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Search results

  1. M

    D&D 5E Question about skills

    Ok I feel like I am missing something here. What are the skills and how do you train in them? I see plenty of references to skills but nothing concrete about them. Where is the infro on them?
  2. M

    Musical RPG

    I was talking with some friends and the idea came up of running a musical RPG. The idea has been slowly growing on me but I am unsure in what direction to take it. Has anyone done anything similar or have any ideas?
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    MtG System

    Does anyone know of a system or conversion for a Magic the Gathering setting? The best I have found is one that uses the cards but I was hoping for one that worked without them. Has anyone done this themselves? If so what were your experiences?
  4. M

    OotS 711

    Since I don't see a thread up yet, Giant In the Playground Games Nice slogan.
  5. M


    I recently decided I wanted to tryout wargaming but am not sure where to start. Does anyone have a suggestion on what system/game to go with? What are your experiences?
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    True20 question

    A friend and I are looking at using True20 to run a game come this next school semester and we like most of what we have read. The only thing we are unsure about is the combat. The game is to be set in fantasy homebrew that has certain "rules". We looked at True20 because of what seems like a...
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    Mary Sue- Not sure I understand

    So I have seen this term used a lot around here and try as I might I can't get a good definition of it. One one hand it sounds like a dm npc (but for literature) but on the other hand a good deal of the time I see it used I could just as easily say protagonist or big bad. The things people rail...
  8. M

    Does the "would you allow this paladin" thread still exist?

    As the title says. Does it still exist or has it long vanished? I usually like to pull out the thread to show players and dms alike, albiet for different reasons, and thought I had save it but I can no longer find it. Any hel phere would be appreciated.
  9. M

    Gorgons in D&D

    Does anyone know where the D&D concept of the gorgon came from? Is there some story or myth that it was based on? Until I started playing I had only every heard of gorgons like Medusa.
  10. M

    Warlock Pacts for the Holy Men

    I am wondering if anyone has seen or done work on warlock pacts based on the idea of a pact with a saint or angel? If not does anyone have any suggestions for me?
  11. M

    What of each edition do you like?

    Considering how much people seem to like to talk about what they like or don't like in 4th edition I thought it might be fun to have people list what they liked in each edition of DnD that they have played. (I don't really care to hear what wasn't liked though. Want to keep the thread positive.)...
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    Why hate onthe drow? (Forked Thread: How is FR changing with 4E?)

    Forked from: How is FR changing with 4E? Over the years I have noticed a large amount of hate directed at Drizz't. Why? What is it about the character that drives people to hate him so? Is it just the way eveyopne seemsto want to copy him? (Side note scimitar duel wielding ranger does not =...
  13. M

    Is alignment really that rigid?

    Having read the boards for sometime, much longer than I have been a members, I have repeatedly seen this idea that the alignment system is too rigid as highly proper. I have never seen this as true. I have always found plenty of room within hte alignment system to flesh out characters and to me...
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    4th Edition Promotional

    Straight from WotC: "To any player willing to legally change their name to “&”, we’re offering a $50 credit toward purchase of any of the three 4th Edition core rulebooks,” Scott said. “Pronunciation of the symbol is up to you, whether you’ll prefer to go by ‘Ampersand’, ‘And’, or even ‘Amp’...
  15. M

    Alternate Bard

    I am looking for variant rules for a bard that does not learn magic. I seem to recall having seen this before. Does anyone else know anything about this? If not does anyone have suggestions for how to handle a no-magic bard?
  16. M

    Item Durability

    In my next campaign I was wanting to factor in teh damage weapons and armor would take during combat. Does anyone know exactly know where the rules for such are located or able to give them? Thanks in advance.