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  1. C

    Maybe this is where the magic went...(Forked Thread: Where Has All the Magic Gone?)

    Forked from: Where Has All the Magic Gone? This discussion leaves me wondering-how many magic items do you see anymore that are not related to combat in some way? I mean, if you look at the old 1E DMG and Unearthed Arcana, you have weird stuff like a Decanter of Endless Water...
  2. C

    I know gaming fiction has a bad reputation, but...

    (NOTE TO MODERATORS: I don't know if this thread is on-topic or not, but it seemed like an appropriate place to put it, since it has to do with plots and places, and many of the posters would know what I'm trying to get at.) Gaming fiction, whether rightly or wrongly, gets a very bad...
  3. C

    The proper role of supporting NPCs?

    One of the most common critiques leveled at high-level NPCs in established settings is that they steal the spotlight from the players, and can serve as a deus ex machina, or otherwise take on the "real" threats while the PCs are involved with the lesser villains. What, then, is the proper...
  4. C

    Ways to lessen race hate/indifference?

    In looking at the recent threads on elfhate and gnomehate, I began wondering about steps that could be taken to reduce the hate and/or indifference players could have for such races, and make them more likable and/or playable. Some of it could be fluff, some of it could be crunch, but all such...
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    Worldbuilding, nonhumans, and the inaccurarcy of Earth parallels

    In real life, man's knowledge of science, and much of his philosophy, has changed and evolved over the centuries, to the point where our real-world society is unimaginable to someone from the Middle Ages or even the Renaissance. And yet, your standard D&D fantasy setting continues for...
  6. C

    Bah! Foiled again!

    You're running a situation you're sure will have the PCs at the ends of their collective rope, your BBEG seems to have the battle won, all seems lost for the heroes of the story... ...and then they come up with a strategy that leaves you wanting to bang your head on the gaming table in...
  7. C

    Best creative use of an obscure or "weak" spell?

    Anyone can blow up their opponents with a fireball, or vaporize them with a lightning bolt. But what about spells like Dancing Lights, Darkness 15' Radius, or Wizard Eye, spells that only have indirect results? Someone once posted a link to a webcomic where the PC mocked the guard for only...
  8. C

    Creative and unusual traps?

    Anyone can put a poison needle in the lock of a chest, or put a bed of poisoned spikes beneath a revolving pit, provided they have enough skill. But surely there are more clever ways of laying a trap? What are some of the most creative traps you've placed as a DM, or faced as a player...
  9. C

    How do you create setting maps if you can't draw?

    In the past, I've tried to detail the world of Greyhawk beyond the Flanaess, but I ended up scrapping what I had written because, without a map to give it some substance, it all just seemed hollow, contrived and cliched. I have some images in my head of what the various parts of the world would...
  10. C

    Reasons for going into the dungeon?

    Because, let's face it, going into every single dungeon for the exact same reason can get kind of redundant. What other reasons have you as DM, or your DM if you're a player, come up with to motivate players to go on a dungeon crawl? This is one of the cool things about the original...
  11. C

    What do they do with the copper and silver?

    Your players are looting the monsters' treasure hoard, and they find that a lot of it is silver and copper. What do they do with it? Do they ignore it, taking only the choicest, most portable items? Do they take only as much as they might need? Do they get greedy and take every last...
  12. C

    Nonhuman noncombatants?

    You and your companions have fought and slain the orc chieftain and his minions. The male orcs are all dead. Then you encounter the orcish women and children, who don't fight. What do you do with them? Some points to consider: -Would it be evil to slaughter them, given that they are...
  13. C

    Anyone else think dragons are too powerful?

    By "too powerful", I mean that they ALL have the ability to speak, use magic, transform into humanoid creatures, and everything in between. In 1E, it wasn't always so simple-some dragons had only a certain percentage chance to speak or be able to use magic. To me, it just seems like if...
  14. C

    Questions about Sean K. Reynolds and Roger Moore?

    In reading the Lorraine Williams post, I came across this quote... What was this about? Was SKR part of the lawsuit that stamped out this Mythos game? I admit I'm curious, and I'd like to know more. What do most people think of Reynolds, anyway? My other question has to do with the...
  15. C

    Incidental Encounters?

    In one 2E FR adventure called The Four From Cormyr, written by John Terra, the PCs are hired to track down some adventurers who are delinquent in their payments. On the way, they stop for the night in an inn, and one of the guests is a merchant who seems extremely nervous about something. This...
  16. C

    Unusual uses of skills?

    In a thread discussing how the game has changed over various editions, TheAuldGrump mentions how all of his players died trying to swim a raging river except the one with a Swim skill. It suddenly occurred to me that, DM permitting, the player might have used his skill to determine if the river...
  17. C

    When you as DM cry foul in the players' favor

    On another gaming website a few years ago, I read a post by a DM who told how he had read the combined Slavers modules (all four modules included in one booklet), and how the plot required the players to be captured, wtihout giving them any chance at all to escape capture. He noted how the...
  18. C

    Demihumans, magic and worldbuilding?

    Quite often, I wonder about the effects of the presence of sentient nonhumans and magic in worldbuilding. Humans will, by necessity, be interacting with them, and the addition of magic makes things all the more interesting. Even more interesting to speculate on would be the impact of these...
  19. C

    Insult Report

    I'd like to report an insult made by Ranger REG in this thread, post #64... http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=206896&page=2 The exact content of his lack of civility is as follows: *long, wet, sloppy raspberry noise* Bah! Any setting, be it FR or DL or even Middle-Earth are going to...
  20. C

    Die, Mystra, Die?

    I heard about this thread, but I can't seem to find it, as there doesn't seem to be a function to search for threads and for some bizarre reason, the system won't let me use the "Find all threads by this poster" function connected to individual posters. Would someone mind posting a link to...