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  1. smootrk

    OSRIC 2.0 Released today

    Did anyone else see that OSRIC 2.0 got released today? OSRIC
  2. smootrk

    CO - Colorado Springs - looking for a game

    I would love to get into a game near my home in Colorado Springs (Stetson Hills 80923, near Powers & Dublin). Friday evenings would probably be best for me. I would like to play Fantasy (D&D any edition, but prefer Basic Fantasy) or something Savage Worlds (like Rippers or something similar). I...
  3. smootrk

    FLGS sucks

    My local game store just lost the last bits of my patronage!! So I drop by today after a long hiatus to check out what I have been missing out on, and to get a look at the other 4e books (because I had only ordered the PHB anyhow). First, the owner and employees are facing computer screens...
  4. smootrk

    Nix Edition Comparison Threads

    Can we place a moratorium on edition comparisons (edition wars) thread, or otherwise ban them for a few weeks? I can hardly find other topics between wading through all the war threads within the General Forum. As far as I would prefer, can the folks who prefer 3e keep most topics within the...
  5. smootrk

    Savage Worlds goes Online

    Look Here: I am really excited by this news! :cool:
  6. smootrk

    I am sad this morning`

    Not an April Fools post. This morning I just got home to find my dog has died only minutes ago (within 30 or so minutes prior to my arrival at home). I have just had the onerous task of figuring out what to do with her remains and trying to move her so my kids are not just sitting at the window...
  7. smootrk

    Star Frontiersman #7

    After a bit of a summer hiatus, the new edition of the Star Frontiersman webmag is now available... and it is a doozy, the largest issue ever. Download directly here: then stop by and show your love by signing the guestbook...
  8. smootrk

    New Texas Monsters

    Appears the monsters have been flushed out of their holes by all the rain in Texas:
  9. smootrk

    SRD rules in TiddlyWiki Format?

    Has anyone produced a comprehensive SRD done in TiddlyWiki format? or a similar Wiki type format. I want a baseline copy to use for myself, that I can make my own modifications (adding/removing classes, races, feats, etc. changing things willy-nilly). The...
  10. smootrk

    Summoner Class Design Thread

    I am going to be using this thread as collaborative idea collection area to design a class that specializes in Summoning, designed along the same conceptual theme as the Beguiler, Warmage, and Dread Necromancer. This first post will be a placeholder for the design work as we go. Anyone and...
  11. smootrk

    New Arcane Classes; Warmage, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer...

    New Arcane Classes; Warmage, Beguiler, Dread Necromancer... I have never taken a liking to the standard Sorcerer class, and the newer spontaneous casting classes like warmage, beguiler, and dread necromancer seem like a better way in my opinion. Even the Dragon inspired classes seem like...
  12. smootrk

    Star Frontiersman #6

    Star Frontiersman #6 is available for download. See the following for a preview, then head over to to download your copy.
  13. smootrk

    What Free Games are out there?

    What Free RPG Games are out there? I know of a few, but would like to know what else might be out there... For those who like the red/blue basic/expert style game: Another classic fantasy game: For those who like...
  14. smootrk

    Are there any fans of Star Frontiers on ENWorld?

    Are you a fan of Star Frontiers? I know it isn't D20, but it certainly hearkens back to the roots of the industry, and has a certain nostalgic appeal. Anyhow, I have my own thread in the OGL section where I am tackling a MOD of sorts using the basic Star Frontiers rules, but I really just...
  15. smootrk

    Conversion: Fantasy Rules into Star Frontiers

    While in a nostalgic mood (initiated in part by recent events), I looked up my Star Frontiers material. After a while I cam across this site: and I became even more excited about revisiting the universe of Star Frontiers. The site has most of the SF materials...
  16. smootrk

    Excel based Character Sheet

    I have been wanting an Excel based character sheet that can be used during play on my laptop. I have looked at several, but they are generally unwieldy, poorly laid out for game use, or toner hogs. So this has prompted me to begin construction of a spreadsheet character sheet that addresses...
  17. smootrk

    Scott Rouse: of Interesting Note

    One little scrap of information I took notice from response from Scott Rouse is that he does not refer to the game as pen-n-paper, but rather as 'tabletop' gaming. This is rather disturbing to me, as I think it foreshadows a move to a more mini-centric game, and is not playing to the roots of...
  18. smootrk

    What ever happened to that Midnight movie?

    What ever happened to that Midnight movie? Last I heard it was in post production (after filming was complete), but I never heard anything again since. I think that was last year. Anyone know of any current news?
  19. smootrk

    Geisha: Defunct Dragon Article Submission

    I was prepping this topic for possible submission to Dragon Magazine, but with the recent news I do not think this will be going anywhere. You may have seen the class in previous threads but I was preparing a gussied-up version (and edited) for the visual impact (with some images gleaned from...
  20. smootrk

    What Game Rules should be my alternate for WotC products?

    So, given the news about my favorite 2 periodicals, and the overall frustration with WotC otherwise (or actually Hasbro to be more specific, as the WotC folks are quite passionate for the game), what game rules make the best alternative to D&D? I like a good fan-base, and thoroughly thought out...