• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    Pathfinder 1E Complete Pathfinder SRD in MS Word Format

    The main text font is... well, unusual. Just stick to the old TNR, since there is no complicated page layout or anything.
  2. S

    Cleric Domain of Night

    There is no Night domain in any official D&D material, including Dragon. This looks like some homebrewed stuff, or possibly it is pulled from some obscure third party supplement. Run and tell WotC, quickly! Oh wait, they probably already know about that site. Could not care less, apparently.
  3. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 Hypothetical complete 3.5 wiki (à la d20pfsrd)

    Let's set some facts straight: ...and they resurfaced at another site which exists to this very day. Regardless, the original indices can still be easily found on the Web (but they have become obsolete). There are at least two sites which have posted complete WotC...
  4. S

    Desktop Screen Help: Background Shows Multiples of the Same

    Change the wallpaper from tiled to stretched in the desktop properties.
  5. S

    Any fans of the Might & Magic games still alive?

    MM6 was the only one I completed. It's not as hard once you know how to do things in the right way (having master water magic is a must and can be gotten easily w/horseshoes and the gold from Ironfist). MM7 and MM8 on the other hand were just too long. I got bored while doing the Temple of the...
  6. S

    Good offline CRPG for XP/Vista

    I bought one of those (GeForce 7050), and boy am I screwed. The salesman lied to me that the played NFS Carbon on it with no problem. Well, he may have *played* it, but conveniently forgot to mention that it froze after 10 minutes or so. I can't even play Doom 3, NWN or any older 3D game without...
  7. S

    Might & Magic Series: How Good and Where to Begin?

    Of course M&M is replayable - but you have to be a real M&M freak to do the same quests and dungeons over and over again with just different classes, strategies, and equipment (some of which is random). Heroes has tons of scenarios and campaigns (except for 1 & 2 which don't have user-made...
  8. S

    Might & Magic Series: How Good and Where to Begin?

    I've been playing the M&M series (and Heroes) for years, with the exception of M&M VIII & IX (can't find the time) and HoMM V (doesn't suit my taste). As was said above, MM6 is a classic, though I also enjoyed 4+5 combined into World of Xeen. Earlier versions are rather ugly and the first is...
  9. S

    What journal / blog site to use?

    Renew your IP to start afresh, or if you have a static IP, use tor or another caching system to get around the restriction. Or you can purchase the membership. However, if you're into large files, the download limit is still 5GB per day or so, even if you're a member.
  10. S

    Complete D&D Monster Index (September 2007)

    The attachment is not working anymore.
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    That's pretty much the case with any disk operations, isn't it?
  12. S

    Substats: Yes, I know it's been done before...

    Why not use the ADND 2e S&P names? Some of these are identical to yours, some not. What is a twitch anyway in this context?
  13. S

    True Specialists

    Interesting, please continue.
  14. S

    Base Classes as Prestige Classes

    Appearance should be Charisma surely? Skill names are capitalized.
  15. S

    What will Vista do for me?

    In 800x600, they do.
  16. S

    Help Me Name Two New Conditions

    I though being dazzled was more or less just "seeing spots". Overall, spots are not very distracting (if your eyesight is good) and quickly fade away. If they're more serious than dazzled, what does dazzled represent? "Hard of hearing" implies a permanent condition.
  17. S

    Can't connect to Darksun or Birthright.

    Special pages -> Export pages Of course you might want to go to "All pages" first and make a list of everything you want to export (you can omit some namespaces like User or Talk). Then you can import it into your own Mediawiki or whatever.
  18. S

    Buying OEM software on the 'net

    I wish someone was selling OEM copies of Office versions other than English.
  19. S

    New set of base classes

    Please delete the thread
  20. S

    AEG Toolbox

    For some fun check number 17 in the "Tombstones" chart (first one in the web enhancement :)