• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    Pathfinder 1E Arcanist and feats

    OK, so I'm making a new lvl 10 arcanist for a game. and some feats I want to take require wizard level X. for example Spell Mastery requires wizard lvl 1. could I as a first level Arcanist take that since the Arcanists parent classes are Wizard and sorcerer?
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    GM: how to overcome the 1-shot boss enounter

    we all know it's bound to happen that one person/character in a group that just always happens to get that elusive 20-20-kill at the start of the boss fight and what was suppose to be an epic battle turns into an anti-climatic loot fest on a boss that you probably created yourself and put your...
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    Pathfinder 1E Clerics and negative energy

    alrighty, I'm a Neutral good Cleric Crusader, who worships Sarenrae, with the healing domain. and she's an in your face, smack you with a warhammer (turned into a trademark of mine with another group but use the scimitar when I need the boost to hit.) and I was looking thru the feats and saw...
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    Dragon attacks

    ok I've built a dragon for my adventure, it's a CR 15, Red dragon. now I want to make sure of a full attack for this dragon, it has a bite, 2 claws, 2 wings and tail as per the stat block I found for this level of dragon. What I want to make sure is that in a full attack round, I can do it's...
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    Item creation help

    ok I'm playing a wizard who's lvl 10 right now and I'm planning for the future. I'm a evocation wizard with a bonded amulet. What I'm trying to do is add a spell storing enchantment to my bonded item so I can have an extra spell or three or more in reserve in case a long drawn out battle is...
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    Gavel Kreed and the lumber consortium

    Alright in my campaign we are stationed in falcons hollow we've built up a nice base of operations where the halfway house use to be from the D0 or D1 kobold king adventures. The party consists of all lvl 9: Ranger/rogue (and ranger companion) Soulknife (psionic warrior) psionic spell slinger...
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    spell list

    I"m trying to find a printable spell list for both my cleric and wizard that is similar to one of the 3.5 lists that I have printed out. it has all the spells already named and all the info needed at a glance for basic play with check boxes to indicate known or not. and have them listed in abc...
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    animate rope and it's uses...

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    Alright in the Ultimate magic core book, they have Grimores. My question is how do I figure the cost of a Grimore... and how do I figure out a the price for the ritual for it's bonus. [edit] freaking mouse: I looked in the book and couldn't find anything other than possibly combining books or...
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    City building

    Ok. I'm a new GM... very new to tabletop as well. my group and I have decided to use Falcon's Hollow as a Base of operations while we explore and create the world around us. my question is how do we grow Falcon's Hollow from a small backwater town to something that will meet almost all our...