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  1. C

    Source of a character portrait?

    I'm trying to find the source art for a character portrait from the DDI character builder. The portrait is of a revenant with glowing green eyes surrounded by wisps of green energy. Does anyone know which book or dragon magazine issue this picture appears in?
  2. C

    3.5 Maptool game Sunday evenings (est)

    I'm looking to find out if enough people would be interested in a Sunday evening game. I would like to use Dawn of Worlds to create the setting. The first session or two would consist of setting and character creation. Character creation would be option 7 (Random Average Characters) on DMG page...
  3. C

    Bard Rituals rules question

    So, bards can cast a certain number of rituals per day without expending components. The specific terminology is "you can perform one bard ritual per day of your level or lower without expending components, although you must pay any other costs and use any focus required by the ritual." My...
  4. C

    2 powers everyone gets in Eberron. Please critique.

    Perform a Trick (No Action; Encounter) Effect: Gain a +5 bonus on your next skill-based action. Special: You must describe the action so that it sounds cool. Perform a Stunt (No Action; Daily) Effect: On your next skill-based action, do not roll. Instead, assume you rolled a 10. Special: You...
  5. C

    Chillicothe, Ohio area gamer seeking group

    I recently moved to the area, and I'm looking for a group to join. Failing that, I'll be looking to start a group. I have 10+ years of DMing experience and I'm willing to play just about any game system.
  6. C

    Yet another music thread, but this one's a little different...

    Does anyone know of any free internet radio sites that has good stations specifically designed for background music during D&D? I've been listening to stuff at Live365 Internet Radio - Thousands of Free Online Radio Stations Does anyone have any recommendations?
  7. C

    D&D 4e OpenRPG Sunday morning game...

    We are looking for players for our Scales of War game. We play Sunday mornings 8:30am EST. Currently, our group is a Seeker (controller) and a Rogue (striker). I am "between characters" right now. We need either a Leader or a Defender. Our characters are level 3, but we are still in the...
  8. C

    DMG2: Companions, missing feature or intentional ommission?

    So, I'm looking through the section on building your own companion, specifically at the powers given to leaders and I notice that they do not have the ability to heal themselves with their healing ability. Nor is there any mention of a companion character's ability to use a second wind, which...
  9. C

    Thirst and Dehydration: How much water?

    I'm having trouble finding where in the rule books it says how much water one must drink in order to avoid thirst and dehydration. I see in the DMG it says how often one must drink on page 159 (saves start being made after 3 days). However, I cannot find the volume of water one must drink. I...
  10. C

    Illithid playable race

    I'm looking for some feedback to help me balance this out. Illithid Racial Traits Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence & Charisma Size: Medium Speed: 7 Vision: Darkvision Languages: Deep Speech, telepathy 10 Skill Bonus: +2 Bluff Mind Blast: You can use mind blast as an...
  11. C

    Forgotten Realms: Cleric of Eilistraee

    I'm DMing a campaign with a different history that the one in the 4e Forgotten Realms books. One of the characters is a cleric of Eilistraee. I would like some feedback on this feat. Eilistraee’s Sword Dance Prerequisites: Channel Divinity class feature. Benefit: You can invoke the...
  12. C

    Ranger Paragon Paths, apologies if this has been asked...

    So, I'm looking over the various paragon paths and what kinds of multiclass characters would be a cool combination. Then I noticed that all of the Ranger paragon paths have a prerequisite based on fighting style. So, the Ranger paragon paths can only be taken by Rangers. The Multiclass feat...
  13. C

    OpenRPG d20 Modern Sundays

    I'm thinking of GMing a d20 Modern game so that I can get used to the OpenRPG program. I've played in a couple OpenRPG campaigns, and I've regularly DMed each week for the past 8 years. This campaign will mostly be a learning experience for me, and it is an excuse for me to run a campaign I've...