A Little Challenge


WotC's bitch
RogueJK said:

On page 45 of the DMG, in the Leadership section, under "Cohort Level", it states that you can't have a cohort of your level or higher, no matter what your Leadership score is. He'd be limited to a 19th level cohort.

That requirement is only for the level of the cohort when first taken. After that, the cohort just follows the regular rules for advancement. There's nothing that stops your cohort from eventually exceeding your level, although in most cases this is unlikely.

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First Post
Okay so far all very interesting smacks. Especially that multi armed whirling dervish. Only problem is that I don't have BoEMII. Anyone care to post the spell descriptions for Gestalt ,Duplicate and Nonesuch spells?

Also the antimagic fighter with a pixie is interesting. Well you all have given me some ideas to work with.I wonder if it is possible to exploit the bit about cohorts:D

Jairami, it is smackdown tournament. One big free for all between the players. Currently my thoughts lean towards having a high defense. Remember that there will be several people on the battlefiled at the same time. It is unlikely I will kill them all in the first round so being tough enough to survive is very important. My currentl leaning would be to go for dragon as my race. The problem with dragons are their crappy AC and weak Dex. A bit of info far all of you, when we powergame for such things we go all the way. The last time we had an exercise of killing Bahamut in one hit. I'm predicting thats the sort of challenges I will be seeing for the game. So must plan to kill level 20 dragon wizards and those sort of things.


First Post
Oh, well if you can be a powerful dragon WITH 20 levels of something.. Sheesh.. It's limitless. Be a 20th level barbarian tarrasque. :)

I thought when you said no ECL that you meant you had to be a race with an ECL of +0 meaning in general fairly standard races.

For surviveability the only thing harder to kill (unless you know they are coming and what they are) than a tarrasque is an astrally projected rod of security hidden lifed wizard. But I wouldn't know anything about that.


It's not "Rouge"... That's makeup.
If you're going to do it... do it all the way.

Tarrasque Barbarian/Forsaker/Frenzied Berzerker
The Tarrasque's stats, plus Rage & Frenzy.
SR 52 with no magic items. And even if a spell made it through, your hide has a 30% chance to reflect all rays, cones, and lines. I'm not sure, but this might affect Dragon Breath (hey... it's a line or cone... and the ability doesn't say that it is limited to spells only. It says "all rays, lines, and cones"... :D)

To make it even more obscene, take Leadership and get another powerful creature as a cohort.

[Edit] Plus, as a 20th level character with 10 levels of Forsaker, you have 15 extra points to distribute between your already high ability scores. [/Edit]
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First Post
But what happens when there is an enemy mage flying? There are several aspects you have forgotten. You must remember that the enemy will have his own options and will try his darndest to kill me. At least the SR is a reasonalbe range but I need other combat options and flexibility too.

I currently have a pretty good idea of what I wish to play. Sorry I can't reveal it now since some of my groupies may visit this boards and see it. I have most of its defenses sorted out but still stuck on how to deal the killing blow. Its based on either mages or clerics still deciding between the two.


First Post
As I stated in my first psot Hong, I have read S of S thread. Now msot fo them are quite cool but they tend to not take into account defenses. Also while most fo them break the 200 point damage mark, I am looking for damage 10 times that and which can be doen multiple times.


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Here's the start of an idea. It's not finished, but it should start you off. The miracles are "just in case".

You're immune to sleep, paralysis, and poison. Your worst save is Reflex +38. You have 1271 hit points. You can cast 5 9th level sorcerer spells: Mordenkainen's disjunction or time stop. You can cast 5 miracles and 30d6 blade barriers. Your check to overcome SR is +24 (cleric) or +23 (sorcerer). You have a free reroll 1/day.

Weak points: Initiative is only +9, and AC is only 45.

Tactics: Once you go, caste haste, time stop, and your buffing spells. Proceed to destroy your enemies - antimagic isn't a concern when your lowest attack bonus is +52.

Left to do: Choose 2 more feats, a few more skills, and the remainder of your cleric spells. Buy equipment.

