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  1. S

    "The man in black fled across the Mournland, and the Dragonmarked followed"

    I was looking at my copy of Stephen King's "The Gunslinger" the other day. It has one of the best opening lines I've ever read, and I started thinking about how to make a game from that one line. I thought it would make a good fit for Eberron, and I ended up with the line you read in the...
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    Doing a full campaign, but less silly tone

    I want to run the new Gamma World in a semi long-term capacity. It's just a little too silly for my liking as written. I'd like to make it a little more subtle, make the humor more dark than silly. And I want to have a scary-ass version of Dracula with a castle on the moon. Any other suggestions...
  3. S

    [Dresden Files] help me make this baddie

    My group and I are getting ready to undertake a Dresden Files game. We haven't met for chargen yet, but I know some of e broad basics, and want to design an antagonist that will stand out some. I know the game is going to be set in Cleveland, and that they are going to make modified fantasy...
  4. S

    Tomb of Horrors... The maps...

    I mentioned in another thread I was looking to combine Tomb of Horrors and Revenge of the Giants. On the Wizards site, they have all the maps from RotG. Does anyone know if they will do this with ToH? Do you have any other way to make these maps? Most are so small, I can't even tell what...
  5. S

    Combining Revenge of the Giants and Tomb of Horrors -- doable?

    As the title says, I'm considering joining together the Revenge of the Giants and Tomb of Horrors adventures. I'm curious if anyone thinks this will work... Level-wise, they line up okay... Tomb is levels 10-22 and episodic, while Revenge is levels 12-17. Plus, both involve Aczerak (did I...
  6. S

    [Pathfinder APs] How hard to convert to 4e?

    I've been checking out the Kingmaker AP, and I think it looks awesome.... However, my group is picking up some new gamers, and 4e is easier for them than Pathfinder (no flamewars please, I'm not stating that as overall fact, just fact for my group) So my question is, just how hard do you...
  7. S

    Eberron ideas... Whatcha think?

    I've been wanting to run an Eberron for a long time... In the last few days, a handful of threads I've read here have inspired me, and I dusted off an old idea for good measure. Here is what I'm looking at... The party is a small group (3, maybe 4 people) that is a Vlad Taltos-esque criminal...
  8. S

    Ambitious campaign idea, need some opinions

    I'm planning on running a SW SAGA edition campaign for my group soon. What I'm looking at doing is kind of a generational campaign. Not "generational" in the idea that "each character is related to another," although that is an option if they desire. Instead, more the idea of a story that flows...
  9. S

    Did I lay these encounters out right?

    I'm writing a small adventure for my group for play on Sunday, and I'm not sure I'm doing the encounters right. The first time we played, I just used the adventure from the back of the DMG. This time I'm writing my own, and I wanted to make sure I'm doing these right. Would anyone mind checking...
  10. S

    Dungeon Master for Dummies -- any good?

    I thought D&D for Dummies was crap, but I gave this one a quick flipthru in the store and it looked surprising decent. My question, before I plunk down the cash, is: is it actually decent, or were appearances deceiving? What's the verdict on this one?
  11. S

    [Eberron] My campaign concept, looking for thoughts and input

    First off, if you're my players, please go away now. Thank you. I kicked off an Eberron campaign a few weeks back. So far it's been good fun, and in the two sessions we've played so far we've intertwined a variety of different storylines and interactions. I'm starting now to look at the bigger...
  12. S

    [Stargate SG-1] New world and antagonists -- how do they sound?

    I've had an idea for a world and new antagonist for my new group. Here we go: P5X-8RH Feudal society where kingdoms are constantly skirmishing (based on the Conan writings of Robert E. Howard). One kingdom, led by a "man-demon" calling himself Amon, is the most aggressive. Amon appears to...
  13. S

    [Spycraft] More realistic, politcal intrigue-ish game?

    I've gotten re-addicted to MI-5 lately, what with A&E showing Series 3 and Series 2 just hitting DVD. My friends have asked that I run an espionage game more like that, and I'm trying to decide if I can use Spycraft for that. If I can, what (if any changes) should I make? If not Spycraft, is...
  14. S

    Opinions on Gygax's "Insidiae?"

    The title says it all... I did this over at RPG.Net too... I'm really interested in this one, but money is a bit tight and I'm not sure if it would be worth it... any thoughts?
  15. S

    Campaign idea -- now with an invitation

    *** If any of my players happen to be lurking around here, please God, stop reading this post!!! *** I'm starting an Eberron campaign on Sunday, and I'm trying to get some of my notes all nice and finalized so I can make with the statting. I've got five people in my group, all with good...
  16. S

    Experimental play: non-party structure

    I'm looking at starting an Eberron game with my group soon. We're about to indoctrinate two newbies, so I'm gonna have a 6-person group. And I was thinking, this would be a good time to try an experiment. I've been watching a lot of TV on DVD lately -- mostly Buffy, Stargate, and 24. This is...
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    [Eberron] The War-Torn novel proposal thingie

    I did this over at RPG.Net too, but I figure the more help the merrier... So anyone else around here thinking of entering this, just for fun? There are days I think I'm a good writer, and days where I don't -- my fiance says I am, and what the hell, if it's just for fun, I may as well try it...
  18. S

    [Midnight] Preliminary notes for my new campaign -- could use some help

    I ran Midnight once before, and we ran through Crown of Shadows... this new game contains some of the same players, but not all, plus a new one, so I'm treating it as a "sequel" but with different characters. So here's what I've got... The elves of Caradul has received the means necessary to...
  19. S

    Drow plotline -- need one, but got writer's block

    My group is meeting this coming weekend for the second session in my "Legacy" campaign. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the basics of my storyline now -- if you're not, my notes are here. I need help fleshing this next session out... The first part of it I'm fine with. * Vanderghast...
  20. S

    Legacy: Battle for A Nation's Soul

    Welcome to the story hour for my Forgotten Realms game. The title is still tentative, but for now it's "Legacy." I'll update this as often as I can, but the group's meetings are kinda sporadic. For further information about the campaign, my notes are posted here. That's it for now, on to the...