elf fighter, dwarf barbarian, etc) must be chosen divide them amongst yourself 2) You're character died. Luckily, I...
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    Secret Diaries of LOTR

    Haven't seen a link to these posted recently so for all the noobs and/or uninitiated I present the Very Secret Diaries of LOTR: http://www.ealasaid.com/misc/vsd/ Amazing how bored I am, sucks when you work friDAYS and your girlfriend works friNIGHTS
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    Ultimate RPG

    Now this is what I call a RPG Don't spam, please. You can feel free to put it into your sig, though, I guess. -Darkness