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  1. theodudek

    Isle of Dread Island Map?

    Does anyone have a scan of the original 1e Isle of Dread island map (preferably print-quality) which they wouldn't mind emailing to me or posting here? -_-;; I know it may seem inappropriate to ask, but I have this adventure (used of course) and I have EVERYTHING but the page with the main map...
  2. theodudek

    4E. Isle of Dread. Eberron. Detail suggestions needed.

    Hmm... at first it seems weird, but actually I think using the Isle of Dread in Eberron is an excellent mix. ^^ The Isle of Dread has sort of a colonial-era "exploring the wild Southern islands" feel, after all, so it is super-appropriate to Eberron which is basically an industrial-age fantasy...
  3. theodudek

    Rules for Drugs & Alcohol in 4E

    @Saeviomagy Hmm... you have a good point. -_-;; Thanks for the advice!
  4. theodudek

    Rules for Drugs & Alcohol in 4E

    Hello everybody, I was rereading the addiction rules in the "Book of Vile Darkness" for 3e and I've come up with a way to simulate drug and alcohol addiction in 4e. ^^ It actually works pretty well, I think... I'm going to be making many more drug descriptions like this. The best way to handle...
  5. theodudek

    The Keep on the Borderlands, 1 Zillion Years Later...

    Wow, thank you, that was really interesting! ^o^ Yes, I prefer more nonlinear adventure design.... although on the other hand players need to be led by the hand sometimes, I have run campaigns where they have been overwhelmed by the number of subplots and options.
  6. theodudek

    Defensive Cleric Build in "Divine Power"

    Thank you! I was really happy to see it, I may end up getting "Divine Power" now... ^_^ I'll definitely check out the Paragon Path. Do you remember what the new At-Will Power does?
  7. theodudek

    Gary Gygax Question

    This is random but.. does anyone know where Gary Gygax is buried? I went looking at "" and generally around google, but I couldn't turn up any information. I assume he's buried somewhere in Lake Geneva, but does anyone have more specific information? Many thanks and I hope this...
  8. theodudek

    Defensive Cleric Build in "Divine Power"

    I just got "Arcane Power" and "Monster Manual II" (I know, really late -_-;;) and while I was in the game store I saw "Divine Power" but didn't have enough money to get it too. But I *did* notice something in "Divine Power" that was really awesome, which almost, almost, almost made me get it...
  9. theodudek

    D&D 4E Updating Tomb of Horrors to 4e...and 4e seems to wussy.

    I am curious about this too... I actually wrote about it on my blog awhile ago. The spirit of 4e is obviously much more about "balance" than any previous edition of D&D, but I guess actually Tomb of Horrors could be even *deadlier* in 4e due to the lack of saving throws in the old sense...
  10. theodudek

    The Keep on the Borderlands, 1 Zillion Years Later...

    I didn't describe running the Keep to indicate that it was not a 'good' adventure. i meant that it was really fun, of course. -_- But it's just a question of what you bring to it, not so much the contents of the module itself. Like you said, it's a sandbox. And yes, I meant TSR, not Wizards...
  11. theodudek

    Are Kids interested in Pen & Paper RPGs?

    I play pen and paper RPGs, and so do many of my friends my own age. -_- I think that a lot more people are getting into them recently because of stuff like Futurama, crossover from MMOs, Vin Diesel, etc. There are so many people into MMORPGs and console RPGs right now that tabletop RPGs are...
  12. theodudek

    The Keep on the Borderlands, 1 Zillion Years Later...

    Hey everybody, I wrote a review of the most well-known (?) D&D1e module, "The Keep on the Borderland," and I wanted to post it here if it's not off-topic. I've tried running it in both 3e and 4e conversions, and it actually works pretty well, in a "simplest module on earth" kind of way. -_-...
  13. theodudek

    Wachowski Bros.: Roleplayers? (Kult/Matrix)

    Hello everybody, I was thinking about the old RPG "Kult" the other day and I was reminded of a rumor a friend told me, that the Wachowski Bros. used to post on the KULT listserv way back in the '90s. I wrote a little bit about it here: Theo Dudek, Ultimate Game Master » Unearthed: Kult The...
  14. theodudek Tomb of Horrors Questions

    Hi everybody, I was wondering: has anyone here run the actual original Tomb of Horrors module without softening it in any way? I have played it and ran it but I've never done it in the full bloodsoaked Gygax style, I've always made it a little easier than it was supposed to be... Anyway, I...
  15. theodudek

    D&D1e Review: The Secret of Bone Hill

    I actually do not have Deep Dwarven Delve... that was very cool that they published it as the final 1E module so many years after Bone Hill & the other one!
  16. theodudek

    D&D1e Review: The Secret of Bone Hill

    Hello everyone, I just put up another review of a 1e module, this time, "The Secret of Bone Hill." Please check it out! ^_^ Theo Dudek, Ultimate Game Master
  17. theodudek

    D&D Fan Site Toolkit: Petition!

    @umbran I'm aware that Wizards is not planning to crack down on existing sites, but what I would like to see is a general shift in policy for WotC in favor of more "open gaming" content. While I realize that they are a business and need to make money, I am always alarmed by attempts to control...
  18. theodudek

    D&D Fan Site Toolkit: Petition!

    Hey everybody (-_-) I've created a petition against Wizards' Fan Site Toolkit at Wizards of the Coast, Retract Your Fan Site Policy Petition. Please sign if you believe that RPG fan site policies are unworkable and counterproductive! Here are some excerpts: ***************** We, the...
  19. theodudek

    Review of "Dwellers of the Forbidden City"

    Hey everybody! (^_^) I don't know if this is the right place to post this (long-time listener, first-time caller), but I have started a new blog and I just posted a review of the old module "Dwellers in the Forbidden City". Please check it out, I'd love your feedback! And comments!! Theo...