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  1. P

    D20 Modern is out!

    Well, I swung by my FLGS on the way to work and staring at me from the new arrivals was D20 Modern! Haven't gotten to read much because I'm at work but I have to say thisis a BIG book. 384 pages and a little heft behind it. :D The layout is pretty nice. Introduction Chapter 1: Characters...
  2. P

    [PbP][OoC] the Sandman's Binding OoC Thread

    This is the Out of Character thread for the Sandman's Binding PbP game. Use this thread in preference to the Recruitment thread.
  3. P

    [PbP] The Sandman's Binding Game Thread

    This is the in-character game thread for the Sandman's Binding. The campaign should start Weds. Until then PCs are encouraged to describe their starting locations in Silverymoon or roleplay character meetings.
  4. P

    [PCs] The Sandman's Binding PbP

    If you are in the Sandman's Binding PbP, post your PCs here.
  5. P

    D&D Nightmares

    I'm attempting to start a PBP Game in the In Character Forum with this general premise, The PCs will have to venture into people's dreams to rescue them from their own nightmares. This is set in the Realms. So I thought I 'd go fishing for inspiration over here. What D&D monster or situation...
  6. P

    [Recruitment][PBP] Nightmares Campaign

    Recently a posting has been showing up throughout the major cities of Faerun. The posting reads… Experienced adventurers wanted for daring missions. Build your legend by rescuing innocents. Substantial Rewards. Must be willing to venture into the unknown. Visit the Temple of Silver Stars in...
  7. P

    Templates and OGC

    I was just pondering a humorous d20 project (Book O' Badgers) and a thought hit me. Suppose I take the Water Template ( closed content) and add it to the dire badger (OGC) to produce the Dire Water Badger. Can this be released as OGC? I mean the template obviously can't be typed up for free...
  8. P

    MM2 Monster Rundown [Long]

    Here are random (and less than serious) thoughts/desc. on every monster in the Monster Manual 2, just because I have nothing better to do right now. (Who needs sleep?) Monsters Abeil- My first reaction was “I already have lawful ant people why do I need lawful bee people?” However, after...