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Search results

  1. T

    Wayne Foundation Charity RPG pack

    With over $235 worth of product and retailing for just $25, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better bargain than The Wayne Foundation Charity RPG Pack. Want another reason to get excited? All of the profits raised from the sale of this pack will go directly to The Wayne Foundation – a 501(3)c...
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    Argyle & Crew -the sock puppet RPG is free to share!

    I'm the publisher of Argyle & Crew. And the author/creator as well. I wear lots of hats here at Troll in the Corner! I'm just here to let you know that A&C, the 'sock puppet RPG' is a Creative Commons licensed title, and as such can be freely and legally shared. In fact, if you have a...
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    Argyle & Crew - the sock puppet game

    Argyle & Crew have arrived! What is Argyle & Crew? It's my first stand-alone RPG. It's a collaborative storytelling adventure for kids. It's a great pick up game for adults. The land of Skcos is inhabited by all manner of things, but primarily its inhabitants belong to a race of ever...
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    Argyle & Crew (the "sock puppet RPG") Kickstarter launched - reviewers wanted

    This morning the Kickstarter project for Argyle & Crew launched! I'm lookiing for bloggers, podcasters, writers and what have you to review this game - if you're interested, please drop me a line! Welcome to the magical land of Skcos, where anything can happen and it often does! Skcos is a...
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    PAX East 2011 - socialization, gaming and us

    This thread is for folks who are going to PAX East in two weeks. Who's going to be there? Anyone planning on doing a gathering or meet up? Lastly, what will you be playing? I'd love to mingle with other EN folks there, and also get in to some fun RPGs and board games. Hope to see you...
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    Mirkmoot's More Magical Mayhem for Creatures Small and Great

    Troll in the Corner press is proud to present the latest and greatest in a short line of Goblin Wizards! We here at Troll in the Corner's Magical Emporium are constantly searching the known and unknown worlds to bring you, our wealthy and overly encumbered adventurers, the finest magical...
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    Palladium 1st edition Fantasy RPG Actual Play podcast

    Hey folks, A few weeks ago I made an impassioned plea on my site to go back to the roots of gaming, and try playing a session like you were 14. You know, when the rules mattered a little less and having fun mattered a whole lot more. Well, I decided to stick my money directly in to my mouth...
  8. T

    Pathfinder 1E Free Pathfinder magic item - Mirkmoot's Wondrous Waterater

    We here at Troll in the Corner’s Magical Emporium are constantly searching the known and unknown worlds to bring you, our wealthy and overly encumbered adventurers, the finest magical items. We’ve journeyed the planes, trawled lakes of fire, flitted through realms composed of clouds, and...
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    Playtesters needed: High Fantasy, zombie apocalypse

    You let your sword arm droop as you look at your companions. Three of you are still standing. The Cleric lies immobile and feverish, surrounded by rotting corpses. Wiping sweat from your eyes, you shudder as you hear the moaning challenge of the undead coming from the wood to the East...
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    Total Confusion XXV - anyone going?

    I'll be there and I'm curious if any of you all will be. If so, I hear they have a bar. We should meet up over drinks and throw dice at people not there for the convention.
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    D&D 4E International D&D 4e Contest. Win lots O stuff

    Hey folks, I thought you might be interested in a contest I'm running over at Troll in the Corner. We’re giving away a copy of the new D&D Rules Compendium, D&D Essentials:Heroes of the Fallen Lands, the new D&D Essentials Tiles Master Set: The Dungeon and of course, the Red Box Essentials...
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    A chance at some free PDFs and a T-shirt - all zombie themed

    Hey Folks! All three of my original World of Aruneus expansion PDFs have gone through or are just about to be done with a major revision. New look, new content and all the errata added in to them! Because it's Friday and because my last PDF to be revised, the Orcs of Aruneus should be along...
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    Pathfinder 1E The Great International Pathfinder Give Away (a chance at 3 books!)

    Hi Folks, The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system is one I greatly enjoy running and playing. I enjoy it so much I’ve started writing some small expansions for the system. Now I’d like to share my enjoyment of Pathfinder by giving away everything any group would need to run a full Pathfinder...
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    A quick axe for tree hugging dwarves (free of course)

    Hey folks, Here's a quick magical weapon to throw at (or near) your group the next time you're in need of a little something quirky. The Plaid Axe of the Northern Dwarf It's d20/pathfinder compatible. A brief description: This axe is all aboot taking down trees, vegetation and whoever may...
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    Please check out some actual play audio for Aruneus

    The first World of Aruneus module premiered on July 11th at KantCon. Thankfully the folks who run the convention got audio of every session, including The World of Aruneus - The Haunted Mines! You can listen online or download the audio file (about 100MB) from here: KantCon 2010 – Actual Play...
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    The Exasperating Ooze - a new free creature!

    Wandering through forests, or in the deeps, pretty much anywhere adventurers can be found, the Exasperating Ooze is a strange, blob like ooze. Ranging in color from dull orange to dull red, with black vein like structures, it slowly moves through any terrain. What it survives on, where it...
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    Zombie apocalypse, high fantasy style - your chance to pre-order and more!

    Zombies rise. Heroes die. You are what remains. The world was a large place. The four races, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs coexisted with an uneasy peace, but at the least, they were able to share the land and survive. Empires were formed, lives created and destroyed, magic...
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    [Troll in the Corner] Aruneus - Clerics & Wizards available free

    Via DriveThruRPG, The World of Aruneus - Clerics & Wizards is a freebie download! Even after the zombie apocalypse, power attracts. Factions struggle for political mastery while countless beings are consumed by the ever hungry undead. In the world of Aruneus, the undead aren't the only...
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    Pathfinder 1E TC's Stone Pony Bag Pathfinder/d20 for free today, plus Orcs expansion on sale.

    Another promo via twitter and enworld. The Stone Pony Bag - a bag of holding with a single purpose! You can get it via twitter for free today or through DriveThruRPG. Usable in Pathfinder/d20 and with a bit of tweaking, 4e. Since it's a free item, and today is Friday I thought I'd take a...
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    Pathfinder 1E Giving away a bunch of magical items for d20/pathfinder today

    Hey Folks, If anyone's interested, I'm giving away PDF with 6 magical items today via my twitter account - trollitc. These items are designed for Pathfinder/d20 and this can be downloaded via DriveThruRPG for free. If you are a twitter person, and you retweet this there's also a chance for...