• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    D&D 5E Hypothetical 5E Future Release Schedule

    I really, really am beginning to get a bad feeling about this release schedule. I'm with many of the others: it's clear to me that Hasbro kept WotC on a tight leash and really wasn't expecting much out of 5e. Now that it's fairly clear it's a hit, they're scurrying around trying to figure out...
  2. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    D&D 5E What do we hope to see in the DMG?

    Psionics. Let's at least get a peak at what they're going to do with psionics.
  3. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    D&D 5E Should 5E have Healing Surges?

    I can't put a finger on why I never liked them but I'll take a stab at a hypothesis: it's all par for the course. I've found that those players I know who don't like the 'WoW' aspects of 4E--powers, over emphasis on balance, Dragonkin, etc.--loathe healing surges. To the man. They seem to...
  4. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn


    Don't think Saga of the Plieocene Exile is fantasy? Huh. Okay, YMMV. But one might as well be consistent about it, right? Because by that defintion... ...neither is the Expedition to Barrier Peaks fantasy. ...nor should you even allude to spells or 'powers' that mimic clearly psionic...
  5. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Seminar Transcript - Class Design: From Assassins to Wizards

    No. If the DM doesn't want psionics, he or she bans 'em, period. And there was already an option for giving psionic abilities to non-psionic classes. Wild talents. Keep that option. But not creating a psionic class/classes doesn't make sense if you're to use wild talents. I mean, when the...
  6. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Ability Scores As Core

    I think of charisma as simply personal magnetism. Now beauty as a concept is in the eye of the beholder to a certain extent but there's a lot of commonality in what many people consider beautiful or handsome (take a look at the magazine rack; many magazines focusing on the body wouldn't be...
  7. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn


    You mention the 'feel' issue and I get it. I've struggled with it too. I think it's because we see the term 'psionics' and almost automatically think of science fiction (the Jedi, Vulcans, etc.). There's a bit of a paradigmic jar to that. I've seen it integrated well--like I mentioned...
  8. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn


    Playing Devil's Advocate here... By that yardstick, 4e was right to leave out the gnome initially. If it's a popularity contest, we're going to end up with a rather truncated game because although there's fans for every single race and class combo, just from anecdotal evidence (and the...
  9. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn


    To what degree should psionics be incorporated into 5e? I know psionics in D&D has been controversial since, heavens, the beginning practically. It's the old 'fantasy vs. scifi' argument that, I believe, really presents a false dichotomy (I prefer to think of both as subgenres in a larger...
  10. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    What is the typical party size in practice?

    I actually play with no more than 3, mostly because I concentrate on playing with family (wife and kids). With a spread of children in the family from 21 to 4, time management becomes an issue and I really haven't got a lot of freetime to go off for three or four hours to game. So...I stick...
  11. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Ability Scores As Core

    I'm all for splitting Charisma again and bringing back Comeliness.
  12. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Alignment Issues!

    Huh, that's interesting how different styles of campaigning come out. The world I created WTF back in '89 was centered around a massive, multi-continental empire ruled by lich-like god-emperors. The imperial default alignment was Lawful Neutral. The civilization itself was nearly 45,000 years...
  13. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    D&D 5E 5e Pantheon

    One of the best things about 4E was finally giving the devil his due. Literally. If Asmodeus is as bad-assed as he's been portrayed since at least the late 2E, then he's a god. Pure and simple. I love that idea. Pathfinder did it too. And then they muddied the waters by making demons...
  14. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    D&D 5E Your 5E

    Character Creation Races Human Elf High Drow Wood/Sylvan Half-Elf (multiple builds for racial combinations beyond simply human/elf) Dwarf Mountain Deep/Duergar Half-Dwarf/Mul (multiple builds for racial combinations beyond simply human/dwarf) Gnome Halfling Half-Orc Planetouched...
  15. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Why we need Warlords in D&DN

    Well, that depends. One could have the class 'Warrior' with subclasses 'Knight' and 'Barbarian' and do away with the term 'Fighter' in toto. That way, you've covered your bases and refined the concepts a bit; boiled down the archetypes. 'Warrior' would be your generic, semi-skilled...
  16. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Why we need Warlords in D&DN

    I'm not saying the class itself shouldn't be in there--I'm all for it--it's just that the name strikes me as being referential to a person your usual first level character isn't: older, more experienced. Just a bit of semantics. Nothing more.
  17. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Why we need Warlords in D&DN

    'Knight' would work for me. Funny, but a couple of years ago I was thinking about alternate names for classes and I thought 'knight' would work as an alternate name for 'paladin'. But it works just as well for 'warlord' too. Completely eliminates the impression that the character is older...
  18. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    So what races and classes do we consider core?

    Oh sure, we've shoehorned in modern sensibilities to some extent into the modern fantasy genre but fantasy--high fantasy at least--is still feudalism, the divine right of kings, etc. Hardly progressive in the modern, Lefty definition of the term. But all of that's fine. I understand that. My...
  19. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Why we need Warlords in D&DN

    Which is why 'Marshal' for me works better. However, they both have the same problem: how can a young pup, greener than an Elven fruit salad, be called a 'marshal' or a 'warlord' with a straight face? 'What're you, Aubric?' 'Me? I'm a Marshal in the Order of St. Denys the Dastardly!'...
  20. Thorgrim Sekkrhrafn

    Why we need Warlords in D&DN

    I loved the idea of the 3.5E Marshal but the implementation of the 4E Warlord left me a bit cold and for the very reason you brought up--the design-role-by-mechanic seemed utterly forced to me and simply added to my impression (which grew with time) that 4E was more a superhero game than...