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  1. J

    How to decide which system?? Narrative focus

    Hey all, so im really interesting in branching out from 3.5/4e/SWSE which i have the most experience with towards a system which lends more towards narrative focused/RP focus as opposed to combat and statistics. I really dont know much about the other systems out there so I was hoping someone...
  2. J

    Suggestions for Cyberspace/V-World Game Mechanics/Ideas?

    Hey everyone, im planning on at least 50% of my new setting relating to a global cyberspace network similar to william gibson style jacking in/matrix/V-world from Caprica. Im looking for some resources to help me get ideas, world out the limitations of what ive planned out so far and work out...
  3. J

    As a DM how do you combine Sci Fi and Fantasy?

    Hey guys so i have a setting im putting together for a game, which is half scifi half fantasy. Think privateers/mercs/smugglers in their ship crashing onto a somewhat traditional fantasy style planet. I guess im wondering how people suggest handling it in terms of rules. Like having some...
  4. J

    Good Matrix RPG?

    Just rewatched the movies and was thinking it would make a great setting for a campaign. Im thinking a campaign with kinda seems like d20 modern with magic "chars with powers" but then they slowly get find out its actually a matrix campaign. Anyway im looking for a decent RPG system made for...
  5. J

    Chase Scenes - A how to?

    Hi all, so ive grabbed some chase cards from one system and had a look into it in a few different ways, but im trying to work out how to run a chase scene in my game. Its a star wars SWSE game and id like to doa speederbike/swoop/speeder chase scene through a city. Would it work like a combat...
  6. J

    GMing - Reemphasising a plot hook?

    dang, computer ate my post :( So im running my first campaign at the moment. Its StarWars set in the Dark Times, just post Order 66. Im trying to keep my game fairly open ended and player driven, so they have alot of latitude with picking where they go, how they do things etc. Problem is, as...
  7. J

    Making places interesting/unique - DMing

    hey guys, so my campaigns been going for awhile now and im finding it hard to flesh out places so they feel real. for instance in a specific city the players only go to the area i suggest they go to (ie the market ot buy stuff, the poor district for information, the town centre to meet with...
  8. J

    Prep for a time strapped DM

    Hey guys, so im currently studying medicine and have very little time on my hands, but im running an SWSE game and really loving it. Its my first sustained foray into DMing (GMing in SWSE i guess) and its really great, but im trying to work out hwo to get the most "bang for my buck" preparing...
  9. J

    GM specific Forums/help?

    Hey guys, so while ENWorld is definately the tip top best PnP resource on the net, im wondering if there are any GM/DM specific forums out there? Preferably any which have a tilting towards scifi PnP (im playing a Star Wars Saga campaign). Im looking for help with improving my GMing, making...
  10. J

    OneNote a GMs holy grail :) (In case youve never used MS OneNote)

    Hey guys, i posted this over on the d20Radio forums regarding my SWSE game. I am so impressed with OneNote (both as a student and as a GM/DM) so i figured id pass this on for all the GMs out there using Word and folders to organise their games. This is a fantastic resource, so spreading the word...
  11. J

    Direction vs Options - Advice for a new DM?

    Hey guys, so Im a long time roleplayer who is now finally getting a decent shot at GMing a group. (tried a few times but they fizzled, this one looks like it could get going). Im an avid star wars reader and my group has just finished their 3rd session in my new SWSE game. Im setting the game...
  12. J

    New Campaign Player Contacts? Help for a new DM

    Hey guys, So im about two sessions into my first real campaign and I have an idea about contacts that I thought id check to see what people thought about. Im running a star wars saga game, beginning immediately after Order 66. My players have abit of background to their characters and i am...
  13. J

    SciFi/SW Maps/Spaceports etc

    Hi guys, just wodnering if anyone knows good places to find maps etc for a sci fi game? Paid or free works. Im really looking for a range of spaceports/shipyards/space stations/cities etc that I can use for a star wars game. Any help would be fantastic coz im having soo much trouble finding...
  14. J

    Virtual Table Top - iConvention '08

    Hey not sure if you guys know about this but this week there is an online convention promoting the use of Virtual Table Top programs, and introducing RPG players to the VTT community. THeres some wicked programs out there for playing tabletop PnP over the net such as Fantasy Grounds, OpenRPG...
  15. J

    Geelong, Victoria - Lookin for a group :)

    anyone in the area by any chance lookin for some RP? :)
  16. J

    [SWSE] Static Saves and Skills? :(

    Hey guys, so getting a game of SWSE going hopefully pretty soon, its just coming together at the moment. I was making up character sheets with some friends the other day and it seems like saves are static numbers rather than roll modifiers?? I must admit its the first part of the new system...
  17. J

    StarWars Campaign Beginning/building Help (No entry Sammy!)

    Hey everyone so im getting a game going with a bunch of friends who havnt played SWRPG before (in fact most havnt PnP'ed before) and I need advice with setting up my campaign. So heres the deal. Its set to start just at the same time as the events of Episode 3 (probably quite early, word will...
  18. J

    SWRPG - Basic knowledge for players

    Hey guys, so im getting an SWRPG game going for a bunch of friends, and trying to work out what they need to know beforehand. All except one have seen all the movies so that basic level of understanding is there. What makes me wonder is how to get them to take initiative when they dont know the...
  19. J

    Campaign planning quandry

    Hey guys i have a quandry. So im planning to run a SWRPG game with a bunch of friends and im getting into the planning for it. First time i tried i made the railroading mistake and the game didnt last very long. This time im leaving it more open, yet being my first campaign id like to work it...
  20. J

    SWRPG thoughts for a newish DM

    So me and some friends are going to get a StarWars PnP campaign going, naturally thinking of using SWRPG (Although i heard there was a straight DnD rules adaption around?). Anyway was just wondering what peoples impressions of the current system are etc. Im going to be DMing, not sure if we're...