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A Little Challenge


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(this is all completely by memory and not using any books, so feel free to correct me)

Or, with no ECL problems, you could be a barghest and get leadership, getting hundreds of extra HD from all those followers and cohorts that you eat.

If you need a fly speed, give the thing the air element template from manual of the planes, which gives extra dex and a 100 ft (perfect) fly speed. The dex will also help initiative.

For SR, take celestial/fiendish(?)/some other template that gives SR, or take 13 levels in monk, and the rest in forsaker. You can probably get up to SR in the 50s or something (you can at least get sr 45 this way, which will be tough to beat by any caster that doesn't have 26 levels or 22 levels and spell penetration). There are some creatures that have spell immunity to a handful or to all but a handful of spells...most notably will o' the wisp...and this could probably be abused quite easily. (perhaps a barghest who has been feeding for a while, shifted into a will o the wisp?...oh, and if you take will o the wisp, why not just get a spellsword that makes you immune to those other few spells, so that you dont have to worry about that either)

For initiative, you could always take iaijutsu master from OA to get chr to initiative, and also use kaupaer's skittish nerves (+5 init, magic of faerun) for an extra boost.

I think your best bet is to just be clever and try to look for something that other people might not notice. A lot of people will figure out how to get high DCs, massive strength, massive initiative, lots of prep rounds through time stop, etc. etc...but if you come up with something neat like the pixie in the backpack or 100-armed gestalt horror, then you probably have an okay chance of pulling off a win.

That's about all I can think of for now....

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Ziggy, your black pudding seems fun and all but how do you explain two half templates on the same creature?

I mean how does a black pudding end up with one celestial mother and a shiny draconic father and still remain a pudding?

FANGO, thanks for the advice. I already have most of my character planned out and I will be using some of the idea here. Too bad I don't have BoEMII to check up that Gestalt spell. That would be really cool. Can you imagine a 100 armed tarrasque samurai slicing up people? Once I have played the game, i will post up my character and see if it is worthy enough to enter the hall of fame of the Smackdown Sultans.

Just curious Jairami what exactly would the requirements be for entering that hall of fame?


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Asmodeus said:
Ziggy, your black pudding seems fun and all but how do you explain two half templates on the same creature?

I mean how does a black pudding end up with one celestial mother and a shiny draconic father and still remain a pudding?

Well, it all depends on how you define those half-XXX templates.

The main issue the question of what "half" really means. What happens if a half-dragon breed with a dragon ? Do you then get a 3/4-dragon ? And what happens if a half-dragon (human) breeds with an elf ? Do you then get a 1/4 dragon, 1/4 human, halfelf ? Or is it a half-dragon half-elf ?

One could possibly construct the half-dragon half-celestial axiomatic black pudding by breeding an axiomatic black pudding with a dragon, producing a half-dragon axiomatic black pudding, then breeding this offspring (which is type dragon) with a half-celestial axiomatic black pudding. Technically this is then a 1/4 celestial, 1/4 dragon, 1/2 axiomatic black pudding, but as this is not covered by the rules, we call it a half-celestial, half-dragon axiomatic black pudding....

IMO those kind of rationalizations are silly anyway, as long as it is allowed by the rules (mainly regulated by what kind of template could be applied to what kind of creature), I see no reason for disallowing it (in a smack, not in real play). After all, adding character classes to all kind of creatures is kindof silly anyway...



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The requirements for getting into the Sultans of Smack archive are:

Must be a legal, entertaining, character (preferrably of 16th level or ECL 16 total) using no house rules or custom rules that is capable of doing a minimum 200 or more points of damage in a single round.

Creativity and Originality are strongly encouraged, as are edits that correct initial mistakes that can and generally will be pointed out.

Defense, character feasibility, and utility are added perks though generally, just the actual smackdown tactic is concentrated on, one area of exceptional expertise. Going into every single thing the character can do well or exceptionally well may cause a lapse in reader concentration and interest.

