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  1. S

    Celebrity cameos

    Does anybody else have famous historical/fantasy/fictional characters appear once in a while in their campaigns? I'm thinking less of having Elminster drop by for a cup of tea and more wild, unpredictable cameos that don't really belong until you think about it. Most of my cameos are...
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    Baleful Polymorph

    If I cast baleful polymorph on someone, turn him into a frog, and then put him in an antimagic field does he turn back into a person? I know he would if I used a simple polymorph but the duration for baleful polymorph is listed as 'permanent' and I'm not sure how that works.
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    What props do you/have you used in your game, either as a player or as a DM? I ask this for two reasons: 1. Curiosity 2. Attempting to ascertain exactly how much of a geek everyone is. I personally rarely use anything beyond player handouts. I have, from time to time, adopted clothing to...
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    Stagnant PCs and what to do.

    I have this one player who doesn't really get the idea of character development. All the other PCs have had some variety of growth in the two years we've been playing this campaign. The grouchy one fulfilled a quest and got less grouchy, the naive one got less naive, the wacky one got wackier...
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    How do you take over a magical island?

    My campaign has a magical island that floats around the place. It's populace consists entirely of magic-users (arcane only, plus a few clerics of the goddess of magic.). There is also an organisation of evil mages which is devoted to, among other things, world domination. Now, my question is -...
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    Please help - cliches needed

    I'm working on another D&D campaign setting (I'm actually working on two at once but this one is the only one relevant here). The concept behind the setting is a world that is an exaggerated, overstated or complete opposite of a number of elements common to many fantasy worlds. Basically, I'm...
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    Cast My NPCs Part 2

    Excellent advice was provided last time. Here come round 2. I'm assigning actors to play NPCs in my campaign - it helps with characterisation and role-playing. My campaign is set on a sailing ship which floats about causing trouble. More NPCs need casting, to whit: 1. The ship's pilot...
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    Cast My NPCs Part 2

    Excellent advice was provided last time. Here come round 2. I'm assigning actors to play NPCs in my campaign - it helps with characterisation and role-playing. My campaign is set on a sailing ship which floats about causing trouble. More NPCs need casting, to whit: 1. The ship's pilot...
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    Sex, Violence, Drugs and other naughty things

    How much 'adult content' do you use in your games? Is there a place you can draw the line? Personally, I try to keep it PG rated as much as I can, but because all my players are responsible adults from time to time I up the age group a bit. Druids, for example, in my earlier campaign were for...
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    Cast My NPCs

    One of the things we do in my campaign is assign an actor to 'play' important characters. This is useful because it provides a visual or personal frame of reference for players (and me) and it's also kinda fun. However, it's not always easy. Can the panel help me out here? I'm looking for actors...
  11. S

    Cast my NPCs

    One of the things we do in my campaign is assign an actor to 'play' important characters. This is useful because it provides a visual or personal frame of reference for players (and me) and it's also kinda fun. However, it's not always easy. Can the panel help me out here? I'm looking for actors...
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    Dominate Person

    The book says it works like this: I cast the spell on you and tell you to protect me. You'll therefore attack anyone who attacks me. If I tell you to go for a walk, you'll go and keep walking until I tell you to stop, although you will eat, sleep, et cetera. If, however, I tell you to kill...
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    Tell Us Your Best RPG Joke

    Come on, someone must know some. I got one to start us off: How many drow does it take to change a light bulb? You can't tell - when the light goes on they run away. Well? You do better! Please?
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    Politics in a D&D context

    I know politics isn't allowed but this isn't about real-world politics but about the politics in D&D campaigns. How does it work in your campaigns? What are the power plays like, what participation do your players have, and so on? In my old campaign, the city began as a despotic republic but...
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    I ripped it off, but we had fun anyway...

    OK. I admit fully I ripped this concept off, but I thought it would be a really cool hook for an adventure. In my campaign, the PCs are the crew of a ship which roams around a giant archipelago looking for trouble. They find it every session, funnily enough. In this particular session, they...
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    Need help with rules for Vampires

    We all know Vampires are killed by stakes, right? My problem is coming up with combat rules to allow players to do this. If I said to you, as my DM, "I want to stake the vampire," what rule/s would you use/make up to allow me to do it, or at least attempt it.