• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. lior_shapira

    Iron Heroes Balance Issues

    Last night we played the 2nd session of our Iron Heroes mini-campaign. The group consisted of three 5th level characters: A harrier/executioner, a berserker, and a man-at-arms/armiger. I started them last week on a DCC adventure 'The Scaly God' which is intended for 4th-6th level characters...
  2. lior_shapira

    Diving into Starwars (SAGA), looking for adventures

    My group is going to sci-fi this summer, courtesy of Starwars SAGA edition. Just thought I'd ask the collective mind which adventures/modules/scenarios are worth converting and running for my players? I saw there are lots of mini scenarios on the Wizards site, but if they're like their D&D...
  3. lior_shapira

    Surprised and Flat-footed

    I was reading through my newly acquired Starwars SAGA edition and saw that if someone is surprised in combat then he's flat-footed in the surprise round, but is not considered flat-footed in the first round of combat, even if he's the last one to act. I've checked and it doesn't seem to be the...
  4. lior_shapira

    do we need another mapping program

    Following this thread which reminded me of my ancient(7 years old) mapping program I started thinking of creating a new version. What I had in mind was the following: A battlemap creator, you select the size of the map in pages (1 page, 2x2...) and are presented with a grid to paint on. - You...
  5. lior_shapira

    How many countries have you entered ENWorld forums from?

    I've done quite some traveling in recent years, and checking out what's new at ENWorld is part of that, even if I'm at the foot of the Himalayas in Nepal, or in a small town on the coast of Vietnam. It made me curious to see if others do that too, visit ENWorld to get some sense of home while...
  6. lior_shapira

    ECL and CR in Mutants and Masterminds (and other games)?

    Yesterday I ran my first M&M(2nd edition) game in which the four heroes, defeated the insidous plan of Dr. Flamingo and his cloned fighters. During game preparations I came to ask myself, how do I know how tough to make the encounters? The only way to measure power in M&M it seems is by Power...
  7. lior_shapira

    Wizards stopped adding titles to DriveThruRPG?

    I was under the impression that DriveThruRpg and WotC reached an agreement to add nearly all the D&D titles to the store. I even remember that it was published that at least one title will be added every day. I looked now and saw there are only 19 titles there and I haven't seen a new title...
  8. lior_shapira

    And then suddenly...

    How many times during running a session do you find yourself saying "Suddenly!" or something along that vein? To me it happens way too often and I've been trying to consciously reduce the number. I'm trying to plan what I'm going to say a bit more and build tension more gradually. Somehow after...
  9. lior_shapira

    Need adventure for tomorrow night - 9th level, city based

    Hello community, I'm short on time (getting married in a few weeks) and I need to run a session for 2 players tomorrow night. Their characters are 9th level and currently in Sharn(Eberron). Can you recommend a good & short city-based module for these levels? preferably something I can buy as a...
  10. lior_shapira

    Looking for the 'Tome of horrors' a-z thread

    Did anyone save / find a copy of the tome of horrors a-z monster thread? it had amazing potential and it's too bad if it got lost. If it was lost as sacrifice to the gods of the database perhaps we can start a new one? lior
  11. lior_shapira

    6 npc designer reviews at the same time

    Maybe i'm missing something, but isn't it an amazing coincidence(im fighting the instinct to put double quotes around this word) that NPC Designer got Six(Edit: thought it was 5) 5-star reviews one after another in the reviews database in under 24 hours? weird. lior.
  12. lior_shapira

    christmas goodies lament

    last year around this time there were so many discounts going on I really felt like a little kid at... well, christmas time. White wolf had big discounts and I got all three counter collection books, FFG lowered their legend and lair books to 5$ each so I got lots of them... ah, the good old...
  13. lior_shapira

    Help...player won't get his head out of the book

    I dm a group of three players, pretty ideal for me and the games are going good. Yet I have a problem with one of the players. He's relatively new to 3rd edition and D20 and it took a while to get him up to speed. Because of his insecurity with the rules and the fact that he never opens a book...
  14. lior_shapira

    Selecting feats for NPC's - Mission Impossible

    I've noticed most of the time I spend on creating NPC's using my computer (dm-genie, excellent program!) is spent on selecting feats. I checked today and I have 978 feats in the program. These include feats from the core books + psionics + about 5 other books. Why?How?What?Where? plus any...
  15. lior_shapira

    Silence spell vs. a closed door

    This was the situation: The cleric wanted to cast a silence spell at the foot of 2 guards standing in front of a door leading into a building. Right behind the door are 2 other guards sitting on some chairs. The guards inside the house are within the 20' radius but behind a door. Are they...
  16. lior_shapira

    Roleplaying in S.E Asia

    Two things on my mind... Just returned from a 4 month trip in south east Asia (Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand) and first of all I wanted to thank ENWorld and the excellent forums for supplying me with lots of interesting stuff to read during that time when I was far away from my regular...
  17. lior_shapira

    Changing back from polymorphed shape

    In our last session one of the characters was polymorphed as a bat and then wanted to change back as a free action and attack the BBEG in the same turn... which leads me to ask because I couldn't find the answer: Casting polymorph is one standard action. How long does it take to change back to...
  18. lior_shapira

    If I have to eat one more sweetmeat I'll scream!

    I've just been reading Shemeska's excellent Planescape story hour, and reached a part where the heroes get to rest for a bit (06-09-04) and eat. I had a feeling it was going to happen and then... it did. The familiar of one of the characters started eating a plate of sweetmeats. What is...
  19. lior_shapira

    Gaming stores in Bangkok?

    I'm leaving soon on a 4 month vacation in the orient (yippee), traveling through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia and who knows? I was hoping on my way back to stop in Bangkok and buy me some RPG goodness. However I can't find addresses or names of stores who carry RPG's in Bangkok. Can...
  20. lior_shapira

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo improved? probably a myth

    Warning: Kind of a rant Back in December Erik Mona started a thread here about dragon and dungeon magazines, and why people don't subscribe to them... it was an interesting read and in the end I was convinced. I've bought several issues while abroad and really enjoyed the new format of Dragon...