• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Gnarlo

    Need Best Man instructions

    I've been asked to be the Best Man at my brother's upcoming wedding (yay, me! and yay, him!) :) , and I need advice: what does a best man do? I've seen a few chick flicks, I get a vague impression of being responsible for a bachelor party (unlikely due to all the work schedules involved) and...
  2. Gnarlo

    Yu-Gi-Oh cartoon, someone help me get a clue?

    I just don't get it. I like a 30-minute toy advertisement as much as the next person, Transformers, GI Joe, Pokemon, Thundercats, etc.; fun, enjoyable cartoons. But this am I'm getting dressed and Yu-Gi-Oh is on the TV... From what I can tell from the admittedly only one episode I've seen of...
  3. Gnarlo

    My screwed-up relationship :(

    My turn to ask for relationship advice :( . It's extremely embarrassing to have to do this; I thought I could figure this out on my own, but I'm at a loss. Don't worry about sugar coating the truth, I can take it. Most of you don't really know me that well, but from reading your messages, I'm...
  4. Gnarlo

    Mystery creature near San Antonio

    Keeping in the spirit of the Maryland Warg, we now have the San Antonio Chupacabra. Anyone want to wager what it may turn out to be (including a possible hoax) ?
  5. Gnarlo

    Prehistoric Giant Rats

    For those who have access to the Science Channel (and who still admit to watching TV ;) ), they are presenting an episode of Paleoworld tonight dealing with giant rats in the Carribean. They claim them to have had a frame "three times the size of a man." Hope it helps out or at least entertains...
  6. Gnarlo

    Member account not updated?

    I let my support status expire for about a week (in the middle of a move) and reupped it on the 21st. I'm still not able to do searches :( Could someone look into turning me on, please ? Thanks!
  7. Gnarlo

    Pickled Dragon found

    Baby dragon found in a jar in England. Just the sort of thing you might find in a Wizard's lab; the pic has been *yoinked* for use in my campaign :)
  8. Gnarlo

    Anyone not using fiendish dire axiomatic half-celestial undead half-pixie owlbears?

    Ok, apparently in this thread, I was the one that misunderstood the gist of the thread and not the other repliers :) That in mind, I will start a new one instead of attempting to hijack the other. So, what do you all do to present challenges to your players? Is there anyone out there who just...
  9. Gnarlo

    New Tactics vs Vermin

    Maybe giant insects down in the deep places aren't quite the threat they are cracked up to be. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3285725.stm Or maybe it's comforting knowing that after we blow ourselves up, our successors will still creak and pop when they get out of bed in the morning.
  10. Gnarlo

    Thanks to Bob Fitch!

    Just got around to checking my mail and found an email from Bob Fitch of Blizzard telling me I was the winner in the drawing for his prize of a signed game to a community donor! I just wanted to publicly express my thanks to him for his generosity; and a big thank you to all the other donors...
  11. Gnarlo

    So sell me on Oriental Adventures

    I will admit right off the bat to having a huge prejudice against this sort of setting. I believe it probably was instilled within me back in college when I shared an apartment with Spud Ninja, Anime Porn Guy, and Bushido Boy and the original OA came out. Bad enough that all they ever wanted to...
  12. Gnarlo

    [Minis] 101 Uses for a Crested Felldrake

    Since the little darlings seem to have a special affinity for me (I swear I saw one crawling out of its own package and into the one I was picking up at the store), I was looking for advice on what to do with the things. Some ideas of my own: 1) Halloween treats! (This should get a few kids...
  13. Gnarlo

    Sunless Citadel Stage 1 completed

    Not wanting to hijack Pogre's excellent thread any further, I'd like to say that the first stage of my project to one day this decade completely model the Sunless Citadel is complete :) Pics are up at the Voidgamers website; the link to my pics is here. Hope you enjoy it!
  14. Gnarlo

    [news] Cthulhu stirs in his sleep...

    ...and apparently some people have been bumping into his dandruff: Link Ooooo, sorry, here's a good one, too... looks like the sensitives are picking up on his dreams again: Link /gnarlo!
  15. Gnarlo

    Geeky LOTR falling Gandalf question

    Was watching the Two Towers today, and got to pondering the scene with Gandalf and the Balrog falling into Durin's Deep. I started thinking about the question of how deep the Deep is, since Gimli states in the book that no one had ever plumbed its depths... The two of them fall in the movie for...
  16. Gnarlo

    Need help with IP through an ethernet modem.

    Hello, everyone! My usual gaming party is scattered to the 4 winds; 2 here in town, 2 in S. Dakota, and 1 in Canada. We get together via Klooge for our (semi-)weekly game. We all run on DSL or cable lines, and I will run the GM version of Klooge, and they then connect to it with the client...
  17. Gnarlo

    Join BATGNOME !!

    Tired of puzzling out the motives of RPG companies, large and small? Bothered by having to dig down to the second page to find subjects actually about D&D? Disturbed by coming to your favorite D&D message board and having to double check because you think you've wandered into Dragonfoot's...
  18. Gnarlo

    How do you handle spells as treasure?

    I have a decent feel for giving out items and money as players advance, and I think the DMG gives pretty good guidelines as to how a "standard" party should be advancing monetarily. I've always had a bad feel for how many new spells to give out as treasure, whether as found scrolls or spell...
  19. Gnarlo

    Need advice on getting Demonweb Pits

    Somehow, in the course of the last 20 odd years I have managed to completely miss out on either playing in or DMimg the Giants/Drow/Demonweb arc of modules. I was considering getting the ESD products to run my current group through in the future and was wanting to tap the collective wisdom of...
  20. Gnarlo

    How often do you change campaigns?

    I was reading through some older messages and came across a number of people prefacing their answers and opinions with such things as "when I start a homebrew" or "in my new campaign", and it sprung the question into my mind: How often do people start new campaigns? In my 23 years of RPGs...