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  1. K

    The Demon Lords of Out of the Abyss

    I hated the Fiendish Codex picture of Zuggtmoy....whereas I love the update from The Temple of Elemental Evil have her looking like a fungoid being wearing a female kabuki mask.
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    The Demon Lords of Out of the Abyss

    Lolth's Whereabouts Lolth is mentioned in Out of the Abyss...and also an explanation on why she is not involved with the proceedings.
  3. K

    D&D 5E I love the 5e Succubus

    Mythologically speaking, Succubi should have and rightfully pre-4th edition classified as demons. They were not interested in tempting mortals...rather they have intercourse with mortals against their will, without asking. And in D&D terms, as befitting their chaotic nature, usually destroy...
  4. K

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    Adinirahc is actually the reverse of Charinida, Lolth's High Priestess in Module D3 Vault of the Drow.
  5. K

    D&D 5E I love the 5e Succubus

    In first edition, Graz'zt are served by "type VI demonesses"...:lol:
  6. K

    D&D 5E I love the 5e Succubus

    What they did to succubi they should do it to fiends across the board.
  7. K

    Pathfinder 1E Are demons and devils too similar?

    Maybe they should just lump them into one category: fiends. Regardless of type, those that lean toward Chaos are demons, those that lean toward Law are devils and so on...hence a lawful succubi is a devil, a chaotic succubi is a demon; a lawful glabrezu is a devil whereas a chaotic glabrezu is...
  8. K

    D&D 5E Hell leadership change.

    Planescape modules are constantly guilty of making the PCS observers rather than active participants whose action or inaction affect the outcome.
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    D&D 5E Hell leadership change.

    Oh yeah...if memory serves, the consorts of the Hells were particularly hit by hard the changing of editions: Bensozia - killed by Levistus Cozbi - Exiled and later presumed destroyed. Naome - Destroyed by Asmodeus to make room for Fierna Baalphegor - conflicting info...Fiendish Codex have...
  10. K

    Dungeon #150

    The End for Dungeon and Dragon So a NEW PRINCE OF DEMONS may emerge from the last issue of Dungeon? I hope it is not Orcus or Graz'zt. Demogorgon rules!!!! Anyway, with the end of both Dungeon and Dragon magazines, it makes less of an incentive for me to pay a visit to my local hobby...
  11. K

    Demonic Lore II

    This is exhaustive!!! Anyway, I didn't really go through all this in details, did you include the bogannar? a six-armed monkey-demon from WOTC's website?
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    Demonomicon - after the big 14?

    Demonomicon Candidate Personally I think Miska the Wolf Spider and the QUeen of CHaos should be next, as the Rod of Seven Parts has been mentioned several times in Dungeon magazine. Another candidate that has been overlooked is Ilsidahur. He was actually stated in Dungeon #10, or Siragle, who...
  13. K

    Why all the demon love?

    Why the Love for Demons Personally I think the Devils, being Lawful in nature is exactly why demons are so popular. Being Lawful restrict their behavior. James Jacobs did bring up an important point: the vastness of the Abyss can basically accomodate any individual DM's own personal take...
  14. K

    Dragon 353 came early!

    That is like saying D&D has no need for more dragons and new monsters.
  15. K

    Dragon 353 came early!

    New Incubus Sucks The new incarnation of the incubus sucks. They looked like satyrs with gazelle horns. I like the older version where they also use guile and seduction. As usual, the same old double standards. :mad:
  16. K

    Hordes of the Abyss: Q&A

    Personally, the Abyss is so vast and there are so many possibilities you can do with it that you need more than one book to do it, I would have one book on the creatures of the Abyss, one book on the demon princes, and a third book on layers,magic, and other riff raffs.
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    Hordes of the Abyss: Q&A

    Demonomicon of Iggwilv Personally I hope the article will now focus on more obscure demon lords. I mean, we know too much about Demogorgon, Graz'zt, Lolth and Orcus. How about Ilsidahur? Hordes of the Abyss is the first time he was mentioned since Dungeon Magazine. Given the recent Age of...
  18. K

    Hordes of the Abyss: Q&A

    Why I Hate Planescape Personally I think Planescape had a lot of potential.... However, the adventures published for them sucked to high Abyss... They are prime examples of how NOT to write an adventure. Players get "railroaded" so much that it is not even funny. They are no longer...
  19. K

    Hordes of the Abyss: Q&A

    Monster Manual 2 Demon Princes It was nice to see the demon princes mentioned in MM2 of first edition get some developement. What a coincidence that my version of Aseroth and Mastiphal came close to what was in the book. I had Aseroth as a prince of cold as well (he looked like a human with a...
  20. K

    Hordes of the Abyss: Q&A

    Fiendish Codex Okay, I have this tome for up to a week now and here is what my reaction is: A lot of people complain about demon lords being underpowered. Yet the fact that you have the power and option to advance them and customized them make them more fearsome because they will remain an...