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Search results

  1. Masada

    Planning for character death?

    I think a few Ref's have found themselves sinking under their game screens staring at the double crit roll that is going to kill a character and thought "uh oh, what do I do now?" Thus the concept behind this thread is planning for what to do when it happens. It occurs to me that this should...
  2. Masada

    Exceeding the Wealth Bonus?

    The d20 Modern Wealth system has a lot of "specialness" but I was just pondering a situation that it doesn't quite cover--living beyond your means. What if a player encounters the cliche "you have 48 hours to live"... What can he buy knowing he'll never have to pay it off? Or what if the...
  3. Masada

    Time in the Old West

    How long did it take to do stuff in the Old West? If I sent a letter from Dodge City to New York, how long did it take to arrive? If I sent a letter to London from Dodge City, how long did it take? How long did it take to walk across Kansas? How long to ride across Kansas? If I ordered a...
  4. Masada

    Dealing with the disruptive gamer...

    I think I saw a post in this forum a while ago about trouble dealing with a player that didn't fit in with the game that was running (supers, I believe). The game was being played in a public store and the GM didn't want to be heavy handed with him, but he was smelly and played bad. Well I...
  5. Masada

    d20 Future - Ship Sensors

    Aside from gaining a bonus to attack rolls, ship sensors seem to provide little other value. I'm having trouble even finding sensor ranges. Has anyone put together something listing sensor ranges and possible other uses?
  6. Masada

    Other things spend Wealth Bonus on

    D20 Modern has a small list of equipment. Here are some suggestions on how to add variety to the equipment lists. Think about the economy today. Is there one brand of cell phone? Do they all cost the same? Do they all essentially do the same thing? From a quick look in the MSRD we can see...
  7. Masada

    d20 Heat System (basic legal mechanic)

    I posted this to WotC and received minimal flames... figured I'd post here for more feedback. Heat System As characters encounter the many moral dilemmas in a modern campaign they are sure to bend the rules here and there. A GM is confronted with how to handle minor and major infractions of...
  8. Masada

    D20 Blood & Space 2: Pirates of Numos (d20 Modern/Future - 5th level)

    Last year I ran a Blood & Space campaign where the PC's all played a ship role on a Pirate Corvette in a backwater system on the fringe of a large Empire. It was a sort of Pirates of the Caribbean in space. The game play ended over the holidays and I'm returning to pick it up again. However...
  9. Masada

    Entirely New Starship combat/construction rules?

    Is anyone working a better system? There seems to be a big focus on compatibility with d20 Future even though it is widely considered to be sub-par. I know there have been tons of "just convert this system" discussions. But I don't want the hassle. Can anyone just right a nice soft-cover...
  10. Masada

    Inverse Control?

    Is there a supers system out there that has a mechanic for limiting a power that is out of control. Something like Cyclops' eyes or the Hulk in a rage. I'd like to create a character concept where a "low" level hero has to struggle to not kill/destroy things.
  11. Masada

    Modern Dispatch

    After a brief respite, I have re-subbed for Dispatch. I must say the quality has not lagged one bit and, in fact, seems improved. I wasn't sure if the multi-publisher tact would work out, but my fears were baseless. I find each issue interesting at the least--and more often, very useful. I...
  12. Masada

    MODERNIZED #2 - Preview

    M O D E R N I Z E D #2 Production delays have pushed back delivery of MODERNIZED #2, but we wanted to give you a preview of the content to hold you over. Our theme this issue will be Future AND Horror in honor of the recent d20 Future release and the season. This issue includes: A...
  13. Masada

    Legend of the Samurai

    Samurai have long been attempted in RPG's. Since a frequent poster/developer is working on such a resource, I thought it would be interesting to capture a "users community" request list of What Makes a Samurai. The essential Samurai (imo)Honor system Heritage system "Rank" system (placement...
  14. Masada

    Blood & Space 2: High Flyers & Ground Pounders

    I picked up Blood & Space 2 from RPGO the other day and I've spent the last couple of days studying it. Basic Stats: Pages: 30 Bookmarks: Yes Art: Yes (B&W) Layout: Excellent (Print and Screen formats) Format: PDF 30 pages is smaller than your typical RPGO product, but this PDF still delivers...
  15. Masada

    d20 Resources

    A while ago I got a list of d20 Modern resources from this board. I've compliled a few more and expanded the list. I thought I'd repost it. d20 Modern Resources LATEST ISSUE OF MODERNIZED http://www.intrepidheroes.com/modernized.htm Intrepid Heros d20 Modern site (from the author of...