• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Charles Wright

    [Frog God Gamews] The 2018 PF Humble Bundle

    3822 as of now. The response from PF fans has been astounding.
  2. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    When choosing our printer, Bill got samples from each company and took a baseball bat to them. Bill is no slouch in the athletics department... (he can move me easily and I'm 6'4" 250 lbs.) In any case. We went with the company whose spine didn't break even after the cover came off (Walsworth)...
  3. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    Every book from Northlands Saga on should have the product line list. :)
  4. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    5E print version is happening and we still have some 75 $1 backers. If you were waiting for the dead-tree version to become a reality, it's here!
  5. Charles Wright

    Urban Horror In A Corrupt City: A Setting & Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder, and S&W

    Update just posted by Greg Vaughan: (There WILL be a 5E print monster book no matter if we meet the the ability to do a print version for 5E... still hoping, though, as we're only 15k short right now). More Stretch Goals Unlocked and A BLIGHT MONSTER BOOK!! 0 Comments Like The last 24...
  6. Charles Wright

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    "Does Wizards own any unique IP that I create in my publications?Wizards does not own any of the unique IP that you create in your publications. Wizards does own the IP that they contribute, plus the agreement will grant Wizards and other DMs Guild authors a license to use your IP. That said, if...
  7. Charles Wright

    The Lost Lands: The Blight - Richard Pett's Crooked City on KS NOW

    To clarify. There will be a PDF of the 5E version. We're hoping to make at least $100k which will allow us to make a print version.
  8. Charles Wright

    Urban Horror In A Corrupt City: A Setting & Adventure Path for 5E, Pathfinder, and S&W

    Borderlands Provinces was always meant to be for 5E as well as the other two lines. In fact, Adventures in the Borderland Provinces was initially writing in the 5E format and converted to Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry. The Blight started its development cycle at least 2 years ago when 5E...
  9. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    Crazy? Imagine what an Urban Rooftop Acrobatic Ranger could accomplish! I was ahead of my time wanting to be Assassin's Creed way back in the 80s. When the 2nd Edition Bard's Handbook came around, I was all over the Jongleur.
  10. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    My desire to play a multi-classed Ranger/Thief-Acrobat was the first time that I deviated from the printed rules. :)
  11. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    Huge Kickstarter Update. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/froggodgames/the-lost-lands-the-blight-richard-petts-crooked-ci/posts/1432262?ref=backer_project_update
  12. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    Some words from Richard Pett, the author of The Blight.
  13. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    *nods* I totally get that, Ari. I'm actually excited to see people pledging a buck just so they can let us know that they want The Blight in 5E. It just takes a long time to shift gears and production (me) is currently being whipped to death! <grin> (Bard's Gate is planned to have a 5E version...
  14. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    The plans for The Blight were set in motion long before we ran the kickstarter for The Borderlands Provinces (we start working on them 6 months to a year out). It isn't meant as an insult to anybody and one of the owners (me) has 5E as a preferred system. You have to understand that we know...
  15. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Kickstarter The Blight Richard Pett's Crooked City

    Guys, it is estimated that the book is going to be 900 pages long in Pathfinder rules. As the guy who will be doing the layout, I really want to clarify that point.
  16. Charles Wright

    Remember RAPPAN ATHUK? Own The Campaign Setting!

    A quote from the author from another thread in the forums on the flavor of the Borderlands. "In terms of the flavor of the place, if you're familiar with Clark Ashton Smith's Averoigne stories, those are the best analogy. There's also a lot of influence from Jack Vance (more on the Lyonesse...
  17. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Lost Lands: Borderlands is 5e

    Frist stretch goal has been reached! "$46,000 Walls of Broch Tarna: Free short-story fiction, set in the Borderlands. “The Walls of Broch Tarna” by Nathan Shank. A maimed veteran of the Wilderlands Clan War returns to the site of the final battle on its tenth anniversary only to discover that a...
  18. Charles Wright

    D&D 5E FGG Lost Lands: Borderlands is 5e

    We've met our funding and now get into the interesting part - Stretch Goals! Borderland Provinces focuses on a key area about the size of Europe where many of the larger Frog God Games adventures take place (Rappan Athuk, Lost City of Barakus, Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms) and ties them...
  19. Charles Wright

    Pathfinder 1E [Frog God Games] Borderland Provinces Kickstarter Launched

    We've met our funding and now get into the interesting part - Stretch Goals! Borderland Provinces focuses on a key area about the size of Europe where many of the larger Frog God Games adventures take place (Rappan Athuk, Lost City of Barakus, Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms) and ties them...
  20. Charles Wright

    What's All This About Third Party 5E Stuff?

    In other words: If you're going to take this stuff yourself, don't be tight about it.