Great wyrm axiomatic celestial gold dragon Clr14, Contemplative6: CR 50; Colossal Dragon (Fire); HD 6d6+14d8+41d12+915; hp 1271; Init +9; Spd 70 ft, fly 250 ft (clumsy), swim 60 ft; AC 45 (-8 size, +3 Dex, +40 natural); Melee bite +54 (4d8+21), 2 claws +52 (4d6+10), 2 wings +52 (2d8+10), tail slap +52 (4d6+31); SA breath weapon, frightful presence, spell-like abilities, luck bonus, detect gems, smite evil, smite chaos, spells, turn undead; SQ divine health, slippery mind, divine wholeness, divine body, water breathing, linked minds, fire subtype, immunities, acid resistance 20, cold resistance 20, electricity resistance 20, sonic resistance 20, DR 20/+3, blindsight, keen senses; Face/Reach 40 ft by 80 ft / 15 ft; SR 33; AL LG; SV Fort +51, Ref +38, Will +48; Str 52, Dex 17, Con 40, Int 36, Wis 35, Cha 39.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +52, Concentration +52, Diplomacy +52, Escape Artist +41, Jump +59, Knowledge (arcana, architecture, geography, history, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +52, Listen +54, Scry +52, Search +52, Sense Motive +52, Spellcraft +52, Spot +54; Hover, Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Cleave, Snatch, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Evocation), Alertness, Wingover, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Sunder, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Multiattack, Empower Spell, 2 more.
SA–Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of fire, 70 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 24d10, Reflex half DC 45. This dragon can use a cone of weakening gas instead, forcing subjects who fail a Fortitude save to take 12 points of temporary Strength damage.
SA–Frightful Presence (Ex): Dragons can unsettle foes with their mere presence. This ability takes effect automatically (radius 360 ft) whenever the dragon attacks, charges, or flies overhead. A potentially affected creature (one with less than 41 HD) that succeeds at a Will save (DC 44) remains immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with more than 5 HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of other dragons.
SA–Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - polymorph self and bless; 1/day - geas/quest, sunburst, foresight.
SA–Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem (usually embedded in the dragon's hide) and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 120-foot radius receives a +1 luck bonus as per stone of good luck. If the dragon gives the gem to another creature, only the bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+36 hours but ends if the gem is destroyed.
SA–Detect Gems (Sp): 3/day, the dragon can use this ability. Similar to detect magic, this spell finds only gems. Studying for one round reveals presence or absence of gems, 2 rounds reveals exact number of gems, and 3 rounds reveals exact location, type, and value.
SA–Smite Evil (Su): 1/day, deal an additional +20 damage against an evil foe.
SA–Smite Chaos (Su): 1/day, deal an additional +20 damage against a chaotic foe.
SA–Turn Undead (Su): 17/day, the axiomatic celestial gold dragon can attempt to turn undead creatures. He can turn undead with no more than (1d20+64)/3 HD (max 24). Each attempt, he turns 2d6+34 total HD. Undead with 10 or fewer HD are destroyed instead.
SQ–Linked Minds (Ex): Axiomatic celestial gold dragons type within 300 feet of each other are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in the group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No axiomatic celestial gold dragons in the group are considered flanked unless they all are.
SQ–Immunities (Ex): Immune to sleep and paralysis.
SQ–Water Breathing (Ex): This dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapons, spells, and other abilities while submerged.
SQ–Blindsight (Ex): Dragons can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibrations and other environmental clues); this dragon's range is 360 feet. They do not need to make Spot or Listen checks
SQ–Keen Senses (Ex): Dragons can see four times as well as humans in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. They also have darkvision (range 1200 feet).
SQ–Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.
Spells Known (cast 6/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/5; as a level 19 sorcerer): 0–detect magic, resistance, detect poison, read magic, dancing lights, ghost sound, mage hand, open/close, mending; 1–endure elements, mage armor, divine favor, cure light wounds, shield; 2–bull's strength, cat's grace, blur, endurance, fog cloud; 3–haste, dispel magic, protection from elements, slow; 4–spell immunity, dimension door, improved invisibility, detect scrying; 5–cloudkill, righteous might, dominate person, teleport; 6–heal, greater dispelling, harm; 7–spell turning, destruction, greater scrying; 8–mass charm, maze, protection from spells; 9–Mordenkainen's disjunction, time stop.
Cleric Spells Prepared (6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5): 8-Empowered blade barrier (6); 9-miracle (5).
Domain Spells (No Devotion/Celerity, Luck, Mysticism, and Travel): 1-blur; 2-cat’s grace; 3-lesser aspect of the deity; 4-dimension door; 5-righeous might; 6-aspect of the deity; 7-teleport without error; 8-blink; 9-greater aspect of the deity.


First Post
For something completely different, I present my:

Gargantuan half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black pudding

[Based on my CR12 pudding smack from the Sultans of Smack...]

I haven't really worked on the character classes on this smack, just went for the forsaker for the SR. This removes all those nifty half-celestial spells, so if you find another way to get SR, that's probably even better....

You only need items for your forsaker abilities. To make this even better you need anti-magic, you could possibily do this with your mount, or take leadership and go for followers with anti-magic.

It's of course very silly, but I guess that is what we are aiming for here :) And it is legal by the rules.

Strong points: Immune to all weapon damage. Immune to all elemental damage (except sonic with 20 resistance). Immune to lots of other spells (mind, fear, etc.). SR 45. Can fly (40-good). Almost all abilities are (Ex), works equally well in an anti-magic field.

Weak points: Vulnerable to death effects if SR is beaten. Very slow, crap AC (but this doesn't matter much). Only average saves.

Tactics: Try to be hit as many times as possible with weapons (splitting into several puddings). Kill magic users, you are unkillable in melee. If you find some anti-magic, you'll win.

