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Search results

  1. Alnag

    Removed from game and conditions

    Dear EnWorlders, I am wondering about some powers, its effects and such things. We have bard and cleric in our group with powers: Timeless Trek in Mithrendain (Bard 5th level, DRG387): Effect: The target is banished to the Feywild (save ends). While banished, it is removed from play. Now...
  2. Alnag

    When are effects identical?

    Hello, I am not quite sure about this rule (PHB3, glossary): We are not in agreement (possibly due to the fact we are not native speakers) what does "identical effect" means. If different powers cause same condition (eg. dazed) does that mean, it is identical effect? Or to provide an example...
  3. Alnag

    Bard: Dirge of Inescapable Doom

    Hi. I wonder if ability Dirge of Inescapable Doom (Bard Paragon Path - Grave Caller, AP page 20) modifies the encouter power or it is effect on itself. Or to put it more clearly: Is the miss damage just: 1d6+Cha modifier Or is it 1d6+Cha modifier + all the modifiers one would have with the...
  4. Alnag

    Is dominated ally still an ally for purpose of powers?

    Is dominated ally still an ally for purpose of powers? Eg. I am casting area spell that hits enemies only. Or heals allies. Or moves allies or whatever... Is he/she an enemy? Or is he somehow "neutral". Can the player switch the ally mode as he or she feels suitable "ad hoc" or is there some...
  5. Alnag

    Enhancement bonus and damage induced indirectly by power

    Hi! I wonder if I should count the implement enhacement bonus to the damage induced by the power, but not directly on the hit, but later when it is triggered by some conditon. To put it more practical. The bardic power Satire of bravery (PH2) cuases 1d6+Cha additonal damage when the affected...
  6. Alnag

    Von Zarovich Family Sword

    Hi, I have question about this particular artifact. Does that mean, that the first creature that I attacked (successfully I guess) and was later defeated (get to 0 hp or lower) is trigger of this property? Does it trigger immediately after such creature gets to 0 hp... I am bit confused with...
  7. Alnag

    Bloodied vs. Dying

    Hello, I have a simple question here. If I am dying, am I still bloodied as well, or did I switched from bloodied to dying? To be more specific, will power like Consecrated Ground (cleric, PHB p. 65) heal me, if I am dying? Thanks.
  8. Alnag

    Implement critical damage...

    Hello. Does implement bonus damage to critical hits counts if the power I score a hit with does not cause damage by itself. Let's say I have a magical holy symbol (+1d6 in case of Critical) and I cast a cleric power Command and I hit with it. Does the Command cause 1d6 of damage or not? Thank you.
  9. Alnag

    Blast and adjacent area

    Well, I always assumed that adjacent area means adjacent to a character in any way possible by any corner or any square side of any part of blast. Than one of my players playing in other group as well proposed, that the only possible "adjacent forms" of a blast are those presented in PHB p. 272...
  10. Alnag

    Since when are Character Sheets are "useful additions"

    I've just find a funny thing in DMG (page 6). While Battle Grid and D&D Miniatures are listed as "What you need to play", Character Sheets are now just "useful additions". Now I can see how this could provide the ammunition to the "D&D is wargame" argument. I take it just as a mistake and good...
  11. Alnag

    Balance vs. Diversity

    First let me tell you this - despite the following I still like 4e. But it is not an uncritical admiration. I have my objections. Here is one... Recent information seems to tell me this. Designers strive to create balance. Every and each class, race or whatever has something to do, it is good...
  12. Alnag

    What happened to the news?

    So... are holidays in US or why are there almost no news about 4e now. No new blogs, no new design and development, no new playtest. Damn! Every day I am looking forward to read something and it is less and less of it. :(
  13. Alnag

    Alignment - is it any good?

    I know, I know... this is neverending discussion. But I have recently met with group of people, who believe that the best one can do with alignment is not use it. In their opinion, it is not good even for newbies. I would like to find some sources on both positions. The positive and negative...
  14. Alnag

    Shape of RPG Industry

    Well, with all those recent unexpected (and unwanted) surprises with Digital Initiative and cancelling of Dragon and Dungeon, not renewing Dragonlance licence etc. I am wondering in what shape the RPG industry actually is? I guess that WotC is still the huge number one in the market. But how...
  15. Alnag

    Star Wars Saga Edition [SECR] Preview #3 is Up

    3rd preview is up Saga preview 3 and also check the mins preview because it contains two characters with Saga stats. Now, let's speculate again.
  16. Alnag

    Non-fight travel encounters

    I am wondering how to improve the "travel phase" of the adventure. The part when the adventuring party travels from one place to another. It seems to me, that usual game practice (at least as I see it) is somehow crippled, because... ...it is either - ok, you have traveled for five days, you...
  17. Alnag

    Collaborative Campaign Preparation Ideas

    Well, I currently prepare new campaign, but I would like it to do a bit different way than usual. I mean, usually DM (or GM or whatever) choose what kind of adventures he likes to offer, what will be the meta-plot of the campaign, the players create characters and than he tries to link it...
  18. Alnag

    CREET maps

    Well... here I offer a map of my reneissance-like gaming world - CREET. It was made in classical atlas style. The descriptions are not english (sorry). But anyway. Do you like it? So here it is... http://www.badongo.com/pic/450736