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  1. G

    10% of brain = 100% stupid

    If you're a sci-fi fan, you've probably heard or read this several times by now: Average human beings only use about 10% of their brains. Heck, odds are you've probably heard it even if you're not a sci-fi fan, since this idea seems to have sunk into mainstream consciousness, at least in...
  2. G

    Advice needed - buying a new PC

    So, I'm looking to buy a new desktop PC. The one I have right now is old enough that I figure it's not worth trying to upgrade it piecemeal; it's better to get an entirely new system. So I'm looking for advice on where to get it. Option 1 is to buy from Dell or some other major PC company; while...
  3. G

    Buffy cartoon pilot

    A while back (I can't remember how long ago now), they were talking about making a Buffy the Vampire Slayer animated series. The series would have told more stories set while the characters were still in high school. It never got off the ground, but they did make a 3&1/2 minute pilot episode...
  4. G

    The subprime crisis explained in pictures

    http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2008/02/how-subprime-re.html Make sure you click on the picture to launch the slideshow. (Warning: contains some bad language)
  5. G

    For the Doctor Who fans - extended scene from Human Nature

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuuyQFKunr8 This is the scene from Human Nature where the Doctor leaves a video with instructions for Martha. In the episode, Martha fast forwards through part of the video, but here, we get to see David Tennant improv his way through the fast-forwarded part. It's...
  6. G

    Writers strike is a go

    As most of you have no doubt heard by now, the WGA and the studios could not come to an agreement, and the writers strike has begun. This article here is one of the best I've found for summing up the issues at the heart of the strike, and the impact it might have on your TV viewing schedule. It...
  7. G

    OotS #492 is up

    Here. Roy's in the afterlife!
  8. G

    Changing the default font?

    While typing a post, I somehow changed the font (for both reading and posting). Could someone tell me how to switch back to the default? I'm using the latest version of Firefox, if that makes a difference.
  9. G

    D&D 4E 4E combat more mobile?

    Based on reading this article about a round of combat against a dragon (which is under discussion in this thread), it looks like movement is going to be much more of a factor in 4E combat than it is in 3E. In the article, the dragon only uses a standard action to make two claw attacks (plus a...
  10. G

    Eye of Judgment

    Tycho at Penny Arcade has a writeup about Eye of Judgment for the PS3 today: http://www.penny-arcade.com/2007/08/01 Looks interesting, if you're into CCGs.
  11. G

    Recommend me some older RPGs

    Okay, since as per my other thread, the prospects for a new CRPG anytime soon are looking pretty grim, I thought I'd ask for recommendations on older games I might have missed. I'll say up front that I'm not interested in MMOs, but if you have any suggestions for single-player RPGs, either for...
  12. G

    Any good PC RPGs on the horizon?

    It seems like a really long time since a good PC RPG has come out. NWN2 was good, but I'm trying to remember the last PC RPG before that that I bought new and liked.... SW:KOTOR? Has it really been that long? I'm not interested in MMOs, so I've mainly been replaying old games and playing stuff...
  13. G

    Helping find invisible creatures

    Is there any rules mechanic for someone who can see invisibility pointing out the location of an invisible creature to a friend who can't see invisibility? I'm thinking that directions from someone else might give a bonus to the Spot check to pinpoint an invisible creature, but is there anything...
  14. G

    Question on holy and unholy damage

    Is it true that holy damage will never hurt someone who's non-evil, and unholy damage will likewise never hurt someone who's non-good? Or does this only apply to certain sources of holy and unholy damage, like weapon enhancements? Is there a definitive rule on this?
  15. G

    Haste question

    Say a spellcaster casts Confusion on two monsters and they start fighting. Then he casts Haste on them so they'll kill each other faster. Would the monsters receive a saving throw against the Haste in that situation? Also, why is it that Haste gives a Fort save, but Slow gives a Will save? That...
  16. G

    OotS #415

    http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0415.html I swear, Xykon, Redcloak, and the anonymous beastie are the funniest D&D villains ever created.
  17. G

    Vrock cheese

    Looking at Vrock demons, it seems to me that they can pull off some pretty cheesy tactics based around their Spores ability. So, the tactic would go like this - round 1, the Vrock moves into the center of the party, releases its spores, then teleports away. Everyone in the party takes 1d8...
  18. G

    OotS #409

    Another triple strip! http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0409.html
  19. G

    Quick question on mithral armor

    Making armor out of mithral reduces the armor check penalty by 3. However, mithral armor is always considered masterwork, and masterwork armor reduces the armor check penalty by 1. My question is, does this stack (thereby making all mithral armor effectively reduce the armor check penalty by 4?)...
  20. G

    Giant-hurled boulders: Should they be ranged touch attacks?

    Giants are one of the iconic monsters of D&D. And hurling boulders is one of their iconic attacks, and has been since first edition. However, in 3.x D&D, this attack is... underwhelming, to say the least. The frost giant, a CR 9 monster, has a +9 attack bonus when hurling boulders. +9! Throwing...