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¡Los Californios: The Destined! [IC]

Relique du Madde


[sblock=OOC]I hope you are able to see the map...

Notes: The map is north aligned. The Location that are marked are:
1. Lagos Adobe
2. Dominguez Adobes
3. Rancho Los Cerritos
4. Sepulvida Adobes

I really need some symbols for mountains, hills, and swamp land. :)[/sblock]
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Geoffrey blinks for a moment, then rubs a spec of dust out of his eye. Looking at the map, he says, " If we ride to Sepulvida first, then I assume it is because of the strategic nature of a seaside location? "
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(Spanish) “Oh, excuse me,” Scarlet says.

“I am far more comfortable with my native tongue, but in this case, my Spanish has to suffice.”

[Spanish] "I too prefer my native tongue Senorita, but Espanol will have to suffice for both of us." Turning to Geoff he adds "Yes i am quite familiar with the land, both wild and occupied" says Manuel with a slight twinkle in his eye showing he knew well the double meaning he just uttered. "As for Sepulvida, we can follow the Great River south and reach most Ranchos following it before reaching the Landing. The Landing will need to be reached quickly as it is a main port and news and support will be crucial from there." offers the Indio.

Walking Dad

First Post
Prof Hagen von Hac

(Spanish) "English, Spanish or Spanglish doesn't matter for met.

Great to have so many capable people around for the wilderness part. So I can keep my mind occupied with more civilized matters."

Von Hacht says, already thinking how would the best way to stow his stuff on the cart.

FATE CHIPS: 2x white, 1x red
PP of Lightning Gun: 10 / 10



First Post

(Spanish) “Likewise, I am pretty much lost in the wilderness, so I will gladly leave the choice of our route to you and hope you will get us to our destination safely.”


" If you think we should simply follow the river south and stop at each place along the way, then I suppose that is good enough for me. Though we could perhaps, if you know the land well enough, ride down to the Dominguez Adobes and then leave the road and cut across straight to Sepulvida. Then perhaps we could swing back and find the Rancho Los Cerritos, " says Geoffrey to Manuel.

Walking Dad

First Post
Prof Hagen von Hac

(Spanish) "May I remind everyone that we need a way passable with a cart? I need my equipment to stay useful.."
Von Hacht reminds everyone, if he may or not.

FATE CHIPS: 2x white, 1x red
PP of Lightning Gun: 10 / 10


Relique du Madde


This is the begining of a more detailed map. There are a few missing abobes; however they toward the nor western section of this map.

It should be noted that "Tajauta" is the name of a rancho built on the site of an indo village.
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Relique du Madde

It did not take long for the group to reach the pueblo's garrison. Once there, the group is led to the garrison's quartermaster, who promptly requested for the group to hand him several of the requisition vouchers the billfolds Don Forster handed them. The Quartermaster handed the voucher's an assistant then motioned for the group to follow him.

"(Spanish) Your voucher states that you need a wagon. Unfortunately, we cannot loan you one of our large covered wagons, so I pray you are not confronted by the winter rains." The Quartermaster stopped next to two wagons. "All I need to know which of these wagon suits your needs, then I could load then with your provisions then send you off on your journey."

As the Quartermaster spoke several soldiers arrived with saddled horses. He then motioned to one of the soldiers. "(Spanish) Bernardo, come here. I want you to help them load their wagon, and then I would like you to assist them on their journey."

"Si senor!" Bernardo gave a salute.

[sblock=wagons] In terms of scale, assume the horses in both of these images are the same height. Wagon 1 appears to be build more for rugged terrain (in terms of rider shock-absorption), while wagon 2 appears to be more heavy duty and sturdier built. Wagon2's bed is also deeper.


OOC: Pick a wagon any wagon. Since Deadlands doesn't really mention how much weight wagons could carry, assume that is it "alot". :)
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Walking Dad

First Post
Prof Hagen von Hacht

(Spanish) "I'm afraid the one with higher bed is needed, despite the other ones sturdiness. I will send Hans to help loading my gear."
Von Hacht responds after considering his options.

FATE CHIPS: 2x white, 1x red
PP of Lightning Gun: 10 / 10


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