• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    Dice bag vs app

    Be honest, tell the truth. How many people still carry a dice bag and how many use a roller app on their phone? I'm curious. I'm old school gamer, so I generally use a bag o' dice.
  2. S

    Dumbest rpg idea ever?

    I think those D20s that flashed red when you rolled a 20 was the dumbest rpg idea I've ever seen. Can anyone top it?
  3. S

    Chargen order?

    What order do you make your characters in? Stats, skills, gear? I'm making a character for battlelords of the 23rd century that I'm doing gear first, then stats, then skills. BL23C is a very gear intense game, given it's focus on personal scale high tech combat it heavily emphasizes weapons...
  4. S

    Realism vs playability?

    One game I like has great (some say excessive) detail in combat rules and devotes a lot of pages to being as realistic as possible in combat terms since it was created by a real combat veteran. But the game rules system has some real issues with plausibility, in that there are some really...
  5. S

    CoC 7e?

    I was into CoC long ago, and understood the first 6 editions largely made minor changes from edution to edition, more like refinements than new editions. Then I heard 7e was a major change. I was curious as to what happened, anyone have any views on CoC 7e to share?
  6. S

    What book would you like to see become a movie/mini-series?

    I read Anderson's ''Brain wave' novel a long time ago, and in short it's about what happens to the world when thanks to some ''field'' shenanigans all creatures with significant brain become about 5x more intelligent overnight. It actually caused a lot of he'll to break loose and major societal...
  7. S

    Babylon 5, new series, new rpg?

    OK so Babylon 5 is getting a reboot, behind a paywall of course so that'll hurt the audience, and I'm kinda glad for it, I mean I love the fact it's getting a new run but hate the paywall. I just recently saw the last B5 project, B5 the Lost tales, which only got one ep sadly. I recall b5...
  8. S

    What's yer favorite genre?

    What is your favorite genre? Fantasy? Horror? Science fiction? Steampunk? Super-hero? Modern? Wild west? Other? I obviously like SF myself, even counting Call of Cthulhu as a form of SF. Never got into the DnD style settings, medieval fantasy, just not my thing. Not shading it, just not my...
  9. S

    Your most underrated system.

    I think that Basic Role Play is the most sadly underrated system on the RPG market today. It's the best generic system out now, better than hero or gurps. I just looked up CoC 7e and it's even better than the official BRP rules. I wonder if 'burp' as a name hurt it. What system do you think is...
  10. S

    Describe a rule from a little known rpg product you like.

    "Do not be alarmed this is only a test” was a scenario printed in 1992 for the Battlelords of the 23rd century game. I got it at a convention from a used/old game dealer. It had a rule I've not seen in any other rpg product and I've kept in my GM kit since I read it years back. It dealt with...
  11. S

    No Ghost in the Shell rpg?

    So cowboy bebop is getting a rpg, and I'm fine with that, it's a good setting. But come on guys, GitS isn't getting one? It's way deeper and more detailed than CB, and offers a lot of potential rpg goodness. If anyone here's familiar with GitS, as in the manga, animes, etc I think youll...
  12. S

    Some inspirational reading.

    I've read some good books that might inspire some rpg goodness I want to share with you here. Redliners, by David Drake. What does a ruthless interstellar empire do with soldiers who are too burned out to keep fighting but are too dangerous to send back into civilian life right away? Send them...
  13. S


    Anyone here into any version of Traveller? Sing out if you are.
  14. S

    You get to be reborn into a game world of your choice.

    If you kicked off right now and were offered a choice of a rpg world to be reborn into and a general ''Character type'' to have a chance to grow up to be, what would you choose? I'm not personally sure I'd want to be reborn into most game settings I've played in, like dark heresy. (OMFG...
  15. S

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    I have. Normally I'm a rational skeptic, scientifically inclined person. I'm agnostic in that I believe that the actual origin to existence is almost certainly beyond human comprehension as we are now, so I believe that things we cannot explain likely do exist. All that background established...
  16. S

    Favored dice mechanic.

    What dice mechanic do you like? 2/3d6, d20, d100, fixed number of dice, dice pools, multiple dice types like d4 for low level stats and higher dice for better ones, etc? Just curious. Frankly I like d100 as in BPR and 150x, as my mind at any rate is wired to think in terms of...
  17. S

    Mass effect RPG?

    Apparently some suit won't let a TTRPG of mass effect be done for suit reason, and I really don't care what they are. I think mass effect is a great setting for a ttrpg and some people suspect it was influenced by a long running ttrpg it has a lot in common with. So is anyone out there...