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A Humble Request: A Non-Vancian "Leader" in the PHB

What non-Vancian healer/leader class should be in Next?

  • Cleric (screw Vancian casting!)

    Votes: 19 21.6%
  • Druid

    Votes: 17 19.3%
  • Bard (they can be jacks of all trades and still heal well with the right theme!)

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • Warlord (keep them as a class!)

    Votes: 61 69.3%
  • Something New (maybe detailed below)

    Votes: 9 10.2%
  • Something Else (detailed below)

    Votes: 13 14.8%
  • Most/Any class(es), with the right theme

    Votes: 21 23.9%

Tony Vargas

I don't think they're gunshy...I think they (and I'm including myself in the "they") don't want any inkling of 4e-style "roles" in the game.
The roles have always been there and clearly aren't going away. All 5e is doing is hiding them behind the curtain thus making the game slightly harder for new players to master, and increasing the likelihood that a mostly-new group will hit upon a poor party composition, have a bad first play experience, and be lost to the hobby.

I don't see why that's deemed desirable, though... (elitism, perhaps?)

(and, just to say it one more time, attributing the term "leader" to the guys that can heal?...just stupid.)
You think "healer" would've been better? It's a lot narrower.

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