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Search results

  1. TheEvil

    Mounted Leap Attack

    Is there any reason the Leap Attack feat (Complete Adventurer pg 110) could not be used when mounted?
  2. TheEvil

    Looking for preprinted adventure suggestions

    I am getting ready to take my turn GMing for my game group and am hoping to pick your brains for suggestions on modules or Dungeon Magazine adventures to run (preferably 3.5, but not adverse to converting good ones). I am going with a 'local heros' theme, starting off with UK2-3 (The Sentinel...
  3. TheEvil

    Variations on the Dervish theme

    The Dervish PRC from Complete Warrior is a mobile, slashing weapon themed light melee character. As a GM, would you see a problem with allowing modifications for a piercing or bludgeoning based dervish? Obviously, this could have significant impacts on feat and class synergies, but do you...
  4. TheEvil

    D&D 3E/3.5 Looking for a 1st Edition module converted to 3.5

    I am looking for a 3.5 coversion of UK2 The Sentinal and UK3 The Gauntlet. Does anyone have these converted? Make that two modules.
  5. TheEvil

    TWF with Speed weapons

    The Speed enhancement states that the wielder of a speed weapon gets an extra attack with that weapon when they make a full attack. It also says that the benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as the haste spell. Is there any official ruling whether or not you get an extra...
  6. TheEvil

    Looking for a Diplomatic solution

    Does anyone know of a Human Sorcerer character option that would grant Diplomacy as a class skill? All WOTC books and dragon magazine available, 3rd party books with GM approval. I have looked through the WOTC books I own (most of them) and have not found any.
  7. TheEvil

    Other uses for Wild Talent

    I have decided that I really want to get the Deflective Armor feat for my dwarf fighter/rogue (what can I say, I like the +14 or so to touch AC), which will require me to get the Wild Talent feat so that I can be psionically focused. I could have sworn there were magic items that made use of...
  8. TheEvil

    Was the 'Mithral Fullplate/Heavy Armor Optimization Feat' questions ever settled?

    It has been several years since I played D&D 3.5E and I don't recall if the following debate was ever firmly settled: A fighter with the Heavy Armor Optimizatin (HAO) Feat (+1 armor bonus, reduce check penality by 1, Races of Stone) finds a suit of Mithral Full Plate (counts as medium armor for...
  9. TheEvil

    Forced teleport question - dropping the target

    In last weeks game, my avenger used Sequestering Strike on an enemy and I considered dropping him from a height since I could fly at the time. The GM wasn't sure that was legal and could lead to 'insta-kill' scenarios. I told him I would look into the issue. I have primarily found a lack of...
  10. TheEvil

    How natural is natural? Best 3 of 6?

    The skill power Nature Sense from PHB3 says that the power is triggered when "You would roll initiative in a natural environment." So what constitutes a 'natural' environment? If you are in a natural cavern that has had it floor, stalagmites removed and leveled out, is it still a natural...
  11. TheEvil

    Slow status and non-speed based movement

    The slow effect states that your speed becomes 2, that it applies to all movement modes, and that you cannot increase your speed above 2. It also says that it does not effect push, pull, slide or teleportation. How does this effect powers that allow you to move as part of them that are not...
  12. TheEvil

    Avenger Power: Oath of the Final Duel Questions

    So in our last game, my avenger slapped Oath of the Final Duel (OFD) on a ogre magi (or whatever they call them these days) early in the fight. To no great suprise, it turns invisible and flys off at the end of the fight. This raises a couple questions: Can my avenger teleport to a square...
  13. TheEvil

    What is Brutal worth?

    Question for you number crunchers out there: What is the weapon property Brutal worth? I am looking at taking either the Fullblade or the Executioner's Axe with my Avenger and it looks like the trade off is essentially +1 to hit for Brutal 2. I know from a satisfaction standpoint, the...
  14. TheEvil

    Enchanting Cold Iron: Extra 2000gp each time or once?

    A interpretation on the text for cold iron recently came up and I am curious what the opinion on ENWorld is. From the SRD the text on Cold Iron says: This iron, mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate...
  15. TheEvil

    Unearthed Arcana Varient Rogue - Sneak Attack for Fighter Feats

    In Unearthed Arcana, one of the varient class features for the rogue is to substitute bonus feats as a fighter for sneak attack. The question is this: Should the rogue's levels count at fighter levels for the purposes of feat qualification?
  16. TheEvil

    Retrieving a potion while grappled

    So, in the last session, the mage was grappled by a giant constrictor snake. I felt very evil. :) It did, however raise a couple questions. The player decided he wanted to drink a potion to make up for some of the damage while the party tried to rescue him. Since the grapple rules don't...
  17. TheEvil

    *Archtypical Paladin Quandry* The 'Are you a Paladin?' Question.

    The most recent paladin thread reminded me of one of the questions which seems to invariably come up when the paladin's code of conduct is debated. I am curious how the board in general feels about it. Without further ado, the set up: The party (containing a paladin, let's call him Dudley)...
  18. TheEvil

    Tailing the the party *My Players stay out*

    How often should PCs get listen checks to notice they are being followed through a swamp by an invisible flying quasit?
  19. TheEvil

    Should Spot checks include looking up?

    The thread about looting got me to thinking about what should be considered automatic. Some time back, we were playing World's Largest Dungeon. *SPOILER ALERT* The entire first section is loaded with fiendish darkmantles dropping on the party. Not once did the GM allow a Spot check to...
  20. TheEvil

    Can't figure out how to access the search function

    Hi all I became a community supporter some months ago (shortly before the crash, I am afraid) and since then have not been able to access the search function. Am I just being unusually dense? Any directions would be appreciated.