Search results

  1. Paragon

    Account supporter question

    just a couple of questions about buying a community supporter account. the cost? rpgnow lists it at 45.00 but under the description it says 35.00, and if you click on the enworld link it says there is a sale for 19.99. also if we want to get a private message board for gaming purposes the only...
  2. Paragon

    website troubles

    first off: i'm in korea. don't know if that matters. but i can't get the enworld website on my computer at home. it keeps saying "taking to long to load" but i get it at work just fine. i've tried both IE and firefox and get the same result. any thoughts? i've repaired the connection...
  3. Paragon

    Overrun Question

    Ok someone help me with overrun, can you only make one overrun attempt per round? if you overrun someone are you done for the round? if so where do you end up? on top of them, just past them, the continuation of your movement? can you overrun someone then continue to the next person and...
  4. Paragon

    Dimension Door Question

    according to the SRD: dimension door spell: You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired—whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction. After using this spell, you can’t take any other...
  5. Paragon

    Flight: not being able to after HP loss

    is there something in the 3.5 rules that state you loose the ability to fly (if you have it) if you lose over 1/2 your hp, such as a dragon loosing 1/2 hp not being able to take flight. or is this just a hold over in my head from 2nd edition? anyone anyone? thanks!
  6. Paragon

    Tower Shields and Cover. Whua?

    i don't think i'm doing tower shields correctly. can someone explain how to use a tower shield, as far as how the armour ac of the shield vs. the cover bonus, or how they work together and such. i'm pretty sure i jacked this one up good. oh and as an added wrinkle....missle fire!!! thanks!
  7. Paragon

    Flick of the Wrist/Expert Tactician

    ok, flick of the wrist allows you to if you draw and attack with a light weapon to catch someone as flat footed for that one attack, one swing only. expert tactician allows you a free attack against someone, in melee range, who is denied their dex bonus to your attacks. the question is does the...
  8. Paragon

    good sundering ability for weapon?

    anyone have any suggestions for a good magic weapon ability for a weapon that is a good sundering item. from some published source. like a market value +2 gives you blah blah blah in sundering items. any thoughts?
  9. Paragon

    Quint Monk II. anyone have? Thoughts?

    I was thinking of buying the Quint Monk II and hadn't seen any reviews of it. did anyone pick it up? and if so what did you think of it? thoughts? ideas? thanks!
  10. Paragon

    Indestructible Weapon

    I need some input, I want to make an enchantment for weapons that makes them indestructable/unbreakable. nothing else. no bonus to sunder or anything, just indestructable. what kind of +/ in the market value + do you thing this would be? In reality it's a cool ability but not as handy as...
  11. Paragon

    D&D 3E/3.5 Celestial Fury 3.5

    ok need some input here. i'm trying to work out how to do a sword in 3.5 rules, i'm not sure if this should go in conversions but here we are. in 2e the sword was a katana that was +3, did electrial damage on every strike, cast lightning bolt 3xday 10d6, fly at will, (now those powers aren't...
  12. Paragon

    selling loot vs. created items

    i have a quick question for the folks out there. it states in the rules that you can sell loot (magic items, weapons etc) for half value, understandable. but what do you do for pc's that make items? lets say a mage wants to make money by making wands, which he can for half market value if he...
  13. Paragon

    Dicefreaks website?

    anyone know what happend to the dicefreaks site? they moved then it seemed to die. anyone? anyone?
  14. Paragon

    1st Edition Bard as PRC?

    Has anyone done a conversion of the old 1st edition bard class from the back of the DMG? just curious as this was the first ever prestige class and in my opinion the best bard they ever did. thoughts?
  15. Paragon

    spell area templates

    does anyone have downloadable/printable spell area affect templates on a website or know of any? i've done a search of the forums and keep getting dead links. any help appreciated
  16. Paragon

    gaming boards

    i remember a few years ago websites where you could set up message boards for your gaming group to ease communication between members etc etc, but i can't seem to find any now. i know about ezboarb but i was wondering about others. any suggestions. thanks
  17. Paragon

    Proxie Question

    1. In the proxie section of the Dieties and Demigods book it states that someone invested with the proxie status becomes a rank 1 divine person (demigod) and gets access to the salient abilities of the granting diety, taking into consideration that there will be some he can't use due to various...
  18. Paragon

    Demons immune to psionics?

    This discussion came up in recent gaming. I guess it is a hold over from 2ed and darksun perhaps (one of the reasons demons weren't in darksun or something). One of the group members swears demons (evil outer planers in general) are immune to telepathy and by that other psionics. anyone know...
  19. Paragon

    New Meta Magic handling in Dragon

    There was talk of an alternate method for handling meta magic feats in a recent issue of dragon. For those that have it/saw it what isse was it and what were the general opinions of it and the mechanics behind it? anyone? anyone? Thanks!
  20. Paragon

    Feat granting magic items

    what is the cost for this? in 3.0 it seemed to be a 5000 gp cost for magic items that granted feat use, i.e. sword grants blindfighting when wielded etc. so i'm looking at the 3.5 srd and it makes no mention of the cost of this. not that it expressly set a cost in the 3.0 dmg. any ideas...