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  1. P

    Applying Metamagic Feats to Summoning spells

    I have a player that wishes to play a summoner. I have no problems with this of course, but I am unsure of how to apply metamagic feats to summoning spells. For example, if he Empowers a summoning spell, then he'll get +50% more creatures to show up. Does that metamagic also affect things like...
  2. P

    Calm Emotions; how would you rule this?

    I am currently building a BBEG whose whole schtick is that he is built around Law. Anyways, I was considering giving him an aura. One that acts as a permanent Calm Emotions spell. In this instance, once he attacks someone, assuming they failed the initial save, the effect is broken. I would...
  3. P

    Do the Globe of Invulnerability spells block LoE?

    After reading the various Anti-Magic Shell threads and the Call Lightning thread, this situation came up in a game I run. The party mage cast Lightning Bolt at another mage protected by a Globe of Invulnerability. Obviously the enemy mage himself is protected, but the casting mage wanted the...
  4. P

    Help with building a BBEG

    Here's the rundown: I run two different groups of players. Over the past month or so, we have discussed integrating the two groups for a sort of "crossover" game. Everyone was, and is, very excited about this. Things that the groups did starting affecting the other and we have slowly introduced...
  5. P

    Double move flying?

    If a creature has a natural fly speed I assume that it can double move. Is that correct? Thanks!
  6. P

    Two monks, an assassin, a cleric and a wizard

    I was asked to help a fellow DM of mine by building some NPC's for an upcoming combat in his game. I thought I would ask for some help of my own here. :D I was told to make them as nasty as possible while still falling into a few basic guidelines. The two monks are to be CR 13 each. One...
  7. P

    Globe of Invulnerability question

    The main enemy in the current story arc of my game has had the spell Burning Blood cast upon him. He already has a Globe of Invulnerability cast, but had moved out of it to get into range and cast a spell at the PC's. My question is this: If he moves back to the Globe, does the spell become...
  8. P

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.0 Haste in 3.5

    Let's say I wanted to introduce the 3.0 version of Haste as an "Improved Haste" in 3.5. What level would you recommend it be set at? I am leaning towards 7th, but would like to get some input. Thanks!
  9. P

    Shadow Blend ability

    I am going to allow a template to be applied to the rogue in my game. It will have an ability based on the Shadow Blend ability of shadow creatures. Basically, the ability allows the creature to blend into the shadows and gain concealment. I am going to limit the rogue to 20% concealment when...
  10. P

    Battle vs. Frenzied Berserker

    Inspired by this thread: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=186094&page=1&pp=40 My group is currently getting ready to engage a FB in battle. The group is on a rescue mission, and this FB has been sent out, solo, to take them down before they reach the fortress of the BBEG. The group...
  11. P

    Need a link please!

    I know this has been discussed here, and I don't have access to the Search function. Can someone provide me a link to discussions involving Magic Missile vs. Mirror Image? Thanks!
  12. P

    A Ravenloft Domain Lord

    Hey everyone! I wanted to get some input on a Domain Lord in Ravenloft. I have just transported my PC's to the Domains of Dread and they are currently in Falkovia. The Lord there is Valdimir Drakov, and though I have the RL Campaign Setting, no stats are given for him. This isn't really too...
  13. P

    Merry friggin' Xmas

    I changed a few of the words since this place is a bit more Grandma friendly :). I didn't feel like retyping the whole thing, so I just copied/pasted from my online game... ----------------------------- Ok, in part I am sorry for the language above... but this will probably be a long rant-ish...
  14. P

    Detect Magic question

    The detect magic spell says that it can penetrate through various different thicknesses of materials. Even so, I interpret that that aspect of the spell does not confer line of sight to determine magical aura schools, correct? A player of mine has detected magic through a stone door which is...
  15. P

    Backwards Dice roller?

    I know this is an odd request, and maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. I am looking for a backwards dice roller. In other words, I'd like to be able to put in a range of numbers, say (2-11), and it spits back that I have to roll 1d10+1. Has anyone seen anything like that? If so, I would...
  16. P

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Spellcasting Prodigy

    Can someone tell me if there are any changes to Spellcasting Prodigy from 3.0 to 3.5? Or give me a link to a thread here at EN World that discusses this? Thanks in advance!
  17. P

    Equality in the DnD world

    This will obviously vary greatly by DM, but I see nothing in the rules about how men and women are treated in the game worlds. This argument came up after I complimented a female players swordskill. I called her a swordmaster. Unexpectedly she retorted with, "I am a swordmistress. A woman...
  18. P

    Use of a Wish spell

    Due to various cuircumstances in my game, a PC has come by a Wish spell. They are currenly on a quest to retrieve an artifact-level hammer, rumored to have once been wielded by Moradin himself. They know, somewhat, the location of this item. The PC who has the Wish available has not told the...
  19. P

    Luckblade question

    Luck Blade: This +2 short sword gives its possessor a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. Its possessor also gains the power of good fortune, usable once per day. This extraordinary ability allows its possessor to reroll one roll that she just made. She must take the result of the reroll, even...
  20. P

    Deity stat blocks in Faiths and Pantheons

    The stat blocks given for the deities are for their avatars, corect? In other words, Bane can have up to 20 avatars, each being: Fighter 15/Blackguard 10/Cleric 10/Wizard 10/Rogue 20 If that is not the case, and each block lists the deity as he/she might be encountered on their home plane...