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Search results

  1. Charles Rampant

    Black Panther and Tomb of Annihilation

    Hey all, So I cannot have been the only person to view BP as highly inspirational for a ToA campaign. What changes or improvements come to the collective minds now that we’ve got some highly visible afrogeekism to draw on? If nothing else, I know what soundtrack to play during character...
  2. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Adventure Satisfaction Poll

    Hey all, So I got to wondering... we talk a lot about the adventures here, but I'm not sure that we've ever quantified whether people liked them. With Tomb of Annihilation now sinking into the background a little, now seems a good time to try and do that. The above poll is simple: for each...
  3. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Party scenes

    Hi all, I am planning on my next game featuring a challenging (for me) social encounter, the dreaded ‘party goes to a party’ scenario. The players have been invited to attend a party at the Hawkwinter mansion in Waterdeep, in part to give the Waterdhavian Noble Arcane Rogue her allotted...
  4. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Tomb of Annihilation up on dndbeyond!

    Hey all, I don't see a thread for this already. The latest adventure is up, and even if you don't buy it you can ogle the contents at least. https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace/source/25
  5. Charles Rampant

    Dragon+ Issue 15 Is Out!

    Also of interest - the Maps of the Month are from Tomb of Annihilation. Good preview.
  6. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Undermountain as a Skill Challenge

    Hey all, For a Waterdeep campaign that I’m starting next week, I was thinking about what I wanted to do with Undermountain. I’m going to adopt something akin to skill challenges from 4e and the Journey rules from AiME, in order to create a mechanical system for exploring the complex, rather...
  7. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E RM2 The Created - Thoughts?

    Hey all, So today on Twitter, Chris Perkins was asked about a good non-Barovian Ravenloft module. He replied with The Created, a funky sounding option: "The Created, an adventure by Bruce Nesmith in which the characters are transformed into marionettes and trapped in a toy store. #WOTCstaff"...
  8. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Campaign defining magic item

    Hey all, Inspired by a discussion in the Worst Spells thread (it’s a fun read), I got to thinking about magic items. Namely, the idea of letting the party find a powerful magical item at low levels; the equivalent of Bilbo finding the One Ring. My thought here is that by finding such a...
  9. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E [AiME] Has anyone read/run Wilderland Adventures? Thoughts?

    Dear all, A simple question this time: has anyone read through, and possibly even started running, Wilderland Adventures for AiME? It's been out in PDF form for a while, even if the physical copies are still to be released. If you've had a look, what were your thoughts about it? Reviews are...
  10. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Is it fair to cast save-or-suck spells on the players?

    Hey all, In my game yesterday, the players went up against seven enemies, including three arcane spellcasters with access to level 8 spells. (If you're keen, you can see more details here.) During the fight, I naturally tried to use cool Wizard spells to win the fight, while the players for...
  11. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Help with 19th level boss fight

    Hey all, When the next session of my campaign takes place, we'll be rolling initiative for the most monstrously complex (and unfair) fight that I've put my players up against yet. I'm coming to you for help in ensuring that I made interesting and fun choices for the bad guys. Let me begin by...
  12. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Murder in Baldur's Gate - how did it go?

    Hey all, I'm running Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and my party is currently chilling in Elturgard, about to get the boat to Baldur's Gate and wait for the caravan that will take them on the (wildly unpopular) Chapter 4. I'm planning on inserting Murder in Baldur's Gate in the gap, since they...
  13. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Healing in 5e

    TL;DR: for just the proposed house rule, check the bolded bullet points below. Hey all, So another thread on the forum made me remember that I'd done some thinking on the commonly-accepted tendency (or "problem") in 5e for the party to only heal once someone is on the ground. Let me quickly...
  14. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Greenest (Tyranny of Dragons)

    Hi all, Does anyone know where I can find more information on Greenest, the starting town in Hoard of the Dragon Queen? I had a look at Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast on the DMsguild, but the contents page doesn't seem to list it; the Forgotten Realms wiki just references Hoard. Was this town...
  15. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E When Fiends Attack: Are Balors, Pit Fiends and Ultraloths too weak?

    Friends, Roleplayers, Dungeon Masters, I was reading the very interesting thread about Balor vs Pit Fiend, and though I couldn't contribute to the intense DPR calculations being made, I found the a minor point in discussion worth spinning out into its own topic. In short, the calculations...
  16. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Forgotten Realms is being BETRAYED by Wizards

    It is well known that Wizards are failing D&D. No copies are being sold of any book, and the reason is precisely because they are not correctly addressing the concerns of true fans about the canon of the Forgotten Realms. This is very obvious. For example, Wizards - headed by the Actual Human...
  17. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Why Good Players do not play Player Characters

    It is a well known fact that many players insist on playing the game in a badwrongfun manner. The primary way in which they do this is by providing less than 99% of the expected maximal DPR for their choice. In addition, they tend to insist on playing suboptimal choices, here defined as 'things...
  18. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Abyssal Mining

    Dear all, TL;DR: looking for ideas for an ‘Abyssal Mining’ expedition. Backstory in first two paragraphs, questions for how to run it in the third. As part of a downtime session for my group, I've been thinking of ways to let them appear awesome (as 15th level characters) while also...
  19. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Let's Read: Volo's Monsters

    Hey all, So now that I have Volo's guide in my grubby paws at last, I thought that it might be interesting to have a discussion in depth about each critter in chapter three. What you will find in this thread is a series of posts where I offer basic commentary on a monster entry in Volo's -...
  20. Charles Rampant

    D&D 5E Volo's Preview at Kotaku: Flinds, Yuan-Ti, etc