That cover about everything?


WotC's bitch
Since ECLs don't count for this, you could just play Cthulhu. His stats have recently been published in the CoC book. Just give him 20 class levels to match it with the others.

However, this might be construed as munchkin, so it might be a good idea to limit yourself to 20 levels of commoner or something.


First Post
Pah, I'm pretty sure Cthulhu must be a duelist. Probably Rog7/Ftr3/Duelist10. After all he doesn't wear any armor, so it's important to get that extra AC from somewhere...

:) :D


P.S: Or maybe alienist ? Something like Wiz10/Ali10 maybe ?
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Um - "Persistent Time Stop" would NOT work that way.

I have to know three and only three things.

1. Is ANY race - including taking a race from the MM legal?
If yes - go with Solar and 20 levels of other stuff. Like Jair's idea for what you should do with the other 20 levels.

All those SLA's ...

Solars can cast divine spells from the cleric list and from the Air, Destruction, Good, Law, and war domains as 20th level clerics

- by virtue of being solars...
pg 31 MM

You best bet assult stratagem is to get several scrolls of Time Stop.

Have a magic item that gives you haste - contunuously - using the item construction rules. Drop the Fox's cunning spell as part of your spell progression - using the broken incantrix nastiness.

On your first full round -
Fox's cunning(first) Time Stop(second).

On the second round of the time stop - use another time stop scroll.

When the time stop expires - all your spells go off (so you see results) - and the second time stop comes into effect.

Nota Bene - Several Mordenkainen's disjunctions go a LONG way to ending the battle early by ending all wards - and with these save DC's - possibly destroying all magic items in the posession of the character. If you know how many people will be in the arena... you know how many spells to prepare.

Repeat the time stop process for as long as is needed to empty spell progression - then go to Solar SLA's primary focusing on three things imparticular.

Three heals -
Three Shapechanges -
Teleport without error - at will.

Don't move into melee combat - Teleport into melee combat. Your opponent can't "run" due to this feature.

Use a True Seeing spell - to stop the use of illusionary defences in combat - so that you can smack your opposition.

suggested stats - using average solar racial bonuses by reverse calculation...
score = startStat + Race + mod(other)

Str 34 15 +18 race +1 inherent
Dex 28 17 +10 race +1 inherent
Con 24 13 +10 race +1 inherent
Int 47 18 +12 race +5 inherent +6 item +5 levels
Wis 31 16 +14 race +1 inherent
Cha 29 14 +14 race +1 inherent

Now - if you do the wiz 5/incantrix 8/spelldancer 4/Acm 3 thing...

Taking spellpower +1, +2, and +3 - for a +6 bonus...

Spell save DC's excluding feat and buff spell adjustments:

0 34
9 43

Spellcasting Prodigy could affect this, and I have never seen the spelldancer class - but I don't know FRCS of the d20 class texts that well.

The incantrix nasitnness should be sufficent to push these DC's even higher.

Equipment to get this:

You only need a +4 tome of clear thought - as you can use claim you used your wish SLA to "finish" the +5 sequence - saying you used your SLA wish and the tome simultaneously.

Magic items needed:
+6 int item
+4 Tome of Clear thought

Magic Items Suggested:
An item that gives you haste - as the spell - continuously when worn. - Need to construct this using item creation rules.

+5 scimitar with Defending, Ghost touch, keen, flaming, and wounding features

+5 mighty longbow with Distance, shocking burst, and flaming burst qualities

As many time stop scrolls as you can purchase


First Post
Magus_Jerel said:

1. Is ANY race - including taking a race from the MM legal?
If yes - go with Solar and 20 levels of other stuff. Like Jair's idea for what you should do with the other 20 levels.


But he cannot damage my black pudding :)

Of course the pudding probably cannot get his pseudpods on the solar either, unless the solas attacks it and makes a bunch of puddings.


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