• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. C

    The Robots Are Revolting!

    Exceptional! I 'm seriously considering running two parties, one of judges, one of robots, in alternating weekly slots, and have the players meet their other characters in the finale. Where's September 25th when you need it?
  2. C

    2000AD Minis or Theatre of the Mind

    Much obliged for the quick response Morrus. Looks like there's a gap in the market for a new Dredd minis line!
  3. C

    2000AD Minis or Theatre of the Mind

    I was wondering what the default assumption is for Dredd & the Worlds of 2000AD is; minis on a grid or theatre of the mind. Looking at a lot of the preview material I'd guess minis, as there are references to squares of movement and the importance of tactical positioning. I checked the FAQ and...
  4. C

    GM advice: Earthmote as gigantic earth elemetal encounter

    I'm in need of a steer. I have the germ of a cool idea, but I can't figure out how to make an exciting encounter out of it. Here's the setup; whilst tracking a missing wizard the party have stumbled across his domain in the Elemental Chaos. The domain is made up of a number of earthmotes. The...
  5. C

    Looking for Pregenerated D&D Characters?

    This generator is really great! Many thanks for putting this out there, I've found this tremendously useful for statting up NPC's, and it's a great tool to experiment with rolling up PCs too. I'm not sure if there is a revised version since the one posted, but if you're after feedback on bugs...
  6. C

    D&D 5E Balancing party vs NPC encounter

    Many thanks folks, some extremely useful advice and fun ideas.
  7. C

    D&D 5E Balancing party vs NPC encounter

    I have a party of 6 4th level characters being pursued by a vengeful NPC. I want my NPC to be scary, tough, and (hopefully) a recurring villain. I see him as making hit and run attacks, focusing on one target at a time, trying to whittle the party down, then vanishing. I've gone for a wood...
  8. C

    D&D 5E DM Minion 5E Released

    Really great tool, the best I've seen. A couple of questions: * Are the monsters from the 5E monster manual due to be added, and if so when? * How do people handle changing parties when creating encounters. Say I build Adventure X, with all 7 of my players listed. This week Bob and Sue can't...
  9. C

    Suggestions for 4E RHoD/ CoH/ E1-3 campaign

    SPOILER WARNING! I'm using some guidelines for RHoD conversion I found on these boards. I'm rebuilding a lot of it myself though. For example I replaced the hydra on the courseway (en route to Vraath Keep) with a mad fey/ plant encounter. The ranger and NPC woodsman both realised this was very...
  10. C

    Suggestions for 4E RHoD/ CoH/ E1-3 campaign

    Having started the Keep on the Shadowfell I'm now starting my players on a 4E version of the Red Hand of Doom. Once that's done I plan to go through The 4E Chamber of Horrors throughout Paragon tier, and then run the E1-3 epic modules. I aim to have Kalarel from KotSF make a reappearance in E1...
  11. C

    [4e] Combat Tracker Utility

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Downloaded, testing, seems fine so far. Perfect timing!
  12. C

    [4e] Combat Tracker Utility

    In aproximate order: Yay Mort (for building this fine thing). Yay Darksir! (he fixed the Character builder issue here) Boo Wizards! (And boo me): after downloading DarkSir's update and confirming that it fixed the Character Builder issue, I updated my Adventure Tools before checking back here...
  13. C

    [4e] Combat Tracker Utility

    I've just discovered this famtastic tool. However I've also discovered that it only seems to work for older Character Builder sheets. More recent sheets don't include HP, saves, Initiative etc. Has the output of the Character Builder files changed, or am I doing something stupid?
  14. C

    Scales of War Wiki for DMs

    Warren, the Far Stride section is a home-grown addition to the AP by Seamus, and a very cool addition it is too. The idea is to give your players the Farstrider characters (from Siege of Bordin's Watch) and play through the highlights of their career. Then you switch back to your original...
  15. C

    Scales of War Wiki for DMs

    SPOILER WARNING: This post if for SoW DMs only. Players look away now! There have been several of complaints about the lack of a useful Scales of War overview from Wizards, and a lack of sufficient foreshadowing and effective linking between the SoW modules. Also a few errors exist that can...
  16. C

    Red Hand of Doom 4.0

    Thanks to all those who put work into this. I'll certainly be using a lot of the prepared monsters, with some minor tweaks. I'll ditch the hydra for example, and throw a shambling mound encounter at the party (not least because I have a shambling mound mini :-)) One thing that might interest...
  17. C

    Bookkeeping powers, actionspoints and hitpoints?

    A handy hint for tracking marks and bloodied status: the tokens from MB's Connect 4 are exactly the right size to clip to the bottom of a medium D&D mini. Red for bloodied, yellow for marked. They fit so well you can pick up the minis without the tokens falling off. £5.99 gets you all the tokens...
  18. C

    IMPORTANT! Posting WotC articles wholesale...

    The easiest way to kep up with the car crash that is the Wizard's site is to subscribe to their RSS feed. That way you can actually see what's new, as opposed to digging around through counter-intuitive menus for ages.
  19. C

    Random Encounter Generator UPDATED June 12th

    That's wonderful, a realy helpful utility for throwing together on the fly encounters, or even helping with inspiration for planned ones. Nice job! One thing that may be useful for a future version: the option of first filtering by Origin (natural, fey, shadow etc) and/ or Type (animate...
  20. C

    KOTS Introduction Post Raiders of Oakhurst? *Spoilers*

    I've used Raiders as the intro to my 4e campaign, with a few minor changes. I started at the entrance to the stone table, with a brief "Oakhurst hired you to take out some bad guys" blurb. Then into the first kobold encounter. The hobgoblins in Raiders are part of the Bloodeaver slaver gang...