Gargantuan half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic Black Pudding Pal10, Forsaker 10 : CR 36; Gargantuan outsider; HD 30D12+30+10D12+10D12+500; hp 855; Init -4; Spd 20, fly 40 (good); AC 21 (-4 size, -4 Dex, +19 natural); Melee slam +58/+53/+48/+43/+38 (2d8+20 + 2d6 acid), bite +56 (2d8+10+ 2d6 acid), 2 claws +56 (2d6+10+ 2d6 acid); SA smite evil, smite chaos, breath weapon, turn undead; SQ improved grab, acid, constrict, split, blindsight 60', darkvision 60', lowlight vision 60', immune to mind influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, polymophing and critical hits [from ooze], linked minds, sonic resistance 20, fire immunity, cold immunity, electricity immunity, aura of courage, special mount, fast healing 3 (50), forsake magic, DR 11/+5, magic destruction, tough defence, natural weapons (+5), slippery mind; Face/Reach 10 ft by 40 ft / 15 ft; SR 45; AL LG, SV Fort +41, Ref +17; Will +22: Str 51, Dex 3, Con 30, Int 7, Wis 5, Cha 7

Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack + 8 more

Skills: 38*6+10+10= 228 points

SA–Smite Evil (Su): 1/day, deal an additional +20 damage against an evil foe.
SA–Smite Chaos (Su): 1/day, deal an additional +20 damage against a chaotic foe.
SA- Breath Weapon (su): 1/day, Cone of Fire, 6d10 damage (Ref DC20 for half).
SA–Turn Undead (Su): 1/day, the creature can attempt to turn undead creatures.
SQ- Improved Grab (Ex): To use ths ability, the half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black pudding must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.
SQ- Acid (Ex): The half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black pudding secretes a digestive acid that dissolves organic material and metal quickly. Any melee hit deals acid damage. The pudding’s acidic touch deals 50 points of damage per round to wood or metal objects. The opponent’s armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless they succeed at Reflex saves (DC 19). The acid can dissolve stone, dealing 20 points of damage per round of contact. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black puddingalso dissolves immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19).
SQ-Constrict (Ex): A half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black pudding deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent’s clothing and armor suffer a -4 penalty to Reflex saves against the acid.
SQ-Split (Ex): Weapons deal no damage to a half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black pudding. Instead the creature splits into two identical puddings, each with half the original’s hit points (round down). A pudding with only 1 hit point cannot be further split.
SQ–Linked Minds (Ex): Half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black puddings within 300 feet of each other are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in the group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No half-celestial, half-dragon (gold), axiomatic black puddings in the group are considered flanked unless they all are.
SQ–Immunities (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
SQ–Blindsight (Ex): An ooze’s entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.
SQ- Aura of Courage (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin is imune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10 feet of the paladin gain a +4 moral saving throw against feat effects.Granting the moral bonus to allies is a supernatural ability.
SQ- Special Mount (Ex): Upon or after reaching 5th level, a paladin can call an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve her in her crusade aginst evil. This mount is usually a heavy warhorse or a warpony.
SQ- Fast Healing (Ex): Forsakers regain hit points at an exceptionally fast rate. At 9th level, the forsaker regains 3 hit points per round, to a maximum restorable per day of 50.
SQ-Forsake Magic (Ex): The forsaker must avoid all use of spellcasting, spell-like abilities and magic items. The forsaker must also refuse any benefits from others magic.
SQ-Spell Resistance (Ex): Axiomatic creatures have spell resistance equal to double the creature's HD (maximum 25).
SQ-Spell Resistance (Ex): At 1st level, the forsaker gains spell resistance 11. This value increases by +1 with each level, and stacks with any other applicable spell resistance he has.
SQ-Damage Reduction (Ex): At 2nd level, the forsaker gains damage reduction 3/+1. This damage resistance rises with 2/+1 for every two forsaker levels he gains thereafter. The ability remain in effect only as long as the forsaker destroys the required value of magic items (100 gp per points of damage reduction) every 24 hours.
SQ-Tough Defence (Ex): At 3rd level, a forsaker gains a natural armor bonus equal to his Constitution monus (if any).
SQ-Natural Weapons (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the forsaker can fight as though he and his weapons were one. Any weapon he uses functions as if it were a natural weapon for overcoming damage reduction.
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First Post
RE: My black pudding

I forgot the Beast of Xvim (Monsters of Faerun) while we are at it.

The most important ablity is that all damage dies will increase one step (d8 to 2d6, d6 to d8). It'll also give it another Hit Dice.

In addition it'll give it Frightful Presence (Ex) - making creatures with fewer than 51 HD make a Will DC35 or be frightened (probably not very useful). But the most fun you gain is feed, giving you the ability to feed on your (humanoid) opponents. And it'll bump the Charisma to 11, almost triggering some paladin special powers.


And then you could add the half-elemental (air), the shadow template and finally the air elemental template. But then you are far into the realms of the improbable.....

But if you do this, your type changes to elemental, and you gain:

  • Dex+2, Con+2, Int+2,Wis+2,Cha+2
  • Natural Armor +1
  • spell abilities you can't use
  • +2 luck bonus on saves
  • evation
  • regenerate (probably fast healing) 2/round
  • shadow blend
  • speed x 1.5
  • fly speed 100 (perfect)
  • Dex +6
  • Flyby attack

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