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[4e] Campaign discussion thread (Full)


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Just to make sure, Sparky, you said core-only, right? I'm dying to play a swordsmage but I guess I'll have to wait a while longer....
Well, Ancient pc coming shortly.

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Hee. Protected or destroyed? Or are the Ancient PC's opposed to one another, with some protecting and some destroying?

Further -

What is special about this dragon egg? Is it of a particular rare variety of dragon? A Void Dragon that will eat the sun, perhaps...or a Diamond Dragon that will end the reign of an immortal warlord?

Are there any guidelines you want to impose on Ancient PC's beyond just Paragon or higher?


Registered User
Non-core books are allowed, but I prefer core books. The rationale is that it's harder for me to collaborate with you when I don't have access to the information you have. Also - core books makes the game easier to grok for everyone (that's important when new folk come on board). But it's just that, a preference.

Like I said, launching this campaign is an exercise in 'yes.'


Good questions, Shayuri. I'm leaving the protected/destroyed deliberately unspecified for you guys to work out. nerdytenor, at least, wanted some PC conflict - this would be a good place to seed some.

Actually, scratch that, focus on the Ancient PCs and throw out ideas for the rest of us to chew on as you do. So if garyh is making an ancient warforged general or something he can talk about campaigns against the orcs.

Here, I just came up with some beliefs about doppelgangers.

Doppelgangers: Some believe that doppelgangers were the First Race, the raw clay the gods formed into other races in the First Days. Others believe doppelgangers to be a race left unfinished by the gods, presumably because of some flaw - a point of contention - that left them unfit to hold a divine spark (and thus a soul). Their history is sketchy at best, even the most knowledgable know little, but they are by and large viewed dimly, and legends involving them are often terrible or tragic.


First Post
I have a rough idea forming now.

There was an ancient, long running war between X and Y (races, regions, religions - whatever). Ancient PC was a hero to the people of X, but eventually Y won the war. Modern PC would be a descendant of the ancient pc, and harbor a historical grudge against people from Y (including, perhaps, one of the other PCs). Modern PC would be searching for some kind of redemption for an ancient humiliation...


First Post
My "Ancient" Pc. It still needs some tweaking and double-cheking, making high-level wizards from scratch is a mess.
The background is an initial idea, i can expand easily on it as I read other ideas as well...

Ideally, the 1st lvl PC might be a Swordmage Eladrin, clearly a descendant both in race and powers....

Trasimakos Arkeion, Human Wizard/divine oracle, lvl 20
Str: 9
Dex: 15
Con: 11
Wis: 18
Int: 24
Cha: 13

AC: 36
For: 27
Ref: 34
Will: 33

HP: 107
Healing Surges per day: 6
Speed: 7
Initiative: +16
Senses: Normal vision, passive perception 31, passive insight 31

Alignment:Unaligned (on the way to Evil)

Trained skills:
Acrobatics +12
Arcana +24
Athletics +9
Bluff +11
Diplomacy +11
Dungeoneering +19
Endurance +10
Heal +13
History +21
Intimidate +11
Insight +21
Nature +19
Perception +21
Religion +21
Stealth +12
Streetwise +11
Thievery +12

Languages: Common, Elven

Feats (* bonus):
Ritual caster*
Armor Training:Leather*
Improved initiative
Action Surge
Skill focus:Arcana
Human perseverance
Skill training:perception
Initiate of the faith
Spell focus
Lightning reflexes
Arcane reach
Psychic lock
Action recovery
Great fortitude
Iron Will

Paragon Path features:
Prophetic action
Terrifying insight

Ghost sound, Light, Mage hand, Prestidigitation

Spells (* prepared):
-At will: Illusory ambush, Scorching burst, Thunderwave
-Encounter: spectral ram, Prophecy of doom, Prismatic burst, Crushing Titan's Fist
-Daily: Sleep*, Healing word*, Skinking cloud, Wall of fire, Lightning serpent, Prismatic Beams*, Evard's black tentacles*
-Utility: Shield*, Expeditious retreat, Dimension door*, Dispel magic, Blur*, Arcane gate, Good omens* Displacement*, Fly

Implement mastery: Orb of imposition, Wand of Accuracy

Rituals: Comprehend language, Tenser's floating disk, Animal messenger, Enchant magic item, Magic circle, Raise dead, Wizard's sight, Hallucinatory creature, Commune with nature, Consult oracle, Detect object, Disenchant Magic Item, Forbiddance, Knock, Linked Portal, Speak with dead

Item powers (2/d):
Daily:Staff of power
Ring of wizardry
Symbol of victory
Orb of inevitable continuance
Guardian Cape

prestidigitation- standard, ranged 2, 1 hour
ghost sound- standard, ranged 10
light- minor, ranged 5, 5 minutes
mage hand- minor, ranged 5 20 pounds, move action 5 squares

Background info:
Trasimakos is three hundred years old Eladrin, tall and still youthful in appearance, but with a stony gaze that reveals his age. Clothed in power, power radiating from his azure, almost pupil-less eyes.
Still a lowly wizard, he left his noble house in the Feywild to reach the far more dynamic, mortal world. For more than 150 years, he traveled the world researching all kinds of knowledge and magic items. He journeyed with generations of heroes, and he himself was regarded as a hero. He became an High mage, he was an associate in most of te main wizard guilds of the large World, but something stopped his ascent as an Archmage. He fell in love.
He married an elven woman, much younger than him, who gave birth to two children, more similar to their mother than their father.
After years of stationary, peaceful life, wanderlust and thirst for knowledge possessed him again. He left his family and started traveling again. He began one of the Guidmasters of the Keepers of the Egg of Aeons solely to acquire hidden secrets. But in his hungry researches, he realized that powers far older, far greater than him had sealed world-shattering knoledge far from his -from anyone's- reach.
Trasimakos tried other ways. He came in contact with powerful Immortal beings, he contracted with them. They gave him part of what he desidered, and fed his obsession. He gained oracular powers. His magic grew in power and scope. Ultimately, he betrayed the guild, stole the secret that the fabled Egg of the Aeons might not be an immaterial metaphysic power rooted in the fabric of the world, but an actual object reachable by mortal hands.
He is now ruthlessly searching for it, walking forth to absolute power.


First Post
On the mechanical side I'd prefer to play (in order of preference):

striker: warlock, ranger, rogue
controller: wizard
everything else

But this is only a preference, not a requirement. There isn't a 4e class I _wouldn't_ enjoy playing (my preferences are always for classes/roles I haven't gotten to play yet).



First Post
How important is it to really stat the ancient characters up? I mean, if they're going to be lore / inspiration / backdrop for the current PC's, then it's probably not really necessary. If we eventually time travel to fight them, then it'd be necessary. :)


First Post
I don't think it's vital to stat them...it might be useful in guiding your choices for the true character.

I'm thinking of making a human or doppelganger fey roguelock. Possibly a doppelganger roguezard.

Rogue with magic...hmmmm...


Registered User
Everything sounds good so far. Ancient war works. Ancient PCs don't need to be statted in the sense that I'm checking to see if they're compliant with the rules, but they need to be statted to give a sense of their power and place in the world (magic items that might persist through the ages could come in to play. o_O )

Atan, you've identified an area that I need to address. The Ancient PCs need to not be normal folk any more. They should be dead or transcended somehow (epic destinies, trapped by a ritual or an artifact, that sort of thing).

The basic time flow should be something like this...

Golden Age (Ancient PCs might have experienced this)
Age of Trial (Ancient PCs defininitely experienced this)
Age of Darkness (Ancient PCs dead or 'gone')
Age of Return (Modern PCs)

Somewhat in the mold of 4e's Points of Light.


First Post
We might even stat the pcs at different levels for the different ages. I mean, an Eladrin archmage, talking about my ancestor character, might have had a lifespan of several centuries (for example, a young and heroic mage through the golden age, as-posted during the age of trial (on the way to corruption), a powerful and blinded by power immortal archmage, maybe sealed away from the world after havig contributed to its ruin in the age of Darkness...